Strategy For Making A Mobile Version Of A EPiServer Site?

Feb 16, 2011

I am about to a client develop a mobile version of their EPiServer site. The mobile version should have different functionality than the regular but some content might be shared so that it won't have be maintained twice.

I'm thinking about using jQuery Mobile as the user interface system to reach as many users as possible with the same solution and possibly for best detection of mobile devices.

Does anyone have any experience in how to do this with EPiServer? How to structure? I'm thinking of using a sub-node (/mobile) that gets hidden on the regular site but I'm not sure it's the best solution.

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How To Create Mobile Version Of Website

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And i want to make it mobile phone web, such that user can use it through his / her cell phone. I don't have any knowledge about XML And also i don't have knowledge of .NET. How can I do this?

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WebMatrix :: Creating A Mobile Version From Website ?

Feb 13, 2011

creating a mobile version of the website I have created in WebMatrix. I have created the website and the email form and the data input forms and all seems to work ok with the SQL Server Compact 4 database, but I now want to create a version to run on my smartphone (it's a htc hd2 running windows mobile 6.5.3, though I think I may have to produce it to run on windows mobile 7 -feel free to comment).

There are some good tutorials out there for WebMatrix generally but I have yet to find anything covering the scenario above.

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How To Structure Website To Expose Mobile Version

Mar 11, 2011

Pretend i have an existing web-site, e.g.:[URL]i now want to expose a mobile version of this web-site:
IIS, with its host-header name resolution, would normally require two web-sites to be created:

Except now i have two web-sites in IIS. This means i have to duplicate code/files between them. i don't need to (nor do i want to) duplicate all the "model" and "controller" code between two web-sites. i would much rather have one web-site that exposes a mobile version.

i could have the default page in simply perform a redirect to a mobile landing page on the "real" web-site:


<% Response.Redirect "" %>

Then the client will end up at (for example)

This isn't what i want. i want it to appear to the browser that they are visiting

So what i could do in IIS is have two host-header names for one IIS web-site:
and inspect the http-request HOST header: [URL]


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[URL] ....
[URL] ....

But still I am confused how to start. I have made some websites in which i was applying JQuery, Ajax, webservices this technology. Now i want to make that website in a lighter mobile version(windows phone, android phone, tablet, iphone, other mobile device).

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Performance - Creating A Mobile Version Of The Existing 3.5 Application?

Jan 12, 2011

I have an existing web application developed in Asp.Net F/W 3.5 and a mobile version of the same need to be created.

May i have some suggestions on:

How can i start with?.Some links & sites that would give me more clarity on how to approach this requirement. Is there any ASP.Net/iis features or Visual Studio option that ease this mobile version creation? As there are RadControls & Ajax used throughout the application, what should i be careful about? Will it require every form in the UI to be replaced and take the same time as the old UI creation? What all thinks should i be considering in the performance/optimization point of view?.

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this is my css for the mobile version I was just wondering how I can change the size of the textboxes for the mobile version to make them smaller but don't change on the computer version? if you go here on the mobile version youll see what I mean URL... the code for the form is inside this class tag.

<section class="left-col">

PHP Code:

/*--------MEDIA!!!-----------*/@media screen and (max-width: 478px){   body{    
font-size: 13px;    }}@media screen and (max-width: 740px){          nav {        
width: 100%;        margin-bottom: 10px;    }    nav ul{        list-style: none;        
margin: 0 auto;        padding-left: 0px;    }    nav ul li{        text-align:  center;        
margin-left: 0 auto;        width: 100%;        border-top: 1px solid #878E63;  


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Redirects to a page with an error, the desktop version works on mobile no, is how to fix it

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May 29, 2010

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how i can do that so that all user's can see that messages and all the link's should not work for that time interval

but the Maintenance staff and their id should be able to make changes and see

if anyone has any idea about this one please tell me how to do this in because this same thing can be done in any cms s/w

Language-ASP.NET C#

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Jan 19, 2011

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Cross Browser - Site Mobile Phone Support?

Jan 16, 2010

I need to make my site work well on a blackberry, i haven't put too much effort into getting this working yet, but i have a few questions which google is struggling with.I've read about detecting brower type and modifying the default behaviour of controls hereHow would I go about supplying a differant stylesheet to a specific browser, should i just do this?

if (Request.Browser.Browser.ToString() == "blackberry") //pseudocode

This will work fine, but i feel like there is a better method, i'm sure i've read about something in the past but i can't seem to recall.I'm also considering a response.redirect to a differant page for a blackberry, which at the moment i would implemenet in a similar way.

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C# - Development Environment For ASP With EpiServer

Jan 8, 2010

At our company we are going to develop more for the Windows platform than we have done up until now. As this scale of Windows development is new to us it would be nice with some feedback from experienced developers. Requirements we have: 5 developers from the beginning. 15 developers a year from now. All developers should be able to develop at the same time. Be able to develop solution for ASP.NET and EpiServer 5. Our idea:

A shared server which developers use for development through Terminal Services. SQL Server Express. Start with some free express edition of Visual Studio, upgrade to a commercial version if we need the additional features. Use IIS and not the web server built into Visual Studio. Questions:

Are we on the right track?

In terms of license costs the above should be cheapest, right?

What do you think about multiple developers doing development using a shared TS-server?

Do you know of any company which has a similar development environment?

Are we going to miss some features of the full Visual Studio version immediately? Is using Express version a bad choice? Is IIS the best choice? If use IIS the developers may use the same port for deployment. If we use the built in web server each one has to set their own port as we're sharing a machine.

Comment answer:
We are thinking about a shared server as it will most likely decrease the license costs. So it's purely a cost issue. We are using CVS for version control. Our situation is that we develop on Mac and Linux, that's why buying 1 server license + Visual Studio licenses seems to be a cost effective way of starting this type of development.

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Configuration :: Deployment Of Web Site Like A Trial Version?

Mar 24, 2011

I have developed a small website which is working on SQL server.. And also found Deployment process which is working well in my system. But my actual need is when I am deploying a project there should be some time limit to work that particular application like a trial version to give demonstration to others.

how to deploy a project like a trial version....

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Changing Framework Version Of Site From Web.config

Apr 16, 2010

I have a framework 2.0 website, I want to change it's framework version to 3.5. Is it possible to do this manually from web.config file? I don't want to change from visual studio property pages. I need to change from web.config, what should I do?

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Version .net Site Like Doing So With AssemblyInfo.cs In Class Libraries?

May 31, 2010

Is it possible to version a site like doing so with AssemblyInfo.cs in Class Libraries?

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Making The VS2010 Publish Wizard To Copy App_offline.htm While It Is Publishing The Site?

Sep 2, 2010

After seeing the Hanselman "You are doing it wrong" video I start to use the Web Publish feature of VS2010.

What I'm really missing is that the websites sometimes gives errors while the site is publishing because the feature does not copy the app_offline.htm file to the server.

I do not want to start using MSDeploy scripts, because I have several sites and want to keep it simple.

Maybe there is a simple tweak to tell the wizard to copy and then delete the file.

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Localization :: Search Engine Only Sees One Language Version Of Site?

Jan 24, 2011

I'm using a cookie to keep track of the language.

The url stays the same for the french, english, polish, spanish, italian versions of the site since the content is located in seperate .resx files. and the code stays the same for all.

I need search engines to see all versions of my site.

And I need to stay on the same domain for all languages. No subdomains.

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C# - Get The Parent Page Of A PageDefinitionTypePlugIn Property In EPiServer?

Feb 1, 2010

I've got a [PageDefinitionTypePlugIn] PropertyString (it's a dropdownlist), and I'd like to be able to detect what it's parent page is. Generally, Global.EPDataFactory.CurrentPage works fine to return the page, but when a NEW page is being created, CurrentPage returns null.I need to know prior to the render of the control what the parent is, since I'm changing the list of values in the dropdown depending on where the current page is in the navigation heirarchy structure.

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Configuration :: Virtual Directory Targeting Newer Framework Version Than Parent Site?

Mar 25, 2011

There is an existing 2.0 app on an IIS 6 server. I need to add a feature/page to this site (third party app, don't have source code). I'm creating my tool in VS targeting dotnet 4. For end user convenience I need my tool to be available within the same url namespace as this .net 2.0 app. I assumed I would just create a new virtual directory within this existing app to put my app. But I hadn't thought about the different framework versions.... the web server does have v 4 installed. So can I create my virtual directory and host my v4 tool there, within the v2 website?

anything I should be aware of to make that work?

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Visual Studio :: Cannot Access Mobile Web Page Template Nor Mobile Web Control In VS 2008 Or 2010?

Feb 7, 2011

I am trying to start a new mobile web application project but cannot find the mobile page template originally available on VS 2005, nor can I get the mobile web controls to display in the toolbox even though I have then all selected in the tool-> select toolbox items why? and what can I do?

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