Visual Studio :: Configue DataSource Dialog Is Not Showing Data Source Files (either Mdb Or Xml)?

Jan 8, 2010

I have had a persistant problem, which occurs in "Visual Web Developer 2008" express, but also in "Visual Studio 2010"

When I drop a data control onto my webpage, and the select "Configure Data Source", the dialog box opens, but when I try and browse for the data file (could be MDB or XLS) the data file does not appear in the "Select (XML/MDB) file" - in the example below a XML file. If I set the filter to "All Files (*.*)" I can see all of the files EXCEPT the XML files.

The project is a web project, and is set to HTTP - using my local IIS.

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An error has occurred during report processing. The Group expression for the rouping 'chart1_CategoryGroup1' contains an error: Object variable or With block variable not set.I was able to confirm this is because Beta is nullable and was able to fix the issue by updating the object Alpha to return a new Beta() if the Beta property is null. This solution is not ideal though because there are other places in my code where I need Beta to be null if it doesn't have a value yet.Is there a way to update the report definition to accept a null property as valid? Ideally I would like to specify the value as "Not Set" if Beta is null.

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