VS 2005 - Determine Which Hyperlink Was Clicked

Dec 11, 2013

I have 2 hyperlinks on an HTML web page which direct to the same page but with different consequences on the target page. I know how to pick up text field values in ASP.NET via HTML post but how to I determine (on the target page) which link was clicked on the source page?

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{ then send "H" to the database. }

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<asp:Series ChartType="Pie" Name="Series1" >
<asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1">
code behind
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The problem is - when you sync the time's, you have to factor in latency for that also. So currently I am timeing the sync request (round trip) and dividing by 2, in an attempt to get the 'up' latency...and then modify the sync accordingly.

This works on the assumption that latency is symmetrical, which it isn't. Does anyone know a procedure that would be able to determine specifically the up/down latency of a JS http request to a .net service? If it needs to involve multiple handshakes thats fine, what ever is as accurate as possible.

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i have button named submit(button1).If i click that button i need to display the count in a text box named textBox1, means How many PartitionName="AIX" is belonging to Type="NIC"

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Determine The State Of Checkbox?

Dec 21, 2010

I made some adding of dynamic checkbox and it would be located in the panel. And at the same time the checkbox would be save also in my List(Of Checkbox).

BTW, my checkbox is not the HTML control (if that's how you call it). Now i made some function wherein Im going to get all the state of my checkbox in that particular panel. This is how I do it:


For Each ctrl As Checkbox In listControl
if ctrl.checked = true then
' code here
end if

Unfortunately nothing happen. So how am I going to check the state of my checkbox. I already test all the checkbox saved in my list(of T) and also tried looping "Me.pnlControl.COntrols"

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C# - Determine Which Tab An Action Was Called From?

Aug 27, 2010

The page I'm editing had three tabs, each tab contains a diffrent grid view which is populated by a search box with in the tab. Each row in the grid view has a check box. When a print button is pressed all records with a tick in the check box should be printed off. Then page then reloads but some of the content is missing due to the way the page has been coded. This is becuase some of the code is only called when the tab is clicked not on postback. Is there anyway that I change the following code so that it's called after postback? These are the functions that are causing the most problem.. I need them to be loaded for the correct tab on postback.. I can't do it for all three as the code takes forever to run in that case.

if (tabconConsignments.ActiveTabIndex == 0)
dtGlobalIDConsignments = fGenerateTableSQL(astrPalletIDs, DateFrom, DateTo, ddlReqColDel.SelectedValue, "GlobalID", "", "");
//Global ID Tab
gvGlobal.DataSource = dtGlobalIDConsignments;
else if (tabconConsignments.ActiveTabIndex == 1)
dtCreatedDateConsignments = fGenerateTableSQL(astrPalletIDs, DateFrom, DateTo, ddlReqColDel.SelectedValue, "CreatedDate", "", "");
//Created Date Tab
gvCreationDate.DataSource = dtCreatedDateConsignments;
tbCreationDateSearch.Text = "";
else if (tabconConsignments.ActiveTabIndex == 2)
dtAccountsConsignments = fGenerateTableSQL(astrPalletIDs, DateFrom, DateTo, ddlReqColDel.SelectedValue, "Account", "", "");
//Account Tab
gvAccount.DataSource = dtAccountsConsignments;

if you want me to post any more code or any more info it's been a hard one for me to get my head around so I might of missed something out.

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How To Determine Why Application Is Recycling

Mar 9, 2010

I am running an ASP.NET application on an IIS7 server. It has been running fine for a long time, but over the past week or so it has been discarding all users' sessions several times a day. I enabled all of the application pool recycle logging options as described in http://blogs.iis.net/ganekar/archive/2008/12/12/iis-7-0-application-pool-recycles-log-a-event-in-windows-event-log.aspx, but I didn't get anything in my event log.

There are no errors in the event log, and no visible symptoms except that all my users lose their sessions.

Are there any other reasons that IIS would recycle my application pool? Is there any other type of logging that I can enable to find out what is happening?

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Determine Back Page Using C#?

Dec 8, 2010

I want to know how can I determine what was the back page using C#?

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