VS 2010 / Identity Specification Column In Table Not Displaying In Numerical Order?

Oct 2, 2011

I have a database table and the column that has identity specification set to true is not displaying in numerical order. Whether I use Server Explorer and use Show Table Data or I create an application to view the contents of the table using a DataGridView I see that column displayed with the numbers often though not always in a non-numerical order.

Does it perhaps have to do with the way the rows for that column were added or would it be something else. I was looking at the properties for that column but don't see what I would change to make the rows display in numeric order.

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SQL Server :: Update Colums In Numerical Order?

Feb 2, 2011

I want to update the database as shown below. I want to sort the values from col1,2,3,4 in numeric order and save the sorted values back to the database.

Now in database table
IdentityInteger Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
1 4 2 1 3

Wanted results in database table
IdentityInteger Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
1 1 2 3 4

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Data Controls :: Identity Column In Table (User Activation) Can Only Be Specified When A Column List Is Used

Jan 24, 2016

How to handle this error

"An explicit value for the identity column in table 'UserActivation' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON."

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Forms Data Controls :: Error When Inserting Into Table - Cannot Insert Explicit Value For Identity Column In Table

Aug 11, 2010

I am working on a web app for an online photo album. It is the last project in Scott Mitchell's book: "ASP.Net 2.0 in 24 hours".

I am creating a page where users can enter new photo images. The functionality for uploading an image will come later. I am working on just inserting a new row into the Pictures table with an optional category, a required title and a required description.

I am getting an error when I try to insert a new row.

Here is a screenshot of the page with a shot of the dropdown list.

The Categories are user-specific. I am getting the correct values retrieved.


There are two pretty simple database tables involved here.

NOTE: The CategoryID and PIctureID are both autoincrement integer columns.


The page uses a DetailsView that uses a SqlDataSource that uses the Pictures table. (The DetailsView's Default Mode property is set to "Insert". The "Enable Inserting" checkbox is also checked.)

The dropdown list uses a dropdown control that uses a SqlDataSource that uses the Categories table.

When the "Insert" button is clicked the CategoryID value associated with selected (Category) Name on the dropdown list will be used along with the Title and Description values to insert a row in to the Pictures table. (If no Category value is selected, then a null value will be used for the CategoryID. This is OK because the CategoryID column in the Pictures table allows nulls.)

My problem is that I am getting this error:

Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Pictures' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.

(FYI: I have the full version of both Visual Studio and SQL Server.)

Here is my source code for the page:


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Return Identity Column Value From Table After Inserting Row?

Sep 29, 2010

I am inserting data into Employee table using stored procedure.In employee table EmpNo is identity column.Once i insert data into table stored procedure should EmpNo i.e identitycolumn value.

correct my stored procedure to returm EMpNo Identity column after inserting row.

alter procedure SAR_Sp_AddEmployee(@EmpName varchar(10),@CampaignID int,@startDate datetime) as insert into EmpMaster values(@EmpName,@CampaignID,@startDate)

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MVC :: Cannot Insert Explicit Value For Identity Column In Table

Jun 16, 2010

Following the MVC1 vers of Nerddinner, but using 2010 and MVC2. Never seen this error. Looked in controller, model, view. Where does MVC pass the identity value, and how to stop it? I have never had to set IDENTITY_INSERT in any app before.

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How To Insert The Value That Is Not In Textbox Into Database Which Is Primary Key For Table Without Identity Column

Dec 21, 2010

i have created a web form, where i have 3 textboxes into a table and one submit button.

i would like to store values from the textboxes into my database (sql server) when i click the submit button.

but how to insert the value that is not in textbox into database which is primary key for table without identity column.

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DataSource Controls :: Unable To Change "Identity Specification"?

Feb 9, 2010

I'm trying to auto-increment my primary key (customer ID) but I can't.

The primary key that I would like to change the identity-specification from no to yes has the following properties:

data type: int

allow nulls: unchecked

And I've tried to change from (is identity) property but am unable to.

View 26 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Insert Explicit Value For Identity Column In Table 'UserDetails'

Mar 3, 2011

I have error:

Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'UserDetails' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.

I'm trying to insert a record through a BLL (Business Logic Layer) class with an 'Insert' button attached to the FooterTemplate of a GridView2. My code:



BLL layer code:


The field 'idUser' is autoincremented. When I use SqlDataSource with a DetailsView, add option it adds a record and autoincrements the 'isUser'.

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SQL Server Identity / Largest Number Record Id (identity) Column Can Hold

Jan 1, 2011

I am developing a asp.net application and i am using SQL Server 2008. I took a IDENTITY column as Record_ID for detail table where i will have trillions of records per year. So just want to ask whats the largest number record id (identity) column can hold and in ASP.NET which data type i should use to handle record id as i am using this id as a reference to update the table data. I don't want to end up being trapped some day.

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Web Forms :: Sort A Data Table Based On A Particular Column Which Has Integer Values In Ascending Order?

Oct 22, 2010

How do I sort a data table based on a particular column which has integer values in ascending order?

I wrote this:

'Sort the datatable based on sequence id leadtable.DefaultView.Sort ="Id" But it doesnt seem to work Datatble is defined as:


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Forms Data Controls :: Table Displaying Column Even After Deleting?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a table which display diffrent data

One of the headers I used is shown below,In this I dont want to display the mobile phone number field so I removed that field even then in the output it is showing me the column mobile number...what is wrong?watelse should i change?

class="front-listing visiblelinks">


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SQL Server :: Update Column Into Identity Column By Removing Null Values?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a table converted from Access and the identity keys were lost. Now I need to make the id column the identity column, but it already has a lot of null values, how do I auto generate integer values for the null rows? The row ids are incremented, so if there is a way to auto increment the ids

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Web Forms :: Sequence Order For Page.IsPostBack And User.Identity.IsAuthenticated?

Apr 22, 2010

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If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
If User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then
~Some kind of code~
End If
End If

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The Column Is Dragable Means The Order Of The Column Can Be Changed By Drag And Drop?

May 5, 2010

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SQL Server :: How To Set Column Value Get From Identity On Column

Mar 14, 2011

I am facing a problem here. I have a column where the value is equivalent to my identity column's value. For an example, I have a column A store is "ABC0001" and the 0001 is came from a column called Column B which identity on. when a new record inserted and Column B is next identity number and Column A value is "ABC" and add number from Column B.

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Folder Generated Gallery Not Displaying In Alphabetical Order?

May 21, 2010

I'm an ASP newbie, so I'm trying to muddle through setting up this image gallery piece by piece as I learn the language. This particular issue has me completely stumped though. The site in question: [URL] I'm very confused as to why the navigation menu is listing out of alphabetical order. Here's the code that I'm -pretty sure- is governing this chunk of info:


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SQL Server :: How To Start Identity Column From 001

Nov 22, 2010

I want to konw how to start my identity column from 001?


this does not work as it still takes it froom cause 001 and 1 is the same

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Changing Existing Column To Be With Identity

Mar 2, 2011

Possible Duplicate: How to change programmatically non-identity column to identity one? I want to set a column as identity as I have already created this column in a table. What syntax do I need?

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SQL Server :: Set Identity To Primary Key Column?

Feb 3, 2011

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ADO.NET :: Select Name Column From The Applicant Table And Value Column From ApplicantValue Table?

Feb 2, 2011

I am quite new to LINQ, and I am stuck with this probably basic problem, but haven't been able to find a solution, so I thought I could ask here.

So, I have this repository where I put my functions for data accessing, and now I need to write a function to get all the applicants that have applied for this particular advertisement, and their values too. Now, the values are stored in a separate M:N table, where every row consists of the applicantID,advertisementID and value. I just wanna append the value to every applicant that I show, so that it would look like a Ranking List.

However, I do not seem to know how to select just the name column from the Applicant table, and just the Value column from the ApplicantValue table.

And there's this Iqueryable interface that further confuses me...

Here's my function to get the Applicants only:


Now, if I try to add to the definition of the type two columns, it says that it only messes with types, i.e. one type should be passed. So I figured I would do a ViewModel and then pass it, like this


and then in the function I have no idea how to pass the values:

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DataSource Controls :: Reset Identity Column To A New Value?

Jan 16, 2010

Resetting IDENTITY column to a new valueDuring application development we always entry some test data also our tester test with test data and as a result if the table contains IDENTITY columns( specially ID column) which incremented to the number of data already entered.

However, when the application goes running with real data to the client and the client want his ID values from starting 1, then we need to RESEED the value of the IDENTITY column of the table after clearing all data. This can be done as bellows:


However, can be reseed with any values instead of zero(0) in the above statement.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Reset Identity Column Value

Jun 14, 2010

I have an identity column that increment by 1 on every insert. I have deleted all the rows using delete query but the identity coulumn is still not reseting to zero, how do i reset it, as it was when the table was first created.

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DataSource Controls :: Add Identity To Existing Column

Jun 3, 2010

I have created small database prods. I have created one table Products. I have given columns like productid, productname, price. after creating table. I got an idea to add identity to productid ie., auto increment. how to add identity to existing column.

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