VS 2010 Bind Enabled To Property
Jun 12, 2012
I have several controls on a page that I want to bind the enabled property to a couple of properties in code behind that are set on Page_Load. Here's an example of what I'm using to bind to the properties.
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="AssignToRadComboBox"
This works fine once the page is posted back for the first 4 controls on the page.Here's the 1st control that doesn't get disabled like I expect it to. The expression is the same in the Enabled property so I'm not sure why it isn't working.
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="CategoryRadComboBox"
Enabled='<%# IsAdmin && !IsCompleted %>' />
I've got 2 problems with this approach:
1. I need it to happen the first time the page is loaded rather than after a postback.
2. I need it to work for all of the controls on the page having the expression.
It's too late in the development process to rewrite the page so I can't use jQuery & knockoutjs for example to do this all on the client side.
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$('[id$=myRadio_1]').click(function() { $('[id$=myDiv]').hide(); });
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<asp:GridView ID="gvShoppingCart" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<asp:BoundField DataField="Title" HeaderText="Title" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Price" HeaderText="Price" />
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public class CartItem
private Movie _movieInCart;
private int _Count;
public CartItem()
{ }
public CartItem(Movie movie, int count)
_movieInCart = movie;
_count= count;
public Film MovieInCart
get { return _movieInCart; }
set { _movieInCart = value; }
public int Count
get { return _count; }
set { _count = value; }
public double getSubTotal()
return _movieInCart.Price * _count;
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private string _title;
private double _price;
public string Title
get { return _title; }
set { _title= value; }
public double Price
get { return _price; }
set { _price= value; }
//More properties here
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<asp:DataGrid ID="SomeDataGrid"
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<p:ProgressBar runat="server" Progress="<%#item.Completed/item.Total%>" Width="100" />
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<%# Bind("TimeOfDay","{0:HH:mm:ss}") %>
<%# Eval("TimeOfDay","{0:HH:mm:ss}") %>
<%# Bind("TimeOfDay","{0:HH:mm:ss tt}") %>
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public IEnumerable<Category> Categories {get;set;}
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