State Management :: Which Place(exact Folder) The Session & Session Id Will Be Stored

May 3, 2010

which place(exact folder) the session & session id will be stored?

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Similar Messages:

State Management :: Deleting Folder And Session State Mode?

Mar 16, 2011

I write a simple web site in In one page i want to delete a folder of web root. When i delete it folder, the all session in project is changed to null. I write a post in this forum. Here is the adress of it post: ([URL]) Some pepole answer me to change the session state mode to StateServer. In default the session state mode is Inproc, and i changed the session state mode to stateServer.but when i changed the session to stateserver this error is appear in application eventlog after two day and my web site dont working in iis. This error is like this:

Event Type:
Event Source:
ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0
Event Category:
Web Event
Event ID:
1:27:55 PM
Event code: 3009
Event message: Unable to make the session state request to the session state server. Details: last phase='Sending request to the state
server', error code=0x80072749, size of outgoing data=0
Event time: 3/12/2011 1:27:55 PM
Event time (UTC): 3/12/2011 8:57:55 AM
Event ID: a5c8bfd16f74429e820989e8ce8082d0
Event sequence: 10
Event occurrence: 1
Event detail code: 50016
Application information:
Application domain: /LM/W3SVC/1547208020/Root-1-129443938731955000
Trust level: Full
Application Virtual Path: /
Application Path: C:InetpubwwwrootClishareClishare
Machine name: WIN2003-00A346F
Process information:
Process ID: 1276
Process name: aspnet_wp.exe
Account name: WIN2003-00A346FASPNET
Exception information:
Exception type: HttpException

Exception message: Unable to make the session state request to the session state server. Please ensure that the ASP.NET State service is started and that the client and server ports are the same. If the server is on a remote machine, please ensure that it accepts remote requests by checking the value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesaspnet_stateParametersAllowRemoteConnection. If the server is on the local machine, and if the before mentioned registry value does not exist or is set to 0, then the state server connection string must use either 'localhost' or '' as the server name.

Request information:
Request URL: [URL]
Request path: /main/home.aspx
User host address:
Is authenticated: False
Authentication Type:
Thread account name: WIN2003-00A346FASPNET
Thread information:
Thread ID: 1
Thread account name: WIN2003-00A346FASPNET
Is impersonating: False

Stack trace: Custom event details: For more information, see Help and Support Center at [URL]. When i reset ASP.NET State service, the problem is fixed, but after one or two days, this problem apears again. What's the problem and how can i fix it? And how can i delete a folder in without the session is lost?

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State Management :: Navigate Through A List Stored In Session?

Aug 31, 2010

I would have a dataset that I would break into 5 new generic LIST<>. Now the user needs to see one record at a time and navigate through the list

Fields like
From date : Text box with calendar
To Date : Text box with calendar
Manager Reporting To : Drop down list
Buttons on Move Back and move Forward

Now I would have 4 such similar lists which I have to pick up from the audit table. When the user clicks on move back and move forward buttons he should be able to navigate through records in my list that I have fetched in the beginning . I can store itin a session or viewstate till it gets updated again. How do I achieve this.

Should I be writing a webmethod to go back and pick up the next record agian and display

Can I also a gridview instead of textboxes.

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State Management :: Session Values Are Not Getting Stored If More Users Access The Site

Apr 2, 2010

l am facing a problem with session.

If many users access the site, the session gets crashed and data which i store to access across pages is getting lost.

a best way to store data (as session does) so that i can use the data across my web application.

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State Management :: Lost Some Values From Collection Stored In Session Variable?

Jul 27, 2010

I am creating a presentation on basis of some selected values and maitaning the selected values in a session variable named Session("userPref") in collection form.

Now I am opening a TablePreview.aspx page by javascript function.

On Page_Load of TablePreview.aspx I am reading some values of Session("userPref") and doing some operatons.

For saving the presentation I have created a page wizardsave.aspx.

Now I am opening the wizardsave.aspx from TablePreview.aspx by function for saving presentation, but on Page_Load of wizardsave.aspx. I found that some value from collection stored in Session("userPref") have lost.

View 4 Replies

State Management :: Session Variable Be Hacked As They Are Stored In An External Data Source?

May 30, 2010

i have done the following

void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs when a new session is started [code]...

basically am using them to store user id and status, so that pages can be validated, by there use.i can stop person from accessing home directly wihtout signing is and so on.can session variable be hacked as they are stored in an external data source and are available to the full website?

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State Management :: Error :Session State Has Created A Session Id, But Cannot Save It?

Nov 18, 2010

I read the solutioin for this error, at the following link : I am still not clear what exactly causes the error. I have two doubts :1. Can anyone please elaborate a bit on this issue, with any example ????2. Is there any drawback of this approach ?

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State Management :: Global.asax To Load Up Several Session Variable When A Session Starts?

Sep 14, 2010

I added the following code to global.asax to load up several session variable when a session starts. I'm assuming that when a page goes to use the variable that I should be

1) checking at the page level that the value is valid not 0 when its not expected to be 0, not a zero-length string when its expected to have a length

2) have code at the page level that sets the values if the values have not been set as when the Session timeout, ideally putting the code in a class derived from Page and then deriving all of my pages from the new class so that the code does not have to be repeated in every page


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State Management :: Differentiate Between New Session Create For New Website Visit Or Session Expired

Mar 2, 2011

I have a problem by getting session which created for new site visit or session expired.

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State Management :: Session And Session Variables Not Stable In Development Server?

Oct 11, 2010

I use some session variables to get the job done(shopping cart, etc) but it is not stable..manytimes I get no items in session object and other times(refreshing the page) I get missing data...I downloaded the entire site code to my local pc and debugged it and run it succesfully without any session data missing...When I run it in the server, I get bad session again: no products in shopping cart or products with missing quantities...

The same website runs smoothly in our production server too....The problem is with our development server...

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State Management :: Session Variables And Tabs / Is There A Way To Reset The Session Variable

Nov 11, 2010

I have some code in my page load event where I just want to fire once when the user opens the Browser. The only issue is if you open a new tab with the same website the session variable does not reset. Is there a way to reset the session variable when you open a new tab or do you have to take the whole web browser down for it to clear the session variable.

In Global Page:


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State Management :: Session - User Closes Browser, The Session Does Not Get Killed?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a website live in

now if user closes browser. the session does not get killed.

I spoke with friend and he said that cannot be done as sessions are on server.

but i see banking website who kills session when browser is closed.

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State Management :: Session Variable Persisting Even After Abandoning A Session - Closing Browser Windows

Aug 5, 2010

I have been spending a better part of a week trying to track down why I am not able to clear all session variables in a web app (vs 2010, What I have tracked it down to is that when I remove or abandon sessions that my html pages or codebehind access, it works, but for some reason in any of my class files where I use "Public Shared strConnection as String = HttpContext.Current.Session("strConnection").ToString" to access a session variable, it finds the old one and not the current one. I have to wait for it to time out, go in again, and it will find the new one.

I do not use Linq, and there is only one place in the whole web app that I place the connection string in a variable whcih is when a person logs in. It points them to the correct database. The sqlconnection is set for all of my listviews in Page_Init to make sure that they aren't using any session variable that they create on their own. Interestingly enough that if I use debug to go in each time, exit debug, enter debug again trying to access a different database, it works correct each time. I assume that debug is correctly killing the session variable for the classes for me.

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State Management :: Session Gets Lost When Set Session Response.cookie

Jan 25, 2011

I need to make my session cookie as secure but whenever i check user authentication and after that i am trying to set cookie to true then my session lost my user information and so it always redirect login page. I am settings user to HttpContext.Current.Session["user"] and check every time, is user is valid and if valid then move ahead. but before that i make my session cookie as true.


but after that i observe that somehow "Session_Start" event gets called.

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State Management :: How To Manage Session Data Outside The Session Object

Oct 7, 2010

I want to be able to persist data across a session but do this outside of the built-in session state object. Why is a long story that I will not go into here. I just need to know where I can put data other than in the session object that will persist across the specific session.

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State Management :: Set Session Alive No Session Timed Out?

Dec 29, 2010

how to set session alive no session timed out problem

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State Management :: What Is Session And What Is Session Variable

Apr 21, 2010

I am new to Can you please guide me what is session and session variables ? Please I don't need a comparision of asp session and session because I don't know anything about asp. I have saw many articles on types of session as well. But still I cant understand exectly what is session and what are session variables in ?

View 9 Replies

Is It Possible To Place View State In The Session

Feb 15, 2011

(I have a feeling i'm making a mental error thinking this is possible, because it seems too easy, but here goes)

For my intranet web app with 20 users on slow machines, the view state is slowing down their browsers.

But the network is local and fast. So I think to myself, why bother putting all that data on the user's browser?...Something like putting it in the database and then all the page needs to maintain is a unique key. But then I remembered that's how session state pretty much works.

QUESTION: Am I missing something or is this really possible?

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State Management :: Upload Image To Session And Read From Session To Image Control?

Jan 9, 2011

i want to upload picture throw FileUpload control and then store it in session, after store in session i want to read it out to image control and insert to database.

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State Management :: How To Control Session Timeout / Get Or Set Session Timeout Dynamic

Mar 9, 2011

I wanna write a method to get or set session timeout at run time.

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State Management :: How To Link The Objects Between Browser Session And Session Objects

May 10, 2010

Lets say I am doing a shoping cart. I authenticate the user with a session variable.For example:

// Here I want to add to the shoping cart.
// Can I do the following
Session["Cart"] = "Washing Machine";
Now will this Session["Cart"] value which is washing machine here be unique to diff customers?

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State Management :: Session Mode State Server - Sending Asynchronous Request

Nov 5, 2010

Customer were getting "View State Validation Error" due to worker process recycling at our production webserver and to fix that i applied machinekey and then move my Session state Mode from In Proc to State Server to retain session data and not kick out the customer to relogin. I had serialization issue with one object which has to be stored in session but when i moved it out of session i could able to resolve the issue.

But doing all these i was partly successfull in keeping the user in their session when Worker Process recycle event occurs.I was able to refresh the page or make a post back by clicking the refresh button and also able to retain the session values. But the Problem occurs when sending asynchronous request to server which we do periodically every 15 minutes from the moment the user logs in.The web page doesnot update data on website when sending asynchronous request.By Debugging I found at this particular code point it fails to make a postback which is required.

<%=GetHintFromServer%> (When there is no Worker Process recycle i t gets replaced by
WebForm_DoCallback('__Page',message,ShowHint,null,null,false) on postback) Everything works fine when there is no Worker Process Recyling but when it happens looks like sending request asynchronously using javascript fails .Remember When I make a post back by manually clicking submit button everything works fine.

function SendRequest(msg, isBusy, chartMsg, vesselMsg)
_busy = isBusy;
if(chartMsg != null)
_element.SetMessage(true, chartMsg);
if(vesselMsg != null)
_element.ShowVesselLoading(true, vesselMsg);
_stuckWatchdog = setTimeout( "ClearPendingRequest();", 60000);
var message = msg;
var context = '';
alert( "Exception error on SendRequest(): " + e);

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State Management :: Unable To Serialize The Session State In 'StateServer' And 'SQLServer' Mode

Dec 12, 2010

I am new to .net 4.0 and am using EF Model and SessionState Mode=SqlServer and I am getting this error below:

Unable to serialize the session state. In 'StateServer' and 'SQLServer' mode, ASP.NET will serialize the session state objects, and as a result non-serializable objects or MarshalByRef objects are not permitted. The same restriction applies if similar serialization is done by the custom session state store in 'Custom' mode.

I checked the stack trace and its complaining about

[assembly: global::System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EdmSchemaAttribute()]
[assembly: global::System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EdmRelationshipAttribute("PoplarGroveModel", "tblMenuRole", "tblMenu", global::System.Data.Metadata.Edm.RelationshipMultiplicity.Many, typeof(PoplarGroveDataModel.Menu), "tblRole",


I marked it as serializable but then it complains about System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext is not marked as serializable and hence throws the same error.

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State Management :: Recreate State Session Database In SQL Server 2008?

Apr 5, 2010

Our ASP.NET App uses ASP State Session Management and has been rebuilt about 2 years ago [With .NET Framework 2.0]. We are currently in .NET framework 3.5 and have moved to SQL Server 2008 - but continue to use the same ASPState database. The State database has been upgraded to SQL Server 2008. Since then we have are seeing timouts/locks on ASPStateTempSessions table. I am wondering if we have to rebuild this database from scratch with some newer scripts?

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State Management :: Asp Create New Session State Cookie Each Time On Debugging?

Jan 21, 2011

I'm using the following line of code to display the number of users currently logged on:

lblNoOfUsers.Text = Membership.GetNumberOfUsersOnline().ToString()

I'm still debugging my application so it's on the local server. As I debug and stop then debug again, eventually lblNoOfUsers.text turns to "0" instead of "1", even as I'm navigating my application. It only turns to "1" again if I log out and sign back in. It's almost as though Membership.GetNumberOfUsersOnline my login are referencing two different session states. How is this possible? Does create a new session state cookie each time I start debugging?

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