Visual Studio :: VWD Multiple Versions And MVC?

Jun 8, 2010

I have Visual Web Developer 2008 Express and 2010 Express (2010 is my personal choice, 2008 is what I use at work, so I don't want to uninstall it) and I have just installed MVC through Web Platform Installer. MVC installed only for 2010. What do I have to do to completely copy MVC so that 2008 may use it as well?

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Visual Studio :: VS 2010 Version 10.0 Beta 1 & .NET MVC Versions.

Mar 5, 2010

I am using VS 2010 Version 10.0 beta 1 -and now i am studying ASP.Net MVC framework unleashed - stephen i would like to install MVC in my VS 2010 and work with the examples in the book....

I have downloaded ASP.NET MVC 2 RC 2 and also MVC 1 from ....i installed them alternatively trying with one another...they got installed perfectly....but i am not able to fing MVC template in the VS 2010 Beta 1...

I even tried...Web Platform Installer....but still no luck....I researched a lot in the web and here...and found this link...

it says...that i need to go back to VS 2008....but i dont really want to go back....I want to know the recent developments in this regard.

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Visual Studio :: Does VS2010 RC1 Support Development Of Previous Versions Of SL

Feb 11, 2010



"The Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 RC release does not support Silverlight 4 development. If you are developing a Silverlight 4 application you should continue to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Beta2"

"you should continue to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Beta2 and to avoid installing VS2010 RC1"?
Should not beta product (VS 2010 Beta2) be uninstall-ed in order to use RC!? orthey can be used concurrently?

Does VS2010 RC1 support development of previous versions of SL?

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Multiple Browser Testing / Test Web Application Locally In Multiple Browsers With Various Versions?

Jan 19, 2011

My requirement/concern is to test web application locally in multiple browsers with various versions.

If any tool is available, please let me know..

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Visual Studio :: How To Convert Whole Visual Studio 2008 Web Site Project To Visual Studio 2010

Aug 14, 2010

is it possible to convert whole visual studio 2008 web site project to visual studio 2010 web site project

my current project references

i have a very annoying iis problem

iis server stops working until app pool is recycled

i am hoping that new visual studio (net framework 4.0) may solve this very annoying unsolveable problem

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MVC :: Error While Running Multiple Versions In Iis 6.0?

Dec 22, 2010

I have developed a MVC web application in both 3.5 and 4.0 versions.I have deployed both applications in IIS6.0 and configured proper versions in IIS for each website.But after deploying , the 4.0 application is working and 3.5 application is throwing error as "The website declined to show this webpage".I have even used different application pools for the websites.

how to do parellel execution of both the versions.

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Run Multiple Versions Of Code From A Single Windows Service In .NET?

Mar 13, 2011

We've got an enterprise ASP.NET/VB.NET application that has multiple clients running on different versions (websites) of the product code.

I am trying to make a windows service that runs on our server to execute long running tasks. This service needs to run the correct version of code for each client and I had originally thought about calling a WCF Service that would be deployed as part of the web version.

The problem is that our IIS pools recycle each night and this opens up the possibility of a job getting aborted. A job that went over 24hrs would never get an opportunity to finish.

Our server is running Windows Server 2003, IIS 6.0, .NET Framework 3.5, SQL Server 2005.

Is there a way to load assemblies dynamically to use without having to restart the service?

Edit: I ended up using System.AddIn detailed in this step by step example

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Visual Studio :: Opening Visual Studio 2008 Project In Visual Studio 2010?

May 21, 2010

Anyone know if I can maintain a VS 2008 (.net 3.5) project by using the VS 2010 IDE ?

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Visual Studio Solution With Multiple ASP Web Applications

Mar 3, 2011

I've got a Visual Studio 2010 solution that has multiple web applications in it. I've set one as the startup project but when I debug Visual Studio is starting up a development server for each web application in my solution. Is there anyway I can have Visual Studio only start up the development server for just the default startup project?

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Add Multiple Projects At Once In Visual Studio 2008?

Nov 16, 2010

I know that I can add more than one project to a solution, but I have a load of pre-developed projects that I want to add and rather than going

Add > Existing Project > Navigate to folder > click on project file

I wondered if there was an easier way to add lots of projects at once.

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C# - Multiple Line Continuation In VB.NET IDE (Visual Studio 2010)?

Oct 1, 2010

i notice that when i start next line of code and i press enter, it recompacts itself and the continued line moves left a bit... then if i place focus on the second line and press enter again, it (the second line) moves to the left some more, and it keeps doing this every time i focus on second line and press enter. this is as you can imagine, really annoying!!

how can i make it so that my second (and third etc) lines are formatted in a pre-determined way so they are always a certain amount of tabs indented to the right from where my line 1 starts??

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Visual Studio 2008 - Multiple Membership Providers?

Sep 2, 2010

I have created two custome membership providers that I would like to add to my web.config. The first one would be the default that the application would use. The second would be called by a WCF service that I have in the same application.

The providers in the membership section of my web.config looks like the following:

<add name="SiteProvider" type="MyNameSpace.SiteProvider, MyNameSpace" ApplicationName="Si2" EnablePasswordReset="true" PasswordStrengthRegularExpression="(?=[w$#_ ]{8,})(?=.*?d)(?=.*?[A-z])[w$#_ ]*" ResetPasswordMinimumLength="8" ResetPasswordPattern="USL9SLU9SLU9SLLLL" ResetPasswordAllowDuplicateCharacters="false" />
<add name="WCFProvider" type="MyNameSpace.WCFProvider, MyNameSpace" ApplicationName="Si2" EnablePasswordReset="true" PasswordStrengthRegularExpression="(?=[w$#_ ]{8,})(?=.*?d)(?=.*?[A-z])[w$#_ ]*" ResetPasswordMinimumLength="8" ResetPasswordPattern="USL9SLU9SLU9SLLLL" ResetPasswordAllowDuplicateCharacters="false" />

I receive the error "Item has already beed added. Key in dictionary: 'SiteProvider' Key being added: 'SiteProvider'" any time I browse to the site.

This doesnt make sense to me sense they have unique names. If i remove the second provider the site is browseable.

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Visual Studio - Multiple Solution Layout For .NET Web Portal?

Dec 25, 2010

At work, we've developed a custom ASP.NET Web Portal (That's very similar to iGoogle). We have "Apps" (self-contained, large web forms) and "Modules" (similar to Google Gadgets).Currently, we use a single-solution model. Right now, we have:

3 core projects
60 application projects
80 module projects

To reduce copy and pasting between projects, we're going to factor out common functionality (Data Access, Business Logic) into separate projects. I'd also like to introduce Unit Tests, which is going to increase the number of projects even more.We've already reached the point where Visual Studio is choking on the number of projects. We generally only load the 3 core projects and then whatever app's/module's project we're working on.Would a different solution structure help us out? Our number of projects is only going to increase.

In general, an app or module only references the 3 core projects. Soon, apps/modules may start referencing the Data Access/Business Logic projects. But in general, apps and modules do not make references between themselves.So to recap, what is the best practice for solution structure when there are MANY projects that use a small number of core projects?

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Visual Studio :: Visual Source Safe Plug In Control For Visual Studio 2005 IDE

Jan 28, 2010

where to find/download visual source safe plug in or visual source safe client for visual studio 2005 IDE?

I do not want to install visual source safe 2005 server.

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Visual Studio :: Convert Single Project Website Into Using Multiple?

Jan 9, 2011

My website uses a single project solution. Each web page file consists of C# code along with the markup. I now have to separate the code from each page into code-behind files that must be combined with many different versions of the markup. I assume this means that I will need a solution with a common project of code-behind files that is merged with a project of each version of the markup files in order to create different websites. I need to know how to organize the solution for debugging and building each website and where to place each file.

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Visual Studio :: Multiple Web Apps That Are All A Part Of A Single Web Site?

Dec 7, 2010

I maintain a college website. I also create various small web apps for the college (staff directory, online credit schedules, etc.). Currently, I have been using VS2010 and clicked on File - New Web Site - ASP.NET Empty Web Site for the main college website and File - New Web Site - ASP.NET Dynamic Data Entities Web Site for each of my apps.

Each is in its own separate directory in my development environment. The main site is "published" via VS2010's Copy Web Site tool in the Solution Explorer. The individual web apps are copied into unique physical directories on the Web server, and then via IIS7 Manager, a virtual directory is created on the college's web site for each app.

I have now run into a situation where I would like to create a new web app that utilizes some of the images and master pages from the college's web site. How do I create a New Web Site in VS2010 that can see/recognize/access the files from another web site? Namely, the college's main web site.

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Visual Studio :: Toolbox Shows Items Multiple Times

Sep 14, 2010

My tool box shows the same tools about 12 times. This is for all of them and for all categories. I tried repairing it but it didn't work.

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Web Forms :: How To Select Multiple Controls In Visual Studio Designer

Feb 13, 2012

I am placing controls in a html table layout. I want to select all the controls in order to make their size uniform in design mode. How to do that?

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Visual Studio :: Migration From Visual Studio 2003 To Visual Studio 2010?

Apr 15, 2010

Is it possible to migrate the application which is in visual studio 2003 to visual studio 2010. provide me details about how to migrate.

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Visual Studio :: Migration From Visual Studio 2005 To Visual Studio 2010?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a site in production developed in 2005 and i am planning to migrate to Visual studio 2010. Is there an easy way to do it?

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Visual Studio :: Multiple Errors After Converting From VS2005 Website To Web Application / Most Are Either 'Name

Jan 6, 2010

After following the instructions in Scott Guthrie's blog for converting a web site to a web application project, I am getting many, many errors. Most are either 'Name <control> is not declared.' or 'Type <type> is not defined.' And most, but not all of these errors are in the same .vb page.

Does anyone know the best way to fix this?

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Visual Studio :: How To Insert Data Into Multiple Tables On A Single Web Form

Mar 20, 2010

I'd like to build an Asp.Net website using the .net 3.5 framework. I have a SQL Database called "Database.mdf"

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Visual Studio :: Visual Source Safe 2005 + Visual Studio 2010,?

Feb 28, 2011

I want to use a source control in VS2010, I know my best bet is TFS, but at the moment TFS(can't afford ). As i understand TFS is the new VSS_2005(can afford)Can VSS 2005 be use as a source control for VS 2010 solutions/projects?

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Visual Studio 2008 - Test Multiple Domains Using Web Application Development Server?

Mar 25, 2010

I am developing a single web application that will dynamically change its content depending on which domain name is used to reach the site. Multiple domains will point to the same application. I wish to use the following code (or something close) to detect the domain name and perform the customizations:


I would like to test the functionality of the above using the ASP.NET development server. I created mappings in the local HOSTS file to map [URL] to, and [URL] to I then browse to the application with the browser using [URL] (etc).

When I try to test this code using the development server the [URL] always says localhost. It does NOT capture the host entered in the browser, only localhost.

Is there a way to test the URL detection functionality using the development server?

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Visual Studio :: Reference JavaScript Library From Multiple Websites Without Copying It To Each Project Folder

May 13, 2010

I have several web sites, all of which use the same JavaScript library. How can I "reference" this library from each of my web sites? If I just import the library into my web site in Visual Studio, I get in trouble as soon as the library changes, because I then have to update it in all web sites manually. It would be much easier to place the library in an external folder and just reference it from my web sites. How can I do this with Visual Studio?

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