State Management :: Taking Too Much Time To Fetch Data From .xls File And Storing It In To Database
Nov 6, 2010
I am fetching data from .xls file and storing it in to database. Then my users work on a single table where I stored all .xls data. But the problem is that it takes tooooo much time.. So, I want to use cache. But I never used this... Can any one tell me this example how can I use cache with database for increasing application speed?
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Sep 18, 2010
We have a scenario where we need to store large tables of data on Session in page. on a highlevel we have to store following data
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2> A table(table 2) with 500 rows and 8 to 10 columns (actually user can add the data from table 1 to table 2, so as user keeps on adding from table 1 we remove the data and put it in table 2)
3> Another table(table 3) with 1000-1200 rows each having 3 columns.
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Nov 23, 2010
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But once again if i go back to the Order page to order some more products to the cart,the cart total in the order page is showing 0 amount. This is my Shopping cart controller action method,
public ActionResult ShoppingCart(int eventID)
Event e = eRepository.GetEvent(eventID);
var cart = Stalbans.Models.ShoppingCart.GetCart(this.HttpContext);
So once i will go to the shopping cart page from the order page and again coming back to the order page it has to show the same cart total. Actually data is persisted in the cart total but it is not showing .Because if you add one more item its amount will added to the existimng cart total and then shows the current cart total. So for the first time i click back at that it has to show the already existed cart total in the cart total value.
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Jun 1, 2010
I've begun building a bit of a framework that I wouldnt mind working with. The idea is to create a framework that makes it even easier to create CMS addons (So basically a CMS framework).
One of my goals with this project, was having all modules made within the framework automatically support version without any extra coding.
More to the point, the way that I started building this, many pieces (Lots had to do with the versioning system) became interlinked. A version Object in the code related directly to a Module Object and vice versa, therefore the class definitions for each relate to eac otherh. (So having only the Module object, i could access the versioning object and all of its properties). My issue with this is of course what happens if i have both the module and versioning objects in my code simoultaneously, resulting in having not just duplicates of the data within the code, but (perhaps) infinite amounts, killing the app.
So what im wondering is, what if my modules properties where stored within the cache? Ie if i had the Module object, and it had the property ID -- Then the data for ID would be stored in the cache within the module object. Referencing the value simply retrieves the value from the cache if it exists there, and the SQL database if it doesnt. This way, all instances of the module that may be running at the same time will have access to the same information, at the same time, and hopefully causing it to use less space in total.
I would then add a function, so that if a developer was loading a rarely used module, or dident want to occupy cache space with large amounts of data, then they could just call a Dispose function that would remove the data from the cache.
Does this method sound reasonable? I know this probably isnt what the cache is designed for -- but I cant think of any other way to do this without having an infinite loop of objects referring to each other, or causing huge discrepencies from having different instances of objects referencing values that should be the same, but arent because they are technically different instances.
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Apr 6, 2010
I am developing questionare web site, where user has to answer around 55 questions. Its basically a check / uncheck option. So when user submit I store the value in DB.
The issue I am facing is if user selectes all the option, cookie value is lost. I see only 50 records can be stored (Request.Cookies.AllKeys)
Even the SessionID value is lost.Any solution / work around.
I need to store in the client side only. because if the user choose all options and do not submit. The values can be stored in the cookie and later point if he comes back we can read and give to him
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Nov 11, 2010
anybody tell me how can i check session is storing value or not?
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Jun 3, 2010
get the list of all sessionid which will be running onto server without storing them anywhere.
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Apr 14, 2010
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Nov 29, 2010
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Therefore, I think I should be using application caching to store the data in a dataset. However, I am slightly stumped as to how to do this.... because how can i ensure that the dataset is kept up to date.
The only way I can think to do this is to have a master user/session (i.e. the first session in the application) that keeps the cache object updated every second, then other users can use that cache object. If the first session ends, then the next requestor of the cache will pick up responsibility for keeping the dataset up to date.
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Jan 18, 2011
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Oct 18, 2010
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Behind code VB:
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Jan 21, 2011
I'm using the following line of code to display the number of users currently logged on:
lblNoOfUsers.Text = Membership.GetNumberOfUsersOnline().ToString()
I'm still debugging my application so it's on the local server. As I debug and stop then debug again, eventually lblNoOfUsers.text turns to "0" instead of "1", even as I'm navigating my application. It only turns to "1" again if I log out and sign back in. It's almost as though Membership.GetNumberOfUsersOnline my login are referencing two different session states. How is this possible? Does create a new session state cookie each time I start debugging?
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Aug 5, 2010
Whenever I add an entry to the Hosts file on Windows, it takes a long time for the change to take place? I have tested using Firefox and IE and it seems to take around 5 minutes on both of them before the new IP/Domain entry on Hosts is recognised.
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Apr 29, 2010
Input: - 3 excel files storing them into global temporary tables after reading cell by cell.
Requirement is to process inputs files and generate a single excel report.
After report gets exported, data in tables in should be deleted (i am using global temp tables for this).
But the problem is, two users are unable to generate report simultaneously.
Is this problem with global temporary tables?
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Jan 10, 2011
<sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="300"></sessionState>
is my session related tag in web.config file but most of the time if i idle 20 minutes then its automatically timedout and went to my login page, is there any solution ?
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May 25, 2010
I'm working on a blog and want to show my posts in eastern time zone. i figured that storing everything UTC would be the proper way. This creates a few challenges though:I have to convert all times from UTC to Eastern. This is not a biggie but adds a lot of code.And the "biggie" is that I use a short-date time to reference the posts by passing in a query, ala blogger. The problem is that there is no way to convert the short date time to the proper UTC date because I'm lacking the posted time info.
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Dec 15, 2010
I am working on the application that allows user to upload a file (from their local machine) and store the uploaded file in database.Then,the content of the file (such as ContentType,FileSize etc)can be view in a DetailsView control.
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Sep 21, 2010
i am building an N-tier application now i want to store Data(like XmlNode) that is common to all users ..
now i thought using Application to hold the data but my data lays in the BLL tier which is an Class Library project and i can't store any datain there for example :
HttpApplication MyApp=new HttpApplication();
My question is what is the best way to store Data (not small data like user name etc..) is it Application? orCache?
i would like a small example within a ClassLibrary project
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