I'm trying to determine if there is a Yahoo API that I can use to create authentication based on membership in a Yahoo Group for a non-Yahoo website writte in ASP.NET. Basically, if a person is a member of a particular group, then they would be able to Login to this website.
Our club has an existing Yahoo site, but we'd like to disconnect from Yahoo while retaining the emailing capability that it offers, and I'd like to keep the number of places to be members of to a minimum. So if a person signs up for the Yahoo group, I'd like them automatically be able to login to the non-Yahoo site without any other steps.
i want to access yahoo user name and basic info by loging from my website.how it would b possible,i have created app in Yahoo,i have key and consumer secret value.
How can I configure my web.config file so that my login page can serve domain users in a local group on the server? It's easier for us to modify members of the group on the server than having someone else do it on a domain group that we don't have access to.
I've built a asp.net 3.5 web application and want to be able to restrict access to particular pages. I have pages which should be able to be accessed by a user and then an adminshould be able to access all pages. I have created 2 Active Directory groups, one for normal users and one for admins so any users in the user group can see some pages then admins should have no restrictio
I can access the website I've created on my local machine in debug mode; and with my domain account as a local administrator, if I do this:
I can still access the website; and with my domain account in a Domain Group named "DomainDomainLocalSecurityGroup", if I do this:
I can still access the website; HOWEVER, if I create a Local Group on my machine named "LocalMachineGroup" and I add "DomainMyDomainUserName" to this group and I do this:
I get an Access Denied error trying to access the website. What I want to do is, have a group on my local machine (for testing), on a test web server, and on a production web server named "MyWebsiteUserAccess" with the same Domain Group (filled with Domain Users allowed access to the site) in all of these local groups; so that when I test the web application on my local machine, on my test web server and on my production web server, I don't have to change the Web.config file to have it work on each AND if the Domain Group name ever has to change, it won't affect access to the website.
What am I overlooking or is this even possible to do this way? I understand that there is a way to do Role Management through ASP.NET but I don't understand that well enough yet to implement that (and will probably go that route once I've done the research on how to best implement it for purpose of access control of this intranet site).
I have a user that when I attempt to enumerate her groups using either System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Groups on user's computer or System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.Groups on the IIS server, I get a list of their old groups, not their new. I have checked the DC that they authenticate to and the ASP.NET page is running inside a SharePoint instance so the LogonUserIdentity most like is being provided from there Kerberos ticket. Should I be looking up the groups directly from the AD instead of relying on the WindowsIdentity or LogonUserIdentity?
i have a code to get the groups a user belongs to.
try { DirectoryEntry adRoot = new DirectoryEntry(string.Format("WinNT://{0}", Environment.UserDomainName)); DirectoryEntry user = adRoot.Children.Find(completeUserName, "User"); object obGroups = user.Invoke("Groups"); foreach (object ob in (IEnumerable)obGroups) { // Create object for each group. DirectoryEntry obGpEntry = new DirectoryEntry(ob); listOfMyWindowsGroups.Add(obGpEntry.Name); } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { new GUIUtility().LogMessageToFile("Error in getting User MachineGroups = " + ex); return false; }
the above code works fine when i have to find the groups of a local user but
for a domain user it returns a value "Domain User" which is kind of wierd as it is a part of 2 local groups.
I did some finding and got that i am being returned the primary group of the domain user
called "Domain User" group
but what i actually want is the groups of the local machines the domain user is a part of... i cannot get that.. any suggestions
another code using LDAP
string domain = Environment.UserDomainName; DirectoryEntry DE = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + domain, null, null, AuthenticationTypes.Secure); DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(); search.SearchRoot = DE; search.Filter = "(SAMAccountName=" + completeUserName + ")"; //Searches active directory for the login name search.PropertiesToLoad.Add("displayName"); // Once found, get a list of Groups try { SearchResult result = search.FindOne(); // Grab the records and assign them to result if (result != null) { DirectoryEntry theUser = result.GetDirectoryEntry(); theUser.RefreshCache(new string[] { "tokenGroups" }); foreach (byte[] resultBytes in theUser.Properties["tokenGroups"]) { System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier mySID = new System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier(resultBytes, 0); DirectorySearcher sidSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(); sidSearcher.SearchRoot = DE; sidSearcher.Filter = "(objectSid=" + mySID.Value + ")"; sidSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add("distinguishedName"); SearchResult sidResult = sidSearcher.FindOne(); if (sidResult != null) { listOfMyWindowsGroups.Add((string)sidResult.Properties["distinguishedName"][0]); } } } else { new GUIUtility().LogMessageToFile("no user found"); } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { new GUIUtility().LogMessageToFile("Error obtaining group names: " + ex.Message + " Please contact your administrator."); // If an error occurs report it to the user. return false; }
this works too but i get the same result "Domain Users" . Please can some1 tell me how to get the local machine groups...?
Just going to start making a web application and was wondering which was better, or at least what are the main differences between them (as it probably matters what I am using them for)?
how to retrieve cotacts from yahoo address book using Yahoo contacts api in asp.net. I found PHP sdk on yahoo's site but I want to integrate it in my .net application.
i want to get list of contacts when user enters his yahoo or msn alike emails. Application is build in ASP.NET with 3.5 framework. Solution i've found on this site does not work or require framework 4.0. I don't need solution which costs money or not personally tested by you ones.
How to display yahoo static map in gridview if we pass address as query string? Also please tell how to display dynamic yahoo maps also. I have searched about yahoo maps and got the following links http://developer.yahoo.com/flash/maps/examples.html, http://developer.yahoo.com/maps/rest/V1/ and http://developer.yahoo.com/maps/. I did not get any link which has code for integrating yahoo map in an ASP.Net website!
I hear from some one that Yahoo.com delete cookies["Name"]. from there application and use new Features beside it. i dont know what is it.. what they use in there Application.
I want to import yahoo contacts from yahoo credentials. In my application user will enter the credentials and his contacts should be imported. How can I do it ? I have already looked this Import Address Book from Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo using C# and ASP.NET but this does not helped much. Is there any rest call to yahoo by which I can import contacts?
I have a asp.net website and i need to import address books from yahoo, msn and aol. I have already done gmail import by downloading the google contacts api. But i cannot find the same for yahoo,msn and aol. does anyone know if there's a single dll avilable that can do this? or any other way is fine.
I'm attemping to use the Yahoo Contacts API to add an "invite your friends" feature on a site I'm building.
I've found the correct web service to call (http://social.yahooapis.com/v1/user/{guid}/contacts) but it is asking for the user's GUID, not their username/password.
I've searched, and am unable to find a "lookup" feature through the Yahoo API which lets me get the user's guid from their username/password.
Does anyone have any experience with the Contacts API.
I've reaad over the documentation, and looked at YQL as well, but I still haven't found how to get the user's guid.
basically i have a page with the followingtextbox1 button1 and required field1 /validator callout1textbox2 button2 and required field2 /validator callout2button1 needs to only call validation controls1 and button2 needs to call validation controls2. how do i do this. I'm not really sure what to search for so any links to a tutorial/explanation
i just started learning of .NET using C#. i m working on Webmail Project. My Requirement is develop a webmail service for an internal organization in which u can send email to any domain and recieve as well as.first i need beginer training so i can send mails at simple level. currently m not able to send mails using smtp server and how to configure it.