Web Forms :: What Is The Use Of Cookies In Yahoo
Oct 4, 2010
I hear from some one that Yahoo.com delete cookies["Name"]. from there application and use new Features beside it. i dont know what is it.. what they use in there Application.
i want to use that feature in Asp.net
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Aug 17, 2010
I'm handling cookies using JavaScript to store some values in my asp.net web application.I use document.cookie to save some values (converted into a lengthy string). But i want that value to be accessible across all the pages in my application.When i try to get that value from a different page, i get the values pertaining to the document in the current URL.
In short i save the value in the cookie in http://myapp/doc1.aspx and want to retrieve it in http://myapp/doc2.aspx
So is document.cookie is pertaining to a single document scope? How can i save/read cookies across the site?
Update.This is how i get and set cookies
function getCookie(c_name)
try{ [code]...
But i'm getting different values for the cookies in different pages.
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Nov 23, 2010
I have been experimenting with code that will clear all of the cookies in an HttpContext.Response.Initially, I used this:
DateTime cookieExpires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
for (int i = 0; i < HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Count; i++)
new HttpCookie(HttpContext.Request.Cookies[i].Name, null) { Expires = cookieExpires });
this will error with an OutOfMemoryException because the for loop never exits - each time you add a cookie to the Response, it also gets added to the `Request.
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I'm attemping to use the Yahoo Contacts API to add an "invite your friends" feature on a site I'm building.
I've found the correct web service to call (http://social.yahooapis.com/v1/user/{guid}/contacts) but it is asking for the user's GUID, not their username/password.
I've searched, and am unable to find a "lookup" feature through the Yahoo API which lets me get the user's guid from their username/password.
Does anyone have any experience with the Contacts API.
I've reaad over the documentation, and looked at YQL as well, but I still haven't found how to get the user's guid.
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