VS 2005 - Nested Loop

Sep 3, 2010

I doing a nested for loop to achieve from #123,33.5,1283485089#44.6,Timestamp#124,66.7,timestamp#55.7,timestamp#125,76.4,timestamp#42.8,timest amp whole string to #123,33.5,1283485089#123,44.6,Timestamp#124,66.7,timestamp#124,55.7,timestamp#125,76.4,timestamp#125 ,42.8,timestamp. My code get me back same thing again

Dim i = 0
Dim rsplitdata As String()
Dim row, item As String
Dim inex
Dim rdata As String() = TextBox1.Text.Split("#")
For Each row In rdata
rsplitdata = row.Split(",")
If (i = 0) Then
inex = rsplitdata(0)
'rdata(i) = inex + "," + rdata(i)
rdata(i) = inex + "," + rdata(i)
End If
i = i + 1
For Each row In rdata
rsplitdata = row.Split(",")
For Each item In rsplitdata
TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text + item.ToString + vbCrLf

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If pagesreader.Read() Then
' if subtitle exists then output
mydata = "<h2>" & pagesreader.Item("documentcategoryname") & "</h2>"
While pagesreader.Read()
mydata &= "<h2>" & pagesreader.Item("documentcategoryname") & "</h2>"
If (pagesreader.Item("documentcat") = pagesreader.Item("documentcategoryid")) Then
mydata &= "<p>" & pagesreader.Item("documentname") & "</p>"
End If
End While
End If
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And the C# behind:


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Have the MultiView1 display only if Frieght values exceed 15.50. If check box is checked, retreive the row values of the Gridview1 and Gridview2 to perform a task.There will be two check boxes. One will be conditionally hidden. Each check box has a different function.

Example: Send an email notifying this entry has been flagged. I am using Visual Studio 2005 with ASP.NET 2 due to availability of resource. I have checked out numerous sites without finding the specific answer.

For example:

The following a simplified representative example of what I am trying to accoumplish. It uses the Northwind.mdb access database with just the Customers and Orders table.




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If Request.ServerVariables("server_name") = [URL] Then
' Allow scripts and css to logged in CMS users'
Dim checkLogin As New Controls.Login
If checkLogin.IsLoggedIn <> True Then
For Each Control In Page.Header.Controls
If Control.GetType.Name = "EktronJsControl" Or Control.GetType.Name = "EktronCssControl" Or Control.GetType.Name = "EktronModalCss" Then
' Removes the extra bubble inline style stuff that wasn't put in a CSS.''
Dim litControl As LiteralControl = Control
If litControl.Text = Nothing Then
litControl.Text = ""
End If
' Removing blank.css file'
Dim htmlLink As HtmlLink = Control
If htmlLink.Href = "/css/blank.css" Then
End If
End If
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try`

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For Loop In C# Not Looping

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public class SalesFileProcessor : ISalesProcessor
public List<FTPSalesRow> ProcessSalesFile(string filename)


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Open PDF Files In Loop?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a scenario to open the PDF files in for loop from server folder.

Can you please provide sample code to open the pdf files in for loop?

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Jumping To Next Iteration In For Loop?

Sep 29, 2010

using c#.net/asp.net

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How To Loop Thorough Values Of A ListBox

Jan 28, 2010

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How To Send Values To A URL In A For Loop

Jan 31, 2011

I have a requirement that i have to send few values through querystring to other domain.

Ex: My Domian is [URL]

Other Domain is [URL]

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How To Use Loop Fifteen Times

Oct 29, 2010

I'm using code like


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