Using A C# Handler To Serve Up Wav Files Cuts Audio Short (only A Couple Of Seconds)?
Nov 22, 2010
I've got a c# handler that serves up audio files I've generated using text-to-speech. When the files are written to disk they sound fine, but when I try and play them in a browser (via the handler) using a quicktime plugin it cuts them short at about 2 seconds.
Inside the handler I'm using the following code...
context.Response.ContentType = "audio/x-wav";
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<object data="Wildlife.wmv" type="video/x-ms-wmv" width="320" height="255">
<param name="src" value="Wildlife.wmv">
<param name="controller" value="true" />
<param name="autoplay" value="true">
<param name="autoStart" value="1">
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.vb code:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
scroll = fillbannerpics()
End If
End Sub
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select * from Furn_Products Where FreeText(FurnName, 'Couch');
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2. Gallery
3. About
4. Contact
5. Calendar for events
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For example i need create page to display few models. Inherits property can take in only one value, as i mean.
I want something like:
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