Visual Studio :: Publishing In VWD?

Feb 16, 2011

Using VWD 2010 Express.We are using SVN for versioning control and so there are folder .svn in each of the project source code folder(eg. App_Data, Views, ...). These .svn folders also get published into the deployed location. Anyway can I set up a filter to exclude these .svn folders when do a Publish?

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Visual Studio :: VWD 2010 Express - No Publishing?

Jan 10, 2011

This is just a small problem with some form of workaround im sure.I'm ready to publish my ASP.NET website, however, there is no 'Publish' option when I right click the project in solution explorer or even a Build Tab on the menu. I'm using Visual Web Developer 2010 and having done some research they all refer to this option in the Tab menu when I don't even have the Build tab myself.I did also see something to Download but I accidently closed the tab in a hurry - WebPI is it? Will this work?

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Aug 3, 2010

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Ultimately, I need this to work on the command line with msbuild.exe, but I get the same results when I publish through VS.

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Visual Studio :: Publishing WCF Service In VS2010 And IIS7

Apr 1, 2010

there is probably a really simple answer to this, but I have the flu and can't think straight. I am taking advantage of being out sick by downloading VS2010RC and playing around with it. I created a simple WCF service (my first in this foundation, but not my first service). Its a redo of an existing asmx service I created a while ago. I commented out all the processes, and am simply trying to publish the service to my local IIS7 to see the discovery working. I have setup a new site to host the service ( I tried using Default as well, with the same results). I right click the project in VS and select publish. It is prompting me for a login even though the site is setup for anonymous access. If I try to use WebDeploy, it can't find my site, and if I use FileSystem, it give me a simple "Publish failed" with no details. Can someone point me to a tutorial or something that describes the publish process in VS2010 or give me some leads as to what setup needs to happen either in VS or ISS to let me publish?

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Avoid Publishing ASP Applications In Debug Mode From Visual Studio?

Feb 17, 2010

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Publishing Web Application To A Mapped Drive With Visual Studio 2008 And Windows 7

Oct 21, 2010

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------ Publish started: Project: XXX.Web, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
Connecting to T:WebSitesXXX...

Unable to create the Web site 'T:WebSitesXXX'. The path 'T:WebSitesXXX' does not exist or you do not have access. The system cannot find the path specified.


OS: Windows 7
IDE: Visual Studio 2008 (running as administrator)
Path exists? Yup.

I assume it's some permissions issue, but I have no idea where to start.

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Visual Studio :: Publishing Website And Windows Server 2008 IIS Setup?

Jan 26, 2010

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'Add Config Transforms' And One Click Publish Option Not Working When Upgraded From Visual Studio 2005 To Visual Studio 2010

Jul 28, 2010

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