Tracking Progress Of 'Publish Web' Action In VS2008?

May 11, 2010

I'm using the "Publish Web" action to deploy my web application. Is there a way to track it (see the progress) of this action?

Does the command line version report progress? Is there a better alternative?

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Configuration :: VS2008 Publish Failed With User Control?

May 13, 2010

Using VS 2008 on Windows 7 trying to publish to Windows 2003 Server.

Receive the following error:

Unable to add '_MainFoot.ascx' to the Web site. Server error: A page with the name _MainFoot.ascx already exists. It was last modified by SERVERuser on 22 Apr 2010 11:20:29 -0700.

========== Publish: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

The user control in the error is not a new control and has been previously published. It has been edited and I am trying to publish again with the update.

Options for Publish to IIS are:

1. Replace matching files with local copies
2. Only files needed to run this application
3. Include files from the App_Data folder

This problem occurs only with user controls, changes to webforms publish correctly.

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Configuration :: Using VS2008 To build / Compile Web Application And Then Publish It To The Server?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm relatively new to actually publishing sites on my own..Anyway, right now I am using VS2008 to build / compile my web application and then publish it to the server. Simple enough, until I want to change several of the code behinds, and don't want to spend 30 minutes re-publishing several thousand documents.

I have been reading that publishing via VS is not the best approach, so I guess I have two questions:

1. Using VS2008, is there a way to build the project and publish only certain parts of the project such as the pre-compiled code or better yet have VS only update the code that has been changed on the server? I suppose I could simply publish it to my local drive and pick apart the files from there / is there a better way?

2. In your opinion what is the best deployment strategy?

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Visual Studio :: About The VS2010 FTP Publish Status / Progress ?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm the first time using VS2010 deployment tool. I selected FTP publish, and all the configurations are correct. I'm just confused that after I clicked publish, there is no window or text shows the status of the uploading progress. When would it be finished? It's taking so long, and in the meantime I can't do anything.

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AJAX :: Using Update Progress With Form Action?

Apr 7, 2010

Im using youtube api for uploading videos on tube through my website. I am able to upload the videos, but what i need is something to show to the user that my webpage is doing something. So to do that i am using an update panel with update progress. That problem im having is, when i clicked other buttons the update progress shows, but when i click on upload video button which is of input type file and submit, it never shows the update progress. Although there is a request in the page wwhich shows in the status bar about connecting to youtube.

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SQL Reporting :: Publish Sql Reporting Server From VS2008?

Feb 12, 2010

I have installed the sql reporting server in my system. Issue 1:I am not able to publish the reports from visual studio. When I publish a login box is displayed, and when given admin credentials, it does not accept and shows the box again. The users I tried to login with are members of Administrator groupIssue 2:Report manager URL is given as localhost/Reports_SQLEXPRESS in reporting service configuration manager. But when I use that in the browser, it asks for login, and when provided admin credentials, it gets redirected to localhost/Reports_SQLEXPRESS/Pages/Folder.aspx. There are no property tabs, just the report server page header. The only links are "home" and "help".

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C# - Make A Progress Bar That Updates The User On The Progress Of The AJAX Call?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm trying to make a progress bar that updates the user on the progress of the AJAX call.

My immediate thinking was that I need an AJAX call to start a thread on the server, allowing the starting AJAX call to finish, and allowing the thread to send updates back to the user.

For the purpose of simplicity, disregard the actual progress bar functionality (I was thinking of implementing one of those JS bars, with fancy colors and effects ;), but if I can get an update from the thread, then updating a simple JS progress bar becomes trivial ;) )

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AJAX :: Update Progress Control Ie8 - Progress Indicator Does Not Hide?

Feb 16, 2010

I have a wierd issue with the update progress control in ie8. I have a modal popup that loads a pdf in an iframe, then i have a button click that navigates away from the pdf and shows a form in the same modal. All this is wrapped in an update panel, which i have an update progress control associated with. The control shows correctly in ie7, firefox, safari, and chrome. But in ie8 when the async post back is complete the progress indicator does not hide, until I click on the screen or scroll the page, then it hides and the form shows.

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How To Publish Site From Command Line With Some Publish Profile

Aug 5, 2010

msbuild /t:publish [use PublishProfileName] someproject.csproj

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C# - How To Create Pre-publish And Post-publish Scripts In VS2010

Nov 21, 2010

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C# 3.0 - Have To Add A Progress Bar On Web Page To Show The Progress Of Submission?

Mar 28, 2011

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How To Display A Progress Bar While Registration Is In Progress

Feb 25, 2010

I have a registration page with a SUBMIT whenever user presses SUBMIT, I want to disable that button and show a progress bar with "registration in progress" message, so that user wont be able to press the submit button multiple times when the registration is going on..

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MVC :: Why Synchronous Action Wasn't Executed Until Asynchronous Action Completed

Nov 29, 2010

I'm implement Comet in MVC, I used timer to keep Async request in server, Async request will complete when timer elapsed 1 minute and response to client (to avoid 404 error) and then reconnect to Async Controller. I also wanna execute some Synchronous action during Async request was holding, but the problem is: When an Async action was executed and hold by using timer, the Sync Action wasn't called until Async action (comet long-live request) completed. I did test with firefox 3.6 many times, but the result is the same, so strange, Do you know why ? I have a sub some questions : To implement comet, using timer (response after some minutes elapsed) or thread (response after several time sleeping thread) to hold async request, which is better?

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MVC :: Redirect Action Not Working In Jqgrid Action Results Method

Mar 23, 2011

I am desiging a master and details page from a search page..user can search for something and I need to display the result in jqgrid if the result has more than 1 row or record.. if the result is just one record then i have to directly send then to details page by skiping grid page... I do have an action method for results page and one more action method for Jqgrid data..i am trying to check the row count for the database result and trying to redirect to details action results..but its not working at all..and showing an empty jqgrid..


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Test That A Controller Action Simply Returns A Link To Another Action?

Apr 29, 2010

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My implementation has the same link twice. One passes the url throw ViewData[]. This seems more testable to me, as I can check the ViewData collection returned from Foo(). Even this way though, I don't know how to validate the url itself without making dependencies on routing.The controller:

public class TestController : Controller
public ActionResult Foo()[code].....

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AJAX :: Create A Progress Bar Based On Progress Of AJAX Handler?

Sep 7, 2010

I've got a plain C# web page that uses jQuery to call a handler page using AJAX. While the handler content is loading, a message "Please Wait, loading..." is displayed. Once I've got the content back from the handler I hide the loading message and display the content.What I'd like to do is after the loading message, display a percentage of how far through the handler page is. All the handler page does is loop through a list of members, powered by a web service, and adds them to the database so I know exactly how many members are being added to the database so I can tell how far I am through.The problem I'm having is because all of this goes on in a handler, how can I send the progress percentage back to the main web page while the handler was still loading.Any ideas? If I could do the exact same task but differently which would allow me to create the progress bar,

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MVC :: Create Action Not Carrying Model Across To Http Action

Jun 12, 2010

My httppost action doesnt seem to have received my model. The code is below;


i put a breakpoint on the line; return RedirectToAction("Error", "Dashboard"); and i found that appQualif carried no values whatsoever from the form i submitted..

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How To Pass Parameters To An Action Using Html.Action() In MVC?

Jun 30, 2010

I've been using Html.Action("ActionName", "ControllerName") to invoke child actions across controllers without needing to have the view in ViewsShared. This has been working great for displaying things like session or cookie information.

Instead of just accessing cookies, I would like to pass additional parameters to Html.Action("ActionName", "ControllerName") so the action can execute different code based on the the data passed to the original view.

Should I be using a different method to pass parameters to a child action in a different controller?

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MVC :: Controller Invokes GET Action Instead Of POST Action

May 20, 2010

I'm trying to add file upload functionality to a page. I've got a form that posts the selected file to a controller with a 'savefile' method. But if I don't add a get version of 'savefile' I'll get a 404 error. Here is the form code which is presented on the Index page:


And here is the controller code:


Intuitively I don't think I should need a GET version of SaveFile but if omit it I get a 404 error when the form posts. Why should I need a GET version of SaveFile when all I want is to post a form and save the file?

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MVC :: Dynamically Adding Action Filter To Action?

Jun 21, 2010

Does any one know how to dynamically add ActionFilter to an Action?

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MVC :: Bug Tracking System With Sourcecode Available?

Oct 9, 2010

I need a bug tracker software for our application development and sql script development (small 2-3 person team)...

I am new to MVC and thaught it would be nice if one was available built on the mvc platform and available with source code.

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Bug Tracking In Visual Web Developer?

Apr 1, 2010

Is it possible to track bugs in a visual web developer website? I want to be able to step through the code so I can see exactly what it is doing but am not quite sure how to do this.

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Getting Error While Tracking Datakey

Feb 19, 2011

i am getting this error while tracking my datakey.. i am not sure why my datakey index is coming out of range.. here is my code :

protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
var dataKeys = GridView1.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex];
Label1.Text = "The key field value for the displayed record is " + dataKeys.Value.ToString();

Header Part Of the GridView:

<FooterStyle BackColor="#5D7B9D" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White"
<PagerStyle BackColor="#284775" ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Center" />
<SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#E2DED6" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#333333" />
<HeaderStyle BackColor="#5D7B9D" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
<EditRowStyle BackColor="#999999" />
<AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#284775" />
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function viewProfile(selectedRowIndex, firstName) {
//var customGridView = document.getElementById('<%= CustomGridView.ClientID %>');
var customGridView = document.getElementById('GridView1');
if (customGridView) {
var row = customGridView.rows[parseInt(selectedRowIndex) + 1];
//var cell = customGridView.rows[parseInt(selectedRowIndex) + 1].cells[0];
// alert(row.cells[0].innerHTML);
// alert(row.cells[1].innerHTML);
// alert(row.cells[2].innerHTML);
// alert(row.cells[3].innerHTML);
// alert(row.cells[4].innerHTML);'detatil.aspx?coaid=' + row.cells[1].innerHTML + '&fnomia=' + row.cells[2].innerHTML, "", "scrollbars=no,height=300,width=300");

The error is: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

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Tracking Ip Address And Country Name?

Apr 19, 2010

Yesterday i saw a site in which, site is listing the ip address and country name, saying that recently visited members (a list of ip address with country name,city name). Can i know how can i track that information any reference or any code.

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