How To Protect The Connectionstring In Web.config

Oct 26, 2010

I have a website about to go live. I'm wondering what I should be doing about the connectionstring in the web.config. Do I obfuscate it and it so how?

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ADO.NET :: How To Use Connectionstring From Web.config

Jan 2, 2011

I have a connectionstring in my web.config <add name="HeimkinoVerbindungszeichenfolge1" connectionString="Data Source=SERVER;Initial Catalog=Heimkino;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=*******;"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

This itself is working when using eg the SQLDataSource for a Gridview or similar.

Now I need to access this DB with different scripts and work with that database.

Eg I need to run this comand in a page_load against the DB


to remove old events from the database

For other pages I need something like


for some userauthentication things this should just create a recordset I can work with then.

Is there a way to realize this using the connectionstring in the web.config (and if so, How???)

If this will not work, how can I run such queries?

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C# - ConnectionString From App.config Of A DLL Is Null

Sep 4, 2010

I have a class library that contains a valid connectionString inside the app.config. Inside that class library I want to use it with


My 4.0 framework application references that DDL and retrieves data from it. I want create a Entity Framework 4 DataContext within my DDL with the ConnectionString from the App.config. (I do not want to pass the connectionString from my application in every single method. (I'm using ObjectDataSources))

However, this line inside my DLL throws a NullReferenceException.


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Configuration :: Web.config Configurations To Protect URL?

Dec 22, 2010

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Configuration :: ConnectionString And Config File?

Feb 4, 2011

how can i encrpt database password and store to Visual Studio's connectionString areaalso, i would like to know how can i set all config in config file and how the program can read.

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C# - Dynamically Change ConnectionString In Web.config?

Aug 9, 2010

I have the following in my web.config

<add name="ActiveDirectoryConnection" connectionString="LDAP://" providerName="System.Web.Security.ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider"/>

I need to add a dropdown box to my login page that allows the user to change the connectionString to a different string, e.g. "LDAP://"

In C# code behind how do change the connectionString value?

More info:

The problem I am having is that there are 4 other web.config settings call that one connectionString. For example:

<activeDirectorySecurityContextSettings connectionStringName="ActiveDirectoryConnection" defaultADUserName="ReportUser" defaultADPassword="password"/>

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Configuration :: Get All Connectionstring Defined In Web.config?

Mar 7, 2011

i want to get all connectionstring defined in web.config

var dk = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings;

problem .i am define 2 connectionstrings in web.config but upper code return me 3 connectionstring

dk[0] = LocalSqlServer (dont know where to come )

dk[1] = connection1 (Define by me )

dk[2] = connection2 (Define by me )

so how i can get only 2 connection from Web.config

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Protect (encrypt) Password In The Web.config File?

Dec 24, 2010

<smtp from="" deliveryMethod="Network">
<network clientDomain="" host="" defaultCredentials="false" port="25" userName=" " password="password" enableSsl="true" />

This is the case where I need encryption for my password. I searched and googled much on the web but I can't be able to encrypt anymore.

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C# - Use Connectionstring From Web.config In Source Code File?

Mar 15, 2011

I know this might be a very basic question, but maybe thats why im having problems finding the answer. Right now I'm creating database connections in my source files by doing something like this:

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=...Password=...);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(String.Format("SELECT * FROM Table;"), con);
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

But this means that if I choose to change databases it will be a major pain in the ass. Do you guys know how to use the connection string from a web.config file instead?

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SQL Server :: Define And Read ConnectionString From Web.Config?

Dec 17, 2010

I am new to and wondering if anybody can help me defining SQL Server 2005 ConnectionString in web.config file and call/read anywhere in application on any button.Kindly provide me code example.

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Configuration :: ConnectionString With Data Source In Web.Config?

Mar 10, 2010



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WebMatrix :: Use Database.Open For ConnectionString From Web.config?

Aug 12, 2010

As mentioned in this tutorial (, I tried using my own connectionstring from web.config.

I got this error: "Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0."

The tutorial suggests to use: Database.OpenConnectionString("SmallBakeryConnectionString") method

Instead you should use Database.Open("ConnectionStringName").


The API Document is missing Database.Open method and also Database.OpenConnectionString info needs to be modified.

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Security :: How To Password Protect The Entire Website In Web.config

Feb 1, 2011

I have a website that is going on a public server so I want to password protect it, but for a while only myself and a couple of others will be using it. I will eventually get it together to do it right and have the users in a database etc, but for now, I just want to put a couple of users with their passwords in the web.config and have them authenticate on a login page.

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Jun 18, 2010

How to protect our web.config file from external access.

I mean some sort of password protection.

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DataSource Controls :: Set Up Connectionstring At Runtime From Web.config - MySQL?

Jul 7, 2010

I want to setup the connectionstring of the SqlDatasource of a dropdown list at runtime, eg. Page Load event. I have install MySQl ODBC driver, System DSN name as "MySQL_Employee" If I have an entry in Web.config:

<add name="mysqlConnection" connectionString="DSN=MySQL_Employee;UID=john;description=connection to employee database;server=empServer;database=employee;port=3306;" providerName="System.Data.Odbc"/>

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DataSource Controls :: Encrypted Connectionstring And Store At Web.config File?

Jan 19, 2011

I encrypted my connectionstring and store at web.config file. Then I bind Gridview with sqldatasource control, cannot bind because of sqldatasource don't know the(encrypted) connectionstring.

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Forms Data Controls :: Creating A SQL Connectionstring For The Web Config And Textsearches?

Jul 24, 2010

am having problems creating this;1. How to create a add a connectionstring to my web config fileThis is the connection string I have entered

Datasource=.SQLWEXPRESS; attachDb filename=c:inetpubwwwrootdevelopment_ecommerceApp dataextratime.mdf;integrated security=true; user instance true

I have tried to enter this as well

<add name="development_Ecommerce" connectionString="Data Source=smbc-652263fbfaSQLEXPRESS;Inital Catalogue=extratime; Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>


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C# - How To Protect The Webpage

Aug 8, 2010

web pages running on the localhost, if i copy the web page link (address link), then copy to the another tab or browser, it should not open, it should display a Login Page.

For example, web pages are


Once Login, account page will open, then copy the address link, then try to open in another tab or browser. It is directly account page is display.

Account page directly should not open without login page.

How to protect the web pages.

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Protect (vb & Cs) Files?

May 22, 2010

I am new at asp sites, and just started to use visual studio...

So every page i make, there is another one (source file) linked to it.

Example...default.aspx and with that the default.aspx.vb or default.aspv.cs. I know what those files are for, but how do i protect them from being downloaded from users... Anyone can just type the url, and get my hard work :-/

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Get DataBase Name From ConnectionString?

May 21, 2010

is there any method to get the database name from connectionString?

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ADO.NET :: Passing ConnectionString To DLL?

Nov 15, 2010

I want to know how to pass connection string to my .dll file. I have created one Class Library(dll) now i am using the dll of that in my application. My application is going to deploy on client side so he will going to change the connection string. Now iwant to know how will i directly access the connection string from web.config to my dll. With that i also want to know how will i pass parameters to my dll. I have already tried but it is giving me an error:the remote server returned an error 500 internal server error. Class Library Code:


Web Form Code: where i am using the object of my dll


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How To Protect VideoFile Link

Mar 13, 2011

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Is there a way to protect video link? or progressive video stream loading and preventing video direct aspnet ? so no jdownloader or any link gather programme can detect it.

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C# - Protect Application To Run Only On Specified Domain?

Mar 9, 2011

I'm going to publish an pre-compiled web site on shared hosting account but I don't want my code to be copied and able to run on another domain. I need to check domain and if not or redirect to error page or show error as response.

EDIT: Here is my solution based on given answers

void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[] safeDomains = new string[] { "localhost",
"", "" };
if (!((IList)safeDomains).Contains(Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"]))
Response.Write("Domain not allowed!");

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Jan 18, 2011

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VS 2010 - Protect From SQL Injection Where If A Is Put In End Of URL

Jul 22, 2011

How to protect from sql injection where if a ' is put in the end of the URL there is an error ?

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