VS 2012 - Code In Source Keeps Jumbling All Up

Aug 14, 2013

I am creating a web app using vs 2012. I am constantly having re-arrange my code because, each time I either scroll or move off the page, I go back and it's all jumbled up again. E.g.

<table><tr><td></td></tr></table> 'fixed nicely

scroll or move off the page:

<table> <tr>

Is this just the way it is...or is there a way to fix it so it stays as how I put it?

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VS 2012 - How To Tell Difference Between Source And Published Code

Feb 5, 2014

How can I tell the difference between source and published .NET code?

I am looking at some inherited code that I have not touched in about a year. The original designer had me first publish locally before uploading the published code to the internet server. Now I am looking a number of backed up source folders as well bas backed up published folders. I should have done a better job at naming the folders, I guess. Now I wonder: How can I tell the difference between source and published .NET code? Is there some easy way to see if some folder that contains only published code is lacking a file or xml setting?

Is the .csproj file or the .sln file part of the code pushed to the server when you publish? What other differences are there that I are immediate and obvious?

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Visual Studio :: Source Code To Display On One Line Instead Of Multiple In Source View?

Nov 1, 2010

how to make my source code to display on one line instead of multiple in source view. The display drives me batty when I'm trying to find something and I would prefer to display across the page instead of multiple lines down the page.

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Open Source Lead Management System With Source Code?

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VS 2012 - Get Data In Code-behind From ListView

Jul 16, 2015

how I can get item values in a ListView in code-behind? I’ve searched high and low during the past 2 days and tried various possibilities to no avail. Data binding is being done in code-behind:

SQLString = "SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM Table1"
DataTable1 = LoadDataTable(Connection1, "SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM Table1")
ListView1.DataSource = DataTable1


The aim is that once a user clicks on a particular row in the ListView a pop-up is displayed which in turn reflects all data related to the record. For the purpose of preparing the data for the pop-up I need to determine the unique record identifier.

I have the same code working perfectly in another app, which has to effect that once a user clicks on a particular row in the ListView a new tab is opened which in turn reflects all data related to the record.

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VS 2012 - How To Get Started On Existing Web Service Code Copied Locally

Apr 7, 2014

We have a web service running live. Last week, we pulled the source code down to my machine and successfully built it.

My goal is to become familiar with this code and document it. My problem is that I am not sure how to get it running locally.

First of all, I have to configure it in IIS or something? How do I do that, and is that indeed the right place to begin? I tried creating a consumer in a separate VS solution, and when I said browse for local web services it said "Active Directory Services cannot find the web server."

I tried this link, but got lost when it said "3.Under Visual Studio installed templates, click ASP.NET Web Service." because I don't have that template.

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Web Forms :: Call A Code Behind Function Form Html Source Code?

Mar 3, 2010

I want to call a function present in code behind from front page (html : source code)

i want to use like this:

Source code

<a href='<%# linkAlpha("B").ToString()) %>' title="B" id="B_List" runat = "server">B</a>

Code Behind

protected string linkAlpha(string value)
// /market-research/<%#Eval("customname")%>/
string str = "";
if (Request.Url.DnsSafeHost == "localhost")
{ // /market-reports/<%# Eval("customname")%>/
str = "Alpha_Category.aspx?q=" + value.ToString().Trim();
// Response.Redirect("Alpha_Category.aspx?q=" + value.ToString().Trim());
// str = "/market-reports/" + value.ToString().Trim() + "/";
str = "/Alpha_Category.aspx?q=" + value.ToString().Trim();
return str;

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Accessing An .apsx Page Source Code From Code Behind

Nov 11, 2010

Here is what im trying to do I want to, from my c# code-behind, get the code between 2 <asp:Content> tags that are located in one of my .apsx pages.

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C# - Web Service Design - Error Code (store In Source Code Or Store In Database?

Jan 19, 2011

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Jan 11, 2011

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Looking For Source Code For The ScriptManager?

Feb 27, 2010

I know I can load the symbols for the class but i can't get it to work. I tried everything so i give up.

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MVC :: Add Source Code To Solution

Jan 12, 2010

Out of all the projects that contribute to MVC, I've added only the System.Web.Mvc project to my solution and I'm having trouble with the compilation of the aspx files. Firstly the page compiler complained that ViewResult<T> (which my View inherits from) was specified in two assemblies - the copy in the source code and the one in the GAC. I fixed this by changing my copy of the source code to a higher version and referencing the different verison within the 'compilation' tag in web.config. (In fact you can just delete the assembley reference altogether and it automatically uses the one in the solution.) Then it complained that Html helper methods couldn't find classes such as 'Controller'. Now I think this is because the official MVC assemblies in the GAC are looking for the correct version of 'System.Web.Mvc' (i.e. the one with the right public key) but my app is no longer referencing it.

I thought I'd fixed this with an assembley redirect to my version of the code but now the View templates are complaining about inheriting from classes that are in an assembley with the wrong public key.So is what I'm doing possible or do I need to be recompiling all of the MVC source code?

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Aug 19, 2010

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Configuration :: How To Cenvert .dll To Source Code

Feb 22, 2011

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Source Code Quality Management?

Mar 1, 2010

In the Java world for instance, there are some very sophisticated tools to manage the quality of the source code, and that cover more than one dimension, such as :

Coding Rules
Unit testing
Code coverage

These tools are very useful to manage the technical debt. They connect to a repository of source code and scan it. They can be triggered automatically just by the fact of committing the source code.We have a large number of ASP.NET applications to maintain and evolve, and have continuous flow of demands for new ones to be created. We know that we have a technical debt, but we are facing some challenges of identifying it and having it under control.

there are some tools to manage the source code quality in ASP.NET applications like those mentioned above.

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Membership/SQLMembershipProvider Source Code

Jul 3, 2010

In the SQLMembershipProvider source for ASP.NET membership, there is a custom exception, MembershipPasswordException.

The definition of it is not part of the source, but when I do a goto definition on it, it opens the definition, which indicates: [from metatdata] and the file it came from is a dll, system.web.dll from a temporary directory.How did that get there or was it part of the msi install that the toolkit provider came with?

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Nov 24, 2010

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PS : I'm looking for a app that is developed in ASP.NET MVC(with best practices). i have found music store, nerd dinner,and MS town hall app.

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Decompile Precompiled Source Code .NET

Jan 5, 2011

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How To Edit Original Source Code

Feb 21, 2010

The things I need to change are in my default.aspx file. First, at the bottom of my pages it has the name of the company that created the site for us. I want that taken off our site. I know it is a matter of going into the default.aspx file and removing the wording, but I cannot figure out how to go into it and change it.

Also in our default.aspx file, on line 167 and 168 there is a reference to the slideshow that is on our front page. There is a string missing that should point to our last two images, but again, I am unable to get into the default.aspx to edit it.

Evidently when our site was created, the developers used the precompilation tool so now I am unable to edit any of the files when I try to upload them into visual studio. Whenever I try to uplaod them I get the error "This is a marker file generated by the precompilation tool, and should not be deleted!"

I do have all of the original source files for the site, but as you know there are alot of them and I am not sure where to find the original default.aspx file or even what it would be named so I can make the changes to it. Also, once the changes are made will I have to precompile the entire site again, or can I just do the default.aspx and uplaod it to the server?

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Any Good Source Code To Learn MVP From?

Sep 15, 2010

i know MVC is the future but for some of us still stuck in the good old webform land, i'm trying to learn how to do TDD and introduce better testing for our current application...

basically the asp.net 2.0 c# web app is quite complicated with some logic in sproc, some in the javascript via json data processing, some in user controls and some in the code behind. not to mention some libraries here and there to make it merrier. i have literally no idea how to even begin to break things down to smaller chunks to do any testing.

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Membership Provider / Looking For Source Code?

Apr 9, 2010

I have one requirement of doing one asp.net application with Custom Membership provider. If you any source code of the same, please share with me. I searched alots in net. but i couldnt understand completely yet.

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