VS 2010 - Protect From SQL Injection Where If A Is Put In End Of URL

Jul 22, 2011

How to protect from sql injection where if a ' is put in the end of the URL there is an error ?

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Incorrect syntax near 'are'. Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ')'.

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C# - How To Protect The Webpage

Aug 8, 2010

web pages running on the localhost, if i copy the web page link (address link), then copy to the another tab or browser, it should not open, it should display a Login Page.

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How to protect the web pages.

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Protect (vb & Cs) Files?

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So every page i make, there is another one (source file) linked to it.

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How To Protect VideoFile Link

Mar 13, 2011

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Is there a way to protect video link? or progressive video stream loading and preventing video direct link.in aspnet ? so no jdownloader or any link gather programme can detect it.

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C# - Protect Application To Run Only On Specified Domain?

Mar 9, 2011

I'm going to publish an asp.net pre-compiled web site on shared hosting account but I don't want my code to be copied and able to run on another domain. I need to check domain and if not example.com or www.example.com redirect to error page or show error as response.

EDIT: Here is my solution based on given answers

void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[] safeDomains = new string[] { "localhost",
"example.com", "www.example.com" };
if (!((IList)safeDomains).Contains(Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"]))
Response.Write("Domain not allowed!");

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Protect File For Download?

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Web Forms :: Protect DLL From Decompile

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I want to protect and put a password to block any decompiling possibilities (for example using decompile software) of all C# codebehind files.

Is it possible to achieve this and still be able to run the website as normaly?

I am using Visual studio to precompile the files, but I guess it is still possible for someone to decompile them.

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Web Config Safe From SQL Injection And XSS

Nov 12, 2010

I've a blog-driven ASP.NET website. Under the post, there is a Comment block to let readers post comments.I've used some TextBoxes and TextArea for that.To Prevent XSS:I've filtered the input by using: Server.HtmlEncode() Method (I don't care about text formatting).To Prevent SQL-Injection:I'm using Linq To SQL (that should be like parametrized queries I think!).

ArticlesDataClasses dc = new ArticlesDataClasses();
ArticleComment newComm = new ArticleComment()
ArticleID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ArticleID"]),
CommentAuthor = Server.HtmlEncode(txtName.Text),
CommentText = Server.HtmlEncode(txtComment.InnerHtml).Replace("
", "<br />"),
CommentAuthorEmail = Server.HtmlEncode(txtMail.Text),
CommentTime = DateTime.Now,
Enabled = false

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C# : Dependency Injection And Roles?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a page using an injected BLL service: a simple service returning a set of objects with a function like this:

public IMyService { List<Foo> All(); }

There is a default implementation for normal users.Now, i need that users in administrative role can view more objects, with another implementation of the service.Where can i configure my page to use the second implementation?

My first solution is to put the dependency to the IUnityContainer in the page, and use it to resolve the dependency:

public IUnityContainer Container { get; set;}

Page_Init(..) [code].....

it's a ServiceLocator and it's neither scalable neither testable.

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C# - .NET Module Dependency Injection?

Jan 3, 2011

During the design of a new generic authentication framework for some of our products, I have come across an architectural issue I cannot seem to find a good solution for.I have tried to simplify the problem in order to easily explain it.

The library has two classes:

Manager Is responsible for storing currently authenticated users.Module It is the responsibility for the module to validate each request according to security policies. The Module must ask the manager to determine whether a user is currently authenticated.

Now the manager is supplied an implementation of an interface which allows the manager to load users from a repository. The specific implementation is not contained in this library. Because of this, I cannot directly instantiate an instance of the repository within the library.

I have no way of modifying properties or supplying arguments for the module constructor. So my question is this, how can I give the module a reference to an instance of the Manager?

namespace Demo
public interface IRepository

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Prevent Data From SQL Injection

Apr 14, 2010

prevent my data from SQL injection. I have replaced ' with '' (single quote with 2 quote) while doing any operation on sql server. tell me what all i need to do , to prevent my application from SQL injection. my application is in asp.net 2.0 i will use parameterized queries but what about my old projects.. i mean what about where i have written a string query and sending it to sql server as a commandtext. can any one insert sql injection even i have replaced ' with ''?

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Security :: Sql Injection To My Website

May 9, 2010

i almost finished my website

but i am afraid of sql injection to my website

how i can protect my self against this injection ...?

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How To Protect A MySQL Database With A Password

Dec 4, 2010

Sub btnLogin_OnClick(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
Dim myConnection As OleDbConnection
Dim myCommand As OleDbCommand

I found this code for user authentication. How secure is this? Can this be bypassed? Can I protect a MySQL database with a password? Can people see a MySQL database's data if it's not protected?

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Security :: Way To Protect Files From Download

Dec 17, 2010

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Web Forms :: How To Protect Textfile From Viewing

Jul 27, 2010

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Security :: How To Protect Word Document

Aug 19, 2010

User downloads a document from a specified site, saves to the local disk and fills in confidential details. When other users logs on to this computer and if they try to access the file, the document should not be accessible. Also consider that the document can be saved to a common server too, in which case, no one else other than the person who downloaded and filled the document should be able to open the document.

some options to protect this document.

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Security :: How To Protect Contact Form

Apr 23, 2010

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How to protect my contact form?

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Sep 18, 2010

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I need a way to prevent this. It should only work on laptops that we have installed it on.

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Protect Link For Public Downloads?

Jul 28, 2010

I've got SL application where i should implement file managment subsystem. I've got hierarchical structure of filesfolders(just description). Also each filefolder has its own permissions to usersgroups. I would like implement that one user who has permission to download file couldn't give it to another user, who hasn't this permission. So if user has download permission he get link [URL] and download it. But he could give this link to another person without permission.

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Security :: How To Protect Namespace Against SQL Injections

Jan 28, 2010

I have written a namespace for a guestbook for my personal website. When I use a quote(") or single quote(') in a guestbook message the system(server) gives me a warning there is an error in my SQL syntax.

Incorrect syntax near 'are'. Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ')'.

I have tried to implement the answer of an older topic written by me in the namespace. But it gives me errors. [URL]

how to protect this namespace against SQL injections?


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