Visual Studio :: Sharing A Solution File - Projects Settings/Configurations Maintenance?

Sep 1, 2010

I am using VS2005 and I have a solution file (.SLN) which has 8 projects. I moved the solution file to a different path on a shared folder to have better organization of my projects and to allow access to the solution/projects from any computer on the network. After that, I edited the .SLN file so that the path of the projects in the solution file are correct (all on shared folders).

After that, I opened the .SLN and everything seemd to be working fine. However, I notcied that the "Start Options" of the website part of the solution file is missing the "Start Options", ie, the Start Options are reset to default values. I think also, but not sure, some other settings of the Solution/Projects have been reset.


1. Where the Web Site "Start Options" are stored ?

2. How I can maintain the Start Options and similar settings if the .SLN file is moved or opened from different computers on the network ?

3. I am not using an team development tools, only plain (vanilla) VS 2005 Prof. Edition. Is it possible to have 2 or more developers work on the same solution/projects (shared on the network), if both developers will coordinate manually simultanous access to the porject files/resources/source code ?

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"The Web Application Project is configured to use IIS. To access Web sites on the local IIS Web server, you must run Visual Studio under an Administrator account."

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2. register aspnet using aspnet_regiis
3. I am already member of adminstrators group I also added aspnet to administrator group, no luck
4. I have tried repairing Visual studio 2008 and still same issue appears

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Aug 26, 2010

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Jun 22, 2010

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At the moment my ProjectA saves uploads into its "uploads" folder... But when you are running ProjectB it doesnt have the same uploads folder (if that makes sense)


ProjectA uploads folder: localhost:50732uploads
ProjectB uploads folder: localhost:50331uploads

I want these projects to be able to view attachments that the "other" project has uploaded.

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Sharing Bin Folders Between Different Projects?

Jul 16, 2010

it's possible for multiple projects to reference/share the same bin folder?

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