VS 2005 With Datagrid Events

Jan 28, 2010

i am developing a small asp.net application in vs 2005. my application consists of 3 layers.presentation, business layer and data layer. now i got a small problem in using datagrid events like itemcommand , databound events in presentation layer. this is my first asp.net application with different layers , upto now i dint work with layers. i created datagrid as follows <asp:datagrid id="datagrid1" runat="server" /> in my page load i craeted an instance for my businesslayer as mywebsite businesslayer .customerinfo cs = new mywebsite businesslayer .customerinfo(); in customer info i have a function to bind the grid

bindgrid(datagrid dg1, datatable dt)

now i want to add itemcommand event ad databound events. can any one advice me how to add these events and where should i have to add these events?

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Jan 28, 2010

<p>Dear All </p> <p>i am developing a small asp.net application in vs 2005. my application consists of 3 layers.presentation, business layer and data layer. now i got a small problem in using datagrid events like itemcommand , databound events in presentation layer. </p><p>this is my first asp.net application with different layers , upto now i dint work with layers. i created datagrid as follows in my page load i craeted an instance for my businesslayer as </p><p>

mywebsite businesslayer .customerinfo cs = new mywebsite businesslayer .customerinfo();

in customer info i have a function to bind the grid

</p><p>bindgrid(datagrid dg1, datatable dt)
dg1.datasource=dt; dg1.databind();

now i want to add itemcommand event ad databound events. can any one advice me how to add these events and where should i have to add these events? </p><p>


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Dim obj As New DataAccess
Dim dt As New DataTable
dt = obj.getDataTable("Select * from Table1")
Dim dr As DataRow
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Oct 19, 2010

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So, there are an AutoPostBack and an Event (if you select another Item) on both Controls.

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<asp:TemplateField ShowHeader="False">
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Simply put... I want to duplicate the example found at this link, in VB.net rather than C#.


I would like the selectedvalue of the dropdown to display additional data base on its selection in multiple text boxes.

I have tried using the DropDownList OnSelectedIndexChanged property, within a DataGrid EditiItemTemplate, but I cannot retrieve data from the selection. (AutoPostBack is "True"). I can however use a button onclick event to fire a "prre-defined" selection value.

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Handling HTML Server Control Events / How To Wire Up HTML Server Controls Events

Oct 16, 2010

How to wire up HTML server controls events?

I added a Input (Text) control in my web form and turned it into an HTML server control so its an instance of HtmlInputText class.

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Sep 30, 2010

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Public Class Order
publc void Order()
public string Ticket
return this.strTicket;
this.strTicket = value;
public string OtpNumber
return this.strOtpNumber;
this.strOtpNumber = value;
public string CustomerName
return this.strCustomer;
this.strCustomer = value;

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Feb 3, 2010

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Mar 10, 2011

I used SQL SERVER 2008 R2 express as my web development database and I set its compatibility level to 2005. Unfortunately this database cannot be be attached to SQL server 2005. Are there any other options?

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