VS 2008 Efficient Listview Sorting?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a requirement where 15 listviews have to be loaded on a web page.But only one shown at a time. Number of columns will be only 2 for each and Number of rows for every listview is very limited.The thing I am not able to decide is the sorting method.1. If I am using the datasource control, it automatically sorts my listview.2. If I am programmatically populating listview , I will have to sort my datatable and rebind to the listview.To use the second method I have to store the datatables in sessions.So taking that into consideration, will datasource control be more efficient ?

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VS 2008 What's The Most Efficient Way To Sort A Gridview(vb.net)

Oct 28, 2010

What's the best way to do this? I have seen quite a few examples that use a Dataview etc. what is the best method. I'm thinking about speed issues when a grid has a few thousand records etc.

this is how I populate the gridview:



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Forms Data Controls :: ListView Sorting Not Working

Mar 29, 2010

My sorting does not work .. When I click on my sorting, I get a server error 500.


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Forms Data Controls :: Sorting With Listview Via ObjectDataSource?

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I want to sorting via clicking header ( kod , aciklama, yeri, are headers ) with list view component and ObjectDataSource. ObjectDataSource use komponentListesi() method for selecting. How can i sorting with use listview component.

Data Object layer


Data Access layer




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Forms Data Controls :: Sorting Not Working In Listview?

Jan 3, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Keep Current Page (DataPager) On ListView Sorting

Sep 19, 2010

i have a listview (table layout) bind to a sqldatasource (sqlprocedure) with a datapager for custom paging and custom sorting using linkbuttons.

The problem is, if i click on a linkbutton to sort, the datapager jumps always to the first page.

Is there any way to keep the current page on sorting?

I tried DataPager.SetPageProperties() on sorting event, but it doesn't work.



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DataSource Controls :: Sorting A ListView Bound To LinqDataSource Based On Child Object?

Jul 22, 2010

This was a pretty disappointing moment - when databinding, using Eval("Contact.LastName") would work. It nicely evaluates the related Linq object's member LastName. If the "Contact" object is null, no error is thrown... instead the field is simply null.

However, the same does not hold for sorting - if there exists a null entry (this object does not have a Contact) then the LinqDataSource throws a NullReferenceException. This means that, if you ever have nulls on your foreign-key objects, you can't use sorting headers in the ListView.

This makes the feature moderately useless - I have to roll my own properties for every single field I'd ever want to sort on. That's insane.

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SQL Reporting :: Parametrized Sorting In Ssrs 2008?

Feb 8, 2011

I am creating report in winfrom. I am having three radio button and one button , when user click on any of those radio button and click on the button the report has to sort according to that. I am not asking about interactive sorting.

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VS 2008 - Sorting Date Column In DataView

Jul 12, 2011

I've got a datagrid which i wanted to sort, since i dnt have much knowledge of .Net, so what i did was to save that datagrid in a DataTable, then again save the same DataTable in a DataView, then apply sorting on that DataView. this is the code, and its working fine.

protected void dgEOBSearchResults_SortCommand(object source, DataGridSortCommandEventArgs e)
DataTable dtEOBDocumentListTable = (DataTable)Session["sEOBDataTable"];
if (ViewState["sortExpression"] == null)


but the issue comes when the i try to sort the Date Column, the dates are in MM/DD/YYYY format, so if i try to sort the date column, the dates are sorted on month basis, rather than year basis. now i cant change the date format, is there any way to sort dates in DataView?

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SQL Reporting :: Sorting A Tablix In A Matrix SSRS 2008?

Sep 29, 2010

This is the format of my report and I am trying to get the rows sorted.I do know about interactive sorting but I do not want to use it because this report will be called by an external web application and I want this report sorted before it is rendered to the user.


I want this to be sorted by the second column in a descending order 5.0,4.0,3.0,2.0,1.0. I rightclicked the matrix,selected the sorting option and chose the grouping name( "Index" in my case) and chose Z to A (Desc I presume), saved and deployed to the server and when the report rendered it was not sorted by the second column(grouping).

Is it possible to achieve this? Does the report always render based on the first grouping in the ascending order (like Agree,Disagree...)

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VS 2008 - Creating Gridview User Control With Sorting And Filtering?

Sep 20, 2010

I find myself always repeating code when it comes to gridviews. I want to build a usercontrol so I can just set a datasource andcolumn types etc and I can use the same control over and over in different projects.

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Data Sorting With DataSource Property?

Dec 5, 2010

I am using a ListView and i want to get my datatables sorted by clicking table headers. I am binding my ListView to DataSet via DataSource peoperty of ListView.I donot want to use ObjectDataSource or SQLDataSource Controls.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Inside Another Gridview Both Sorting - Using 3.5 Visual Studio 2008 C# Code Behind

Apr 16, 2010

I have the gridview inside another gridview, i want to sort that both gridviews, I don't know how to achieve using asp.net 3.5 visual studio 2008 c# code behind. Following are my aspx page,

AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowSorting="True"
EmptyDataText="No Records To Display"
Text="<img id='upimg' src='Styles/Images/appschg.gif'/>"
id="<%#Eval("code") %>"
OnSorting="Gdclmline1_Sorting" BorderColor="Green"
OnRowEditing="Gdclmline1_RowEditing" Font-Names="Verdana"
OnRowUpdating="Gdclmline1_RowUpdating" PageSize="1000"
EmptyDataText="No Records To Display"
Text='<%#Bind("phone") %>'> </asp:Label>
Text='<%#Bind("address1") %>'> </asp:Label>
/> <PagerStyle
/> <HeaderStyle
/> </asp:GridView>

that aspx page contains gridview that contain one more gridview inside in it.Now i want to sort out both the grid i.e)claimgrid and Gdclmline1 i want code in c#.

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Getting The Custom Sorting And Paging With Images To Indicate The Sorting Direction In Gridview

Jul 18, 2010

Moderators Note: THIS ISSUE IS BIG FOR ME AND EVEN IF POSSIBLE, GET THE REPLY FROM THE DESIGNER OF GRIDVIEW. I have been looking for him for long. I am really fed up with reviewing a good lot of web pages on how we can possibly customize the gridview to enable sorting and paging. So many sites have listed out a lot of information and so many guidances. But the problem is that one works out fine and the other is a burden. I really feel bad about being given the job of customizing this kind of a gridview which has no user friendly approach to it. Also, this control is rendered without the pager links inside the <tfoot> tag. I have tried the Pear Pager in php. It is that good and easy to use and compared to that, the gridview in asp.net is the worst ever control i have ever tried so far.

1. i can use the images to indicate the sorting direction
2. I can have the custom pager like


<<Previous 1 2 3 .. 7 Next >>.


When i click the next when i am viewing the page at 3 , the pager links should change as


<<Previous 2 3 4 .. 7 Next >>


Kindly look into this type of requirement and firstly tell me whether this is possible with the gridview control. I would like this request even to be escalated to the designers of the gridview control also, so that Microsoft comes out with a reply THAT WORKS and not the kind of stuff like surfing through a lot of links and pages and finally wasting a lot of days precious time and still breaking the head with this useless control. I have spent a lot of time in searching for a perfect way. Not writing a code that is non-standard. I am really serious b'cos I have spent weeks in customizing this control. If I dont get a solid reply atleast now, I am going to generate all the output by HTML content by custom coding.

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VS 2008 Checkbox Status Not Reflecting From Listview

Sep 6, 2012

When i click delete button in above image, selected item should be deleted from listview. (Note : i should not use Listview1_deleting event, it should be done in delete button event only.)

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Forms Data Controls :: Error - Gridview Fired Event "Sorting" Which Wasn't Handled Using Visual Studio 2008

Feb 21, 2010

I have a gridview in an update panel which is declared in an ASPX page, and bound to a SQLDataSource in code. The gridview's 'allowsorting' attribute is set to true, and because it is bound to a SQLDataSource, I expect the sorting to be automatically handled.

Yet I am getting the "Message: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: The GridView 'grdStatusItems' fired event Sorting which wasn't handled" error. I am using Visual Studio 2008, IE8, IIS7. What am I doing wrong? I have done anextensive search for this error, but it seems in most cases where this error occurs, the people are not using a SQLDatasource, so have to handle the sorting event themselves. Is this the case here? Here is the updatepanel and gridview declaration in the aspx file:


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C# - More Efficient Database Access?

Jan 16, 2011

I am new to databases and linq, so my problem may be considered trivial. I currently start all my db requests in each class with:

DataClassesDataContext db = new DataClassesDataContext()

Then I proceed to make whatever linq request I need within the method and carry on with the main application logic.

Now, two interesting queries:

1) I believe I have seen people wrapping db usage within 'using'. Such as:

using (DataClassesDataContext db = new DataClassesDataContext())

If this is correct, then doesn't it mean that my class can't use a member 'db' variable anymore, but rather those db requests need to be made within each function call? Also, what exactly would happen if I don't use 'using' within the calls?

2) Running my app with SQL Profiler enabled, I see lots of connections opening and closing. Does this means that each

DataClassesDataContext call makes a separate connection? It seems inefficient, so is the right way to actually make the DataClassesDataContext object a static within each class being used?

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Most Efficient Endless Loop In C# (carousel)

Jan 19, 2011

Assuming a list of objects, each with an ID, what's the most efficient way of building a carousel, so that each object knows what its previous and next item is. The Last Item's previousId will link to the first item. The first item's previousId will link to the last.

I need the ID of the previous and the ID of the next, as this will be used to populate next and previous buttons on a web page.

I know I could iterate over them, adding placeholders for _next and _prev id, but what's the most efficient way to do this?

I figure my object should look like this:

class Item {
public int Id { get; set; }
public string ItemName { get; set; }
public int Next { get; set; }[code]....

I think I'm looking at this wrong way. Is there a better way of doing this?

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MVC :: What Is The Efficient Way To Display Comment Data

Jan 20, 2010

I am making a blog application and for the sake of my question I have 2 tables: Posts & Comments. I would like to loop through the posts and use a nested loop to display the comments relating to a specific post. Currently, I am using this code:


Obviously this is a simplified version. Is this the most efficient method of displaying this kind of data?

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C# - Which Is More Efficient For Rendering A Server Control

Feb 4, 2010

I am outputting the entire HTML for my server control as follows:

public override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output)

myStringBuilder is a StringBuilder object that is manually built in a separate private method.Is this an efficient way to do it? Or is it better to pass the HtmlTextWriter to my private method and make multiple calls to HtmlTextWriter.Write()?

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WCF / ASMX :: Efficient Way To Transmit XML Messages

Aug 26, 2010

What is the most efficient way to transmit messages in WCF? I've done a few basic walkthroughs of WCF and upon analyzing the XML transmission I saw that they were very large by default... Containing what appears to me, as a lot of unnecessary information, for my needs. I'm looking for a way to send the shortest messages possible. How can I trim as much as possible from the XML? Can I remove all the header information. What approach for sending the shortest messages possible using XML in WCF?

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C# - What's More Efficient SQL Or Flat File Access

Jul 22, 2010

I am looking at upgrading a realtime program ASP.NET C#, that takes very frequently updated data and moves it from one database to another.

Currently using a middle man app, that pulls from one and inserts into another using SqlBulkCopy.

Is it better to have the source db server write a flat file and the middle man collect from that flat file?

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I would like to use insert statement to the same table with different values, lets say 5 times. What is the efficient way to do this?

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I've an arraylist having 30000 items in it, what's the best way of creating a text file on the fly from an ASP.NEt page? Currently I'm using the code below but it times out with large data,

Using fileStr As New FileStream(sFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
Using writer As New StreamWriter(fileStr)
writer.WriteLine("Error Messages") [code].....

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