VS 2008 - Pass Parameters From One Website To Another Without Login

May 10, 2012

I need to pass username from one intranet website to another. User logs into one website, if a clicks a link, it should take him to another website, seamlessly i.e. without logging in again.

Both websites would be on the same domain. I do not want to use querystring.

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How To Pass Date Parameters To Crystal Reports 2008 From App

Mar 31, 2010

I'm passing some parameters to a CR report programatically and it was working fine, but now that I have added a new date parameter to the report, for some reason, it is prompting me to enter that parameter on screen (the user isn't allowed to set that parameter is the system who must set it.), I haven't changed a thing other than adding the new date parameter, and all the other parameters behave normal, just the date parameter is prompted even thought I've already set a value for the parameter.

This is the code I've got:

private void ConfigureCrystalReports()
crystalReportViewer.ReportSource = GetReportPath();


Just for the sake of things: I have checked that the parameter is indeed a date and that it is well formed. CR prompts me to enter it in the format (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) so I pass date in that exact format (In fact I've even tried hard coding a well-formed date and it still prompts me to enter the date).

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Web Forms :: Run An .exe File Within A Website & Pass Parameters?

Jan 14, 2011

1) I have an .exe program that checks for the current directory and generate two .txt files from a .xml file. It should store the results of the two .txt files back into the same location as the .exe I heard that I should not be able to execute the .exe file within the website ??

2) I also have an .exe that generates a folder browser that I am using to allow my user to store the data the user downloads from the website. I am currently passing the full path name of the folder by storing in in my C: drive, but that may not be possible on a website? How would you pass the full folder path so that I can read it within my website form and store the downloaded data to ???

Currently the folder browser .exe code is also on the c:drive, where do you recomment me to put it to use for the website ???

I am not sure if I have access the a drive (like c:) on a real website.

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VS 2008 - Login To A Third Party Website And Download A File

Apr 5, 2013

I have subscription to a website where I can login and download files. These files are secured so I cannot download them with a direct link. Is there any way that I login programmatically and download files from http to my server without any user involvement? They do not offer any API or interface to communicate with.

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Link To .xls But Need To Pass Parameters?

Aug 3, 2010

I have a page containing a link to to MS Excel spreadsheet (I am able to assume that Excel is available as this is an intranet page). All works fine until I want to pass a parameter into the spreadsheet.

Normally I would do this with /e but this will not work I am starting Excel through a link.

Any ideas how I would pass the parameters into Excel?

(also - there may be multiple requests for the spreadsheet at any time with differing parameters!!)

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Security :: Allow Clients To Login To Website And Connect To Specific Server Based On Login

Jul 5, 2010

We have created a windows application which is distributed amongst our clients. The application uses SQL Server 2008 as the back end and each client uses their own database on their own server. The databases are all exactly the same but each clients data is specific only to them.

We would like to offer our clients the ability to log-in to our website which would then login to their own database so that when they are out in the field they can perform similar tasks to what they can do with the windows app.Each of the clients databases has a user table containing their login details, permissions etc.

Our server is running on IIS and has SQL Server 2008 installed but it only contains our data and nothing of the clients.How should we go about this?

What I mean is do we need to make each client have an additional login to our main server which would then hold each clients individual connection strings etc which would then be used to connect to there specific database and then they would need to login again?? Seems like a nightmare for the user.

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Use Gmail Or Live Service To Login In The Website But Limit Only One User (admin) To Login?

Dec 24, 2010

I've a Gmail account, assume that me@gmail.com. Now I want to login (as admin) in my website through this account. I know I can use OpenID etc. for that purpose but I want to limit it for just me only. Can I do this? I don't let anyone else to know which service I used to login and what is my address and etc. (Note: My website contains just one and only one login form, for just me, only!)

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Security :: Login Doesn't Work - Trying To Login Through The Production Website?

Apr 16, 2010

I am using Membership with Login control.

It worked just fine untill this week, but now it fails to login.

the odd think is that it do login from localhost, but when trying to login through the profuction site it fails to login. this is happens to all users.

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Web Forms :: 10 Parameters To Pass To Popup

Jun 10, 2010

Instead of specifying 10 parameters in the URL, is there any good alternative way of passing the parameters? And note the new window has to be a popup.

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How To Simplify Code To Pass More Parameters

Feb 5, 2010

I used a sub in which need to pass about 15 parameters. How to simplify it?
Protected Sub test(ByVal _a As String, ByVal _b As String) //about 15 parameters will pass
Dim s As String = "insert into AAA a, b value(" & _a & ", " & _b & ")"
End Sub

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Mvc 2 - How To Get The First Part Of The URL Parameters And Pass It To Controllers

Mar 29, 2011

I'm building a site that has a number of language versions. currently I use session variable to manage the country code for different language version

but today the client specifically requires to put the country code in the url right behind the domain name so the site url will be like these examples

uk version: [URL]

usa version: [URL]

I defined the default route to


but I'm not sure how to get the first segment of the url in the controllers?

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How To Pass Parameters From Eval To Href

Dec 10, 2010

<a runat="server" id="link" href='ProductDetails.aspx?ID=<%# Eval("productID") %>'></a>

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How To Pass Model To An Action Which Have Other Parameters

Feb 24, 2011

My problem with the following is how do I send the ModelStateErrors to the action Employee, when I go through the catch part in DeleteEmployee


With return View("Employee", model); I a still not able to send the ID and Name as parameter.

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C# - Pass Parameters To Crystal Report?

Mar 10, 2011

crystal report has two parameters field, however, i used three method searched, all failed. Error is missing parameter values. sure parameter is passing by query string URL] checked by Label However, do not know why Error is missing parameter values.

Method 1
// First parameter
ParameterFieldDefinitions crParameterFieldDefinitions;
ParameterFieldDefinition crParameterFieldDefinition;
ParameterValues crParameterValues = new ParameterValues();
ParameterDiscreteValue crParameterDiscreteValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
crParameterDiscreteValue.Value = Request.QueryString["ID"];
crParameterFieldDefinitions = objRpt.DataDefinition.ParameterFields;
crParameterFieldDefinition = crParameterFieldDefinitions["Cheque_IssueRecord_Secretary_Review_TT_ID"];
crParameterValues = crParameterFieldDefinition.CurrentValues;
// Second parameter
ParameterFieldDefinitions crParameterFieldDefinitions2;
ParameterFieldDefinition crParameterFieldDefinition2;
ParameterValues crParameterValues2 = new ParameterValues();
ParameterDiscreteValue crParameterDiscreteValue2 = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
crParameterDiscreteValue2.Value = Request.QueryString["tCOMDB"];
crParameterFieldDefinitions2 = objRpt.DataDefinition.ParameterFields;
crParameterFieldDefinition2 = crParameterFieldDefinitions2["tCOMDB"];
crParameterValues2 = crParameterFieldDefinition2.CurrentValues;
Method 2
//objRpt.SetParameterValue("Cheque_IssueRecord_Secretary_Review_TT_ID", Request.QueryString["ID"]);
//objRpt.SetParameterValue("tCOMDB", Request.QueryString["tCOMDB"]);
Method 3
var value = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
value.Value = Request.QueryString["ID"];
var value2 = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
value2.Value = Request.QueryString["tCOMDB"];

This crystal report database use stored procedure, parameter field is automatically added, after added i removed @ character do not know why parameter missing

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Pass Parameters From A ListBox To A DataGrid?

Mar 16, 2010

I am trying a programming example, which I saw in a book, in an attempt to learn ASP.NET and figure out how to pass parameters to a simple query. Here is my HTML:


The page loads but the ListBox does not fill. As a consequence, or maybe as an aside, the button click_event does absolutely nothing. Here is my VB:


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MVC :: Pass The Parameters Using Db2 To Jquiry Grid?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a db2 table with certain columns.. i have a stored procedure for select all table

how to use this stored procedure to fill the json grid.using asp.net mvc control..

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JQuery :: Pass Parameters To A Remote Url?

Oct 15, 2010

how can i use jquery in a scenario where when i click an image, jquery picks up the values of 2 dropdown lists and passes them up as parameters to a remote POST URL?

The page is then redirected to this new URL with the appropriate parameters.

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Web Forms :: How To Pass The Parameters And Get The Data In Gridview

Jun 8, 2010

I got DDL1: 10 miles

20 miles

TextBox1 : 'AAA20'


When user selects 10 miles from dropdownlist DDL1 and types AAA20 in textbox1 which is of type text, on button click it has to pull all the columns from database and show results in gridview using sqldatasource store procedure. I'm stuck in server side code..how to pull the data..in store procedure I'm passing two parameters val1 and val2. val1 gets data from DDL1 and val2 gets data when user types in textbox1 and it has to validate the text...see the code below mentioned and tell me how to pass the params and get the data in gridview...


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WCF / ASMX :: How To Pass The Parameters Into Webservice Method

Jan 4, 2011

i am working in the webservice project. I have one project when i run it then shows the text box for parameters and return the result after passing the parameters.

But another webservice does not allow me to enter the paramerters when execute then list of methods displayed and then show the soap xml when click at any method.

what difference found in both webserivces are Excuting-one that have the Text boxes: Test: "To test the operation using the HTTP POST protocol, click the 'Invoke' button."

2nd One Not provide the parameter text boxes: Test: "The test form is only available for methods with primitive types as parameters"

Dont know how to fix that. Because i want to debug the webservice and as i am unable to provide the parameter then how can i fix it.

how can i pass the parameters in the 2nd webservice as it has different information mentioned above.

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SQL Server :: Pass Stored Procedure Parameters Sometimes

Jan 28, 2011

Instead of dynamically building an sql to update data based on certain fields that are filled in, I would like to try and do it via a stored procedure I have three fields passing potentially passing to a stored procedure




Stored Procedure accepts 3 parameters

@field1 nvarchar(20), @field2 nvarchar(20), @field3 nvarchar(20)

I want to be able to pass parameters in a variety of ways

field1, field2, field3
field1, field3
field2, field3

When I attempt thsi, it provides an error of a missing parameter when I do not supply all three. Is there any way to pass exclude parameters at times. The most important thing is that I do not want to update the field to a null when a parameter is not passed, I want it to exclude updating that field altogether

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C# - How To Pass Server Side Tags With JS Parameters

Dec 12, 2010

I have a loop in JS, and I want to pass each parameter in that loop to a function in ASP.NET in the codebehind.

something like that:

for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)

And I want to pass a function in <%%> the elements[i].

How can I do that?

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Pass Parameters To User Control At Page_Load?

Jun 21, 2010

Basically I want to call a user control from a master page. However, I need to pass an object (a List of objects to be more specific), to the user control. I'm generating the list of objects in the Page_Load of the master page. Here's the line in my master page that calls the user control.

<cu:Eventlisting1 runat="server" id="eventListing1"></cu:Eventlisting1>

This user control has a parameter called CalendarItems that accepts the list of items. However, if I try to set this inside of the Page_Load method, my control executes before the Page_Load and throws an exception saying CalendarItems is null. Is there any way around this?

EDIT: I have a drop down list on this page that determines what the list of CalendarItems is so when I populate the CalendarItems list I need to be able to read the selected value from the drop down list.

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Web Forms :: How To Pass Parameters Via A Button Control

Sep 16, 2010

I would like to pass a number of parameters via a button, (it must be a button) but I don't know how to do this.

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JQuery :: How To Pass Parameters To Modal Window

Aug 24, 2010

I have a webpart in a page in which there is a gridview(which shows list of customers). When I click on a link button in gridview, I would like to popup a JQuery modal window and fill the popup(this contains textboxes, then a gridview which contains mapped systems for thet customer, and another gridview which contains list of configured reports for that customer) with the details based on the customer name(link) clicked. Here I need to pass the customer Id and customer name parameters based on which I can fill the Jquery modal window.

pass parameters to JQuery modal window in order to fill the contents inside it?

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MVC :: How To Pass Values To Action Methods Without Parameters

Jan 20, 2010

Is there any possibility to pass values of form elements to action methods but using parameters?I have a form with a lot of input fields and the method signature will get pretty long. Besides the form elements depend on each other so if the user makes a special choice only a subset of the form elements should be displayed so there are several combinationof values to be passed.Can I access the posted values in a generic way through a collection in the controller or something similar?

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