URL Routing Is Replacement For Rewriting?

May 26, 2010

Is URL Routing is replacement for URL rewriting.? Or each of them have their own pros on cons?

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C# - Routing Or URL Rewriting?

Nov 3, 2010

I'm currently using URL Rewriting, but I recently stumbled upon this link on Rerouting, and it looks like it's quite simple yet powerful, and easier to implement than URL Rewriting, a "downside" probably is that configurations are not sitting on a web.config file but rather on the code itself, but I was wondering about the differences, and advantages of using one over the other. Having read some resources about routing, I can see the differences, and now I reformulate my question:

Is it worth it to move from URL Rewriting to Routing?
Are there any IIS-specific configurations that should be made?
Is it recommended to use it on a ASP.NET WebForms Application, or is it oriented to other kind of projects?

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MVC :: URL Rewriting Using System.Web.Routing 3.5

Jan 22, 2010

I am implementing URL rewriting and this is not a MVC app, I am using .Net 3.5 Framework here is my simple setup: 1. My Link Page I have a link on my index.aspx page

(notice SEO friendly URL, purpose of Routing) --> <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" NavigateUrl="~/Category/Engine" runat="server">Engine</asp:HyperLink>

2. Global.asax:

protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
private static void RegisterRoutes()
System.Web.Routing.RouteTable.Routes.Add("category", new System.Web.Routing.Route("Category/{name}", new CategoryRouteHandler("~/catalog.aspx")));.........

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Url Rewriting / Routing - Categories In Database

Oct 8, 2010

I have my categories in database, and want something url rewriting/routing to make my url nicer and more SEO friendly. I have divided my categories into the following:

Cars > Select car > Car model >

how do I create url rewriting / routing in my categories? I use framework 4.0

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State Management :: Use URL Rewriting Or Routing?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a website for which I would like to have clean friendly URL. I am passing query string values in it. I am confused whether to use URL rewriting or URL routing. I have tried doing URL rewriting using URLrewriter.net but couldn't get through. Can any one help me out in deciding what to use and how to go about doing it.

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Url Rewriting - Utility Or Opensource To Implement Routing And Url-Rewritting?

Oct 31, 2010

I need to implement Routing or Url-Rewriting in my application. So, is there any utility like logging utility Elmah. I dont want to write much code, I need to configure and start playing.

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: How To Get Web Forms Project To Do Routing/URL Rewriting

Jan 1, 2011

I've been reading many articles and can't seem to get my ASP.NET 4 web forms project to do Routing/URL rewriting.

I have added the following reference to the ASP.NET project:


It then added the following line to the web.config file:
<compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.0"><assemblies><add assembly="System.Web.Routing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>
In the global.asax file I want to add the routes, but it is not recognising RouteTable and RouteCollection keywords.

How do I get these to be recognised so that I can create the rules in the global.asax file?

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Configuration :: URL Routing / Rewriting - Http 404 Page Not Found Error

Dec 25, 2010

In my website users can create thier own websites by making folder of thier choice like: [URL] Where the folders Pankaj and Adam are storing in database. I just want that when user after creting thier website just clicked or type the address of thier website as [URL] then if the folder with name Pankaj exists in database then the page will open otherwise it gives the http 404 page not found error. And while the address [URL] is opens then i donot want to physically create it on server. My requirement is that i want to open it by the concept of url rewriting/ Routing. Which one concept will be good for this. And can anyone provide some code with example that how can i achieve this easily.

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Web Forms :: URL Rewriting - Looking For Easiest Way To URL Rewriting

Apr 10, 2010

I am trying to implement URL rewriting technique in my Web application.I have found some articles on net 2 rewrite URL. But i m not able to understand. tell me any API or DLL which will take care of all url rewriting techniques in my Web applications.

I have heard something abt UrlRewriter.ddl . But i have not used it yet. provide me the easiest way to do that. If any sample application is there then it will be better ti understand

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Web Forms :: Web.Routing Doesn't Work On Server On IIS Routing

Jul 20, 2010

I tried everything I could find, but still does not work on IIS routing.

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ADO.NET :: Finding Replacement For POCO

Aug 18, 2010

I need to know is there any way to separate the classes automatically created by Entity framework. I can not use POCO template. because I have restriction to use framework 4.0 for time being.

I am having VS 2008 Framework 3.5

Do I have any service packs which gives me POCO.

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AJAX :: Where To Get Accordion Replacement

Mar 16, 2011

If my understanding is correct, it is not possible to use the Datapager with the Accordion control. So, I am trying to find a way to replicate the functionality and wonder if anyone can recommend a method of doing it.

I am after a control/strategy that is 'pageable' where I can have a 'header' with general item information and with some means of displaying more detailed information, if required, without having to leave the current page.

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C# - Finding Possible GetObjectsOfType Replacement

Feb 17, 2011

I have this small piece of code

var idObjects = Spring.Context.Support.ContextRegistry.GetContext()
.GetObjectsOfType(typeof (ICustomInterfaceThatDoesSomething));
foreach (ICustomInterfaceThatDoesSomething icitds in idObjects.Values)

Is there a way i can avoid this by having spring.net automatically inject the singletons to a property i declare, like an array of ICustomInterfaceThatDoesSomething?

The only reason i want something like this is because i want to kill the .dll dependency on the project and this is the single point of usage.

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Finding Replacement For ServerXMLHTTP30?

Feb 22, 2010

What is the best replacement for ServerXMLHTTP30 in .NET 3.5. Is HttpWebRequest good candidate?

I am in the process of creating an application that will get a XML stream as a response to a request.

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Drop-in Replacement For Default Css

Mar 14, 2011

Are there any resources for drop-in replacements for the default css that comes with the ASP.NET Website template? (.NET 4.0)

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C# - Character Replacement In String?

Feb 23, 2011

I do need a working ASP.NET C# code to replace characters in a string.

My following code works fine but in case of input "a" it gives me an output as "678d", but in case of input "c" the output is correct as it is i.e. "8d"... Here it automatically replaces the rest values too. I can see the code is executing in a step by step process... This results me to get an overloaded output.

StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Replace("a", "6b");
builder.Replace("b", "7c");
builder.Replace("c", "8d");
return builder.ToString();

Now, I do need to replace "a" as just "6b" and it should not load the rest values.

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URL Encoding - Illegal Character Replacement?

Dec 24, 2010

I am doing some url redirections in a project that I am currently working on. I am new to web development and was wondering what the best practise was to remove any illegal path characters, such as ' ? etc.I'm hoping I don't have to resort to manually replacing each character with their encoded urls.I have tried UrlEncode and HTMLEncode, but UrlEncode doesn't cater for the ? and HTMLEncode doesn't cater for 'E.G. If I was to use the following:

Dim name As String = "Dave's gone, why?"
Dim url As String = String.Format("~/books/{0}/{1}/default.aspx", bookID, name)

I've tried wrapping url like this:Dim encodedUrl As String = Server.UrlEncode(url)AndDim encodedUrl As String = Server.HTMLEncode(url)

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C# - Creating DotNetNuke Replacement For PortalModuleBase?

Dec 8, 2010

I'm creating a new DotNetNuke module and in the past I inherited from PortalModuleBase. I'm aware that there's a replacement for this now. Can someone tell me what it is? I've had a brief search for it but I haven't found what it is.

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JQuery Replacement For Javascript Confirm?

Jan 7, 2011

I want to prompt the user before allowing them to save a record. So let's assume I have the following button defined in the markup:

<asp:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" OnClick="btnSave_Click"></asp:Button>

To force a prompt with normal javascript, I could wire the OnClick event for my save button to be something like this (I could do this in Page_Load):

"return confirm('are you sure you want to save?');");

The confirm call will block until the user actually presses on of the Yes/No buttons, which is the behavior I want. If the user presses 'Yes', then my btnSave_OnClick method would be called.

For the jquery dialog that is the equivalent, I tried something like this (see below). But the problem is that unlike javascript confirm(), it's going to get all the way through this function (displayYesNoAlert) and then proceed into my btnSave_OnClick method on the C# side. I need a way to make it "block", until the user presses the Yes or No button, and then return true or false so the btnSave_OnClick will be called or not called depending on the user's answer.

Currently, I just gave up and went with javascript's confirm, I just wondered if there was a way to do it.


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MVC :: ListView Replacement -- Inserting A Record?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm a new user of ASP.NET MVC and I'm trying to replicate the ListView control from WebForms in an AJAX-y manner. Take the following as an example:


The "ItemTemplate", "EditItemTemplate", and "InsertItemTemplate" replacements are implemented as Partial Views, so the view for this page looks something like this:


The edit/update flow is very simple. The user clicks the "edit" button, an AJAX request is made to get the "EditItemTemplate", and the contents of that row are replaced with the "EditItemTemplate". When the user clicks "Update" in the edit row, the form is submitted via AJAX and the resulting content replaces the "EditItemTemplate".

The part I'm not sure how to deal with is the InsertItemTemplate. When the user submits the insert form, I need two partial views to be returned: one to replace the InsertItemTemplate (clear the form or show any validation errors), and one to insert into the table as a new record (ItemTemplate). I'm not sure what to do about this...the only options I've come up with are:

Make 2 Ajax requests -- one to insert the item and get the ItemTemplate for the new item and another to get a clean InsertItemTemplate Make 1 Ajax request for JSON -- render the ItemTemplate and InsertItemTemplates into strings and then put them into a JSON object that can be analyzed client-side (ex: { itemtemplate: "<tr>...</tr>", insertitemtemplate: "<tr>...</tr>" }) Make 1 Ajax request for the ItemTemplate and then manually clear the InsertItemTemplate form client-side (removing any form entries and validation elements)

None of these options really seem that great to me...especially #1 (because of a second AJAX request) and #3 (because it keeps my solution from being easily reused on other "ListView replacements" due to the need to manually clear the form). #2 is somewhat acceptable but still kind of hacky because rendering partial views to strings and then sending them in JSON isn't easy to do and ends up being a bit of a hack.

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Routing With Web Forms - Could Not Load System.Web.Routing

Dec 12, 2010

I am using:

ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 with Web Forms Routing thru Global.asax (System.Web.Routing and RegisterRoutes)IIS 7

Everything is working fine in my local machine, but it gives the following error in my hosting environment:

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Routing, Version=, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

I did everything inside my web.config file mentioned in the following link:


But I am still getting the above error.

What else am I supposed to do fix the error?

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Security :: Finding Replacement Options For Membership?

Aug 18, 2010

Finding Replacement options for Membership?

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Web Forms :: Replacement To Framesets - Two Browsers On One Page?

Feb 9, 2010

Is there a way to effectively have two "browsers" on one page without using framesets?My wording may be a bit confusing there, so here is what I'm trying to achieve...Let's say I have a web page that has an asp:textbox and an asp:button. The user types any URL they want (let's usewww.asp.net as an example) into the text box and clicks the button.I then want to load that URL (www.asp.net) into a control, or something, on the page so that I can show that page's content (I do not want to load it into a separate page or replace the current page). I want to specify the placement and size of the control on my page. I also want to be able to access the page source of the content that's been loaded into the control from my code-behind.I know that "some" of this can be achieved using framesets but not all, and as I understand it, framesets are on the way out and I shouldn't use them anyway.

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Rest WCF Url Routing & Web Forms Routing?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a Web application where i have added a reference to a RESTful WCF. I got the WCF url Routing to work in my webapplication by adding Inherits="RestService.Global" to the Web applications Global.asax.

<%@ Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="RestService.Global" Language="C#" %>

But then i tried to create url Routing for the Web application and it does not work with the Inherits="RestService.Global" in the Global.asax. If i take it away it works fine. Is there a correct way to do this.

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Web Forms :: URL Routing And Dynamic Routing?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm trying to create my own CMS and I've gotten a little bit stuck at the stage of URL routing.

I want clean URLs without extensions and I'd like to be able to create and modify them in a web based interface without any messing around with IIS or actual files.

I've seen how to create a static route, but for that I need to go into my Global.asax file and manually add it.I would like to have all of these routes stored in a database so that I can easily modify them later.

Does anyone know how this can be achieved?

Just for extra information, I will be attempting to create a feature so that if a path exists, but is later changed, a 301 redirect is created to the new URL, is this also possible? (My first problem is the main issue, but thought I might ask this as well just in case it makes a difference)

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