VS 2008 Message Box Or Popup Box In Page

Dec 9, 2011

I have an .aspx page. In it I have a gridview control. When the user edits data in the gridview control, I want to make data checks on the server and based on that check, I want a pop up box show up asking "Yes/No" question (basically the question is whether to update the database with the current changes). How can I do this? I know they say we have to use Java script. . So far this is the code that works

protected void GridViewActualsMapping_RowUpdating1(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
DropDownList dropdownglaccounttype = (DropDownList)(GridViewActualsMapping.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("DropdownMulitiplier"));


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Code behind:


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Web Forms :: How To Popup A Message Box When Page.isvalid=false

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Oct 26, 2010

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VS 2008 - Web Page Message Box Hides Page Behind

Oct 1, 2013

At the end of a process I am displaying status in a message box to users. I am using following code snippet:

Public Sub UserMsgBox1(ByVal Message1 As String, ByVal Message2 As String, ByVal Message3 As String, ByVal Message4 As String, ByVal Message5 As String, ByVal Message6 As String)

Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
Dim oFormObject As New System.Web.UI.Control

[Code] ....

The box is being displayed as "Message from Web Page" and this part works fine. The only thing is that the message box temporarily hides the detail web page (but not the master page) till I click the "OK" button. The detail page has a modal panel with Tab Index and GridView.

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So i want to see if I can have two of these or not? What would cause it to stop when adding another panel with extenders?

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Dec 7, 2010

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How To Popup Message Box On The Client Side

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How can I pop up a messagebox with 'Thanks for submitting a comment" after the form has been validated and submitted.

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How To Display Customized Popup Message Box On The Server Using C#

Feb 20, 2010

I have an ASP.NET page that updates customer profile information.

After updating and when the user clicks on Update button, i want to display alert message.

Can we customize it to edit the MsgBox title?

Can we edit the default msg that is displaying? If yes, Can anybody provide any samples.

I earlier used customized popup from AjaxToolkit. I have issues with that in IE6.0. So I don't want to go for that.

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Security :: Popup Message To User Before Timeout?

Jun 21, 2010

I need to configured my web application to display a warning message to the user 5 minutes before the authentication session expires. I found a javascript code that acts as a counter, however I still could not figured out how to make the page to refresh when the user clicks the Ok.

this is the javascript code...

var leftime =5;
var interval;
interval = setInterval( 'change()' , 600000);
function change()
{ lefttime --;
if(lefttime<=2) alert("the session will be off, left time is "+lefttime+ " second!")

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How to display an overlay in asp.net web application  as in case of jabong website.

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Web Forms :: How To Close Popup Window Without Alert Box Message

Feb 8, 2010

I produce a popup window by adding a hyperlink to a table cell dynamically in my vb.net code behind. Here is the code:

Dim sHyperlink As
String =
"<a href=""LabPopup.aspx?RefNo=" & iLabRefNo &
""" target=""_blank"">" & strValue &
"</a>" objCellValue.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl(sHyperlink))

So on my web page, I will have a list of these hyperlinks and each have a different iLabRefNo. When I click on one of these links, the popup window does appear correctly.

I have a button on the popup window that closes the popup. But I get this message in an alert box when click on my button:

The webpage you are viewing is trying to close the window. Do you want to close the window?

If I click OK then the window close. But I just want to close the popup wondow without this message. What do I need to do?

Here is my code for the button to close the popup:

<script type="text/javascript">
function CloseWindow() {

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Popup A Message Box To Confirm A Delete From Inside A Method?

Jun 8, 2010

How can I pop up a message box to confirm a delete, from inside a method?

Normally i would just use the following line in my button:

OnClientClick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this comment?');"

However this delete method can also be called by a querystring, so I need the confirm message box functionality in the method?


I can't click the button through code, because it doesn't fire the OnClientClick event btnDelete_Click(null, null);

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Oct 14, 2010

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Web Forms :: Popup Window To Give Warning Message

Nov 11, 2010

I have read about Ajax Control Toolkit that should solve pop-up window requirements, but I need a solution that doesn't involve me downloading this. I have an editable FormView from where I want to pop a "warning window" whenever the user clicks a button that closes the Form. This "warning window" should have the following controls:

Label: "Do you want to save changes?"
btnPopSave: "Yes" >> triggers databinding of FormView fields to datasource, then closes warning window and the FormView
btnPopClose: "No" >> closes warning window, and FormView without databinding

If this is not possible (or too complicated), I think I can settle for just a warning window with:

Label: "Make sure you've saved changes." and no other controls

btnPopClose: "OK" >> closes warning window, and FormView

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Web Forms :: Popup Customized Confirmation Message, Then Do Postback?

Jan 27, 2010

I have the following situation I am having trouble with.

1) Users select some items from a checkbox & type a message in a textbox

2) The user clicks on a message preview button

3) Based on what they had selected, a message will be created. This message is stored in a database

4) I am using showModalDialog to display their message to the user.

5) The user is given two options, send & cancel

**Here is where the problem starts**

6) If the user clicks send, I want to call a server side method that sends this message to a portal (method already developed) I was trying to use "__doPostBack....", but this is throwing a javascript error.

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Web Forms :: Display Validator Error Message In Popup

May 7, 2015

I have textboxs that define requiredfield validator for them..I want when I click on button if users don't type text in textbox  it shows popupmenu  some thing like ModalPopupExtender  that I can define div on it and it shows just this text" please fill required field".

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How to PopUp a message when doing delete in Grid View?

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Popup ASPX Page Without Network Guys To Turn Off Popup Blocker In IE8

Aug 24, 2011

I want to add a pop-up aspx page without network guys to turn off pop-up blocker in IE8 of client pc. Which way to use, use javascript or Ajax?

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JQuery :: How To Show Popup Message On Success Of Ajax Method

Nov 18, 2010

how to show popup message on sucess of ajax method?it does not shows the message if we call a method on sucess of a of a ajax method.

Code below:
function OnResetClick() {
var userEmail = document.getElementById("ContentPlaceHolder1_User");
var val = user.value;
var r = "";
var getPassword = {

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AJAX :: Show Modal Popup After Sending Mail Message?

May 23, 2010

On my .aspx page I have textbox and button1.

In the click event handler in code behind page, I am using as .net mailmessage class to send the message.

Once the code has executed, I want to show the sender a confirmation box on aspx page, perhaps using modal pop extender.


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AJAX :: Change Event Not Firing After Callout Message In A Popup?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a popup which displays two drop down lists, name it : ddl1 and ddl2 and for both of these i have mandatory validation, so if any of these is not provided, callout message will come on submit click.

ddl2 will get populated once any value from ddl1 is selected(selected change event).

Now problem is, suppose without entering any value, i click submit, it is showing select value for ddl1, and when i select a value, the selected change event for ddl1 is not firing, and so ddl2 is not getting loaded.

Selected change event for ddl1 is firing in normal condition, if the callout message is not there.

but after the callout message, if i try to select a value, the event is not firing.

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AJAX :: Adjust Height Of Modal Popup Based On Message

Jul 8, 2013

I am using ajax model pop up to show the message.

I need to adjust the height of the ajax model pop up based on the message i am binding.

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