Run Multiple Versions Of Code From A Single Windows Service In .NET?

Mar 13, 2011

We've got an enterprise ASP.NET/VB.NET application that has multiple clients running on different versions (websites) of the product code.

I am trying to make a windows service that runs on our server to execute long running tasks. This service needs to run the correct version of code for each client and I had originally thought about calling a WCF Service that would be deployed as part of the web version.

The problem is that our IIS pools recycle each night and this opens up the possibility of a job getting aborted. A job that went over 24hrs would never get an opportunity to finish.

Our server is running Windows Server 2003, IIS 6.0, .NET Framework 3.5, SQL Server 2005.

Is there a way to load assemblies dynamically to use without having to restart the service?

Edit: I ended up using System.AddIn detailed in this step by step example

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WCF / ASMX :: Multiple Classes In Single Web Service?

May 19, 2010

want to create one web service but I have many classes. I want to call all classes in single wsdl.For example [Assume web service implemented in this class]


my Asmx file is User.asmx.Now when I add webservice reference in website, I want to access as following way


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Multiple Browser Testing / Test Web Application Locally In Multiple Browsers With Various Versions?

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VS 2010 - Multiple FileSystem Watchers In Windows Service

Oct 14, 2011

Now I want to create several filesystemwatchers in my Windows Service and have them monitor different folders but do basically the same thing when files are created. That is, they will be calling the same routines. So my code so far is this:

// 10/14 - Create N fsw's as specified in the config file.
int nbrFsw = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigSettings.ReadSetting("NumberOfWatchers"));
List<FileSystemWatcher> listOfFsw = new List<FileSystemWatcher>();
for (int i = 0; i < nbrFsw; ++i) {
FileSystemWatcher fsw = new FileSystemWatcher();

[Code] ....

Is there a potential problem that all fsw's that get created are calling the same "on created" event handler? Or will this work nicely?

My requirement is this. I need to watch Output folders and when pdf files are created here I upload the files to a server. These Output folders are in web app deployments. I need to do this function for more than one deployment on the same machine, thus my need for more than one fsw.

This will ultimately be a web service but I am trying this out in a windows program, hence the presence of lblMessages which is on a windows form...

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C# - Sync Database To Uploaded File Using Windows Service Or Website Code?

Sep 10, 2010

I have a website that occasionally needs to have a handful of the tables in its database updated. The updates come from another system that exports to comma delimited text files. I can then either FTP the text files to the web server, send them in through an admin upload page, or manually log in to Remote Desktop to download the text files. I have all my C# code written to parse the files, check the database contents, and decide what to do.

Should I code the sync logic to be part of a file upload page, protected in the admin section of the site or should I create a Windows Service that constantly looks for files to process in a particular directory that I can drop files in through FTP?

I have used Windows Services in the past and they have worked great, but if I ever have to make a change to the code it can take longer than it would if I just had to modify an ASPX.

Are their security benefits one way or another?

Performance benefits?

ASPX page wins the "ease of maintenance" category.

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MVC :: Error While Running Multiple Versions In Iis 6.0?

Dec 22, 2010

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how to do parellel execution of both the versions.

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Visual Studio :: VWD Multiple Versions And MVC?

Jun 8, 2010

I have Visual Web Developer 2008 Express and 2010 Express (2010 is my personal choice, 2008 is what I use at work, so I don't want to uninstall it) and I have just installed MVC through Web Platform Installer. MVC installed only for 2010. What do I have to do to completely copy MVC so that 2008 may use it as well?

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Multiple Tables Within A Single DataSet And Single SqlDataSource?

May 19, 2010

I have a stored procedure that returns 3 tables within the single recordset it returns. If I set a SqlDataSource to get data from this procedure, it works, but it only returns the first table. I want to have a GridView display the data from the 2nd or 3rd table using a SqlDataSource, but I can't figure out how to specify a particular table.

While there are some posts discussing this out there, I can't get a definitive answer about whether or not this is even possible (?). In a worst-case scenario, I can create another SP that only returns the 3rd table - but that creates a little maintenance headache that I would prefer to avoid.

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WCF / ASMX :: FTP Directory Listing In Windows Application But Not In Windows Service?

Dec 13, 2010

Iam using ftp client wrapper class for accessing ftp.

iam able to download files from ftp when used in windows application

when i try to use the same code with windows service i get an error

the error is

"The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive. "

this error i get on directory listing

the stack trace is:



FTP is getting connected throgh service
FTP is getting connected throug FileZilla, internet explorer

soruce code:


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C# - How To Consume Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) By A Windows Service

Jul 28, 2010

When i create a Windows Service for getting information from a Web Application(ASP.NET c#) for scheduling some task in the client machine.

To consume WCF from the web application. I added WCF reference to Window Service project as a service reference, everything seems fine. It updated app.config file, added service reference etc.
it was not working.


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Configuration :: How Many App Domain Created When Multiple Instance Of Multiple Application Is Running On Single

Jan 12, 2011

below written question :

1.) What is the name of the OS process in which App Domain resides.

2.)if suppose There are Three Windows application hosted on a same envoirment and two instance is working for each application at a Time, means now total instance are six .what will happen among the below written cases :

a.) There will be six different app domain in a single OS process

b.) There will three app domain(one for each application) in a single OS process and some Parallel thread will be executed in each app domain for another instance.

c.) There will be Three OS process corresponding to each application.

3.) If eveything will remain same except there are three web application in place of windows in point 2, will there be any change in functioning.

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Data Controls :: Display Multiple Columns In Multiple Lines In Single Column In GridView

Aug 18, 2015

I have a question in gridview, I want to combine my two or more records into a single cell with two rowsfor Example i have a ID, Name, Year Start, and Year End for Column name in database and i want call it into my gridview that the Year Start and Year End will combine to Year like:

In Database

ID Name Year Start Year End

1 Yourname 2010 2015

In Gridview:

ID Name Year

1 Yourname 2010 2015

in a year column i want it to two row..

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Data Controls :: Display Multiple Columns In Multiple Lines In Single TemplateField Column In GridView?

Aug 18, 2015

I want to bind three column with one row in gridview in with c#,

i want like this, 

Name | Info
name | lastname

        | phone number

        | address

I get this by default

name | last name | phone number | address 

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How To Make A Web (WCF) Service Act As Windows Service

Sep 22, 2010

I have a web application - .net 4. The client is having a requirement that he want to send email to his users on a regular basis about his new courses etc.

The webapplication created will hosted on a "Shared hosting environment" with no excess to windows services - file system other than the web root folder through FTP.

Due to shared hosting i cannot create a windows service for him which will check the database - if there are any scheduled mail to send every 5 min.

So my question is - Is there anyway i can run a wcf web service or any other web based service or page or handler which can keep running and automatically checks the database for any new scheduled mails - if yes start sending it automatically in an different thread.

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Disable Windows Authentication On Single Location?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a web application and I want to provide anonymous access to a couple of the web services in it so that we can access the web services from computers without a windows login on our network.

I've tried the stuff here Disable authentication on subfolder(s) of an ASP.NET app using windows authentication. I've done this:


These both "work" in that they allow access to the web service for anonymous users. However, it seems that IIS still sends an authorization challange because when I access the service from a browser I get a box to enter my username and password. If I hit cancel I get access to the page anonymously. However, some of our clients don't handle this well and just fail because of the 401 return code.

Is there a way to completely disable the windows authentication on that single location such that IIS will not try and establish a windows authentication?

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Architecture :: Single Sign On Web And Windows Apps?

Sep 18, 2010

We, at our company, are developing a file sharing application which will allow users to upload/download files. This application will be part of the suite of other applications. We will be adding a desktop client (windows app) which is an upload/download manager which will assist users to queue in multiple large files for upload/download. There are a couple of questions related to design for these applications:

1. We would like to implement Single Sign-On for all these applications (including desktop client). We would like users to login to web and once they do that, they can browse through applications without logging in again. We will be implementing a authetication service using WCF. The requirement is that we do not want to add authentication functionality to desktop client. So users will need to login to our web application. We can write cookie to user's machines and will work for web applications. Can the desktop client use the same cookie to autheticate itself? Or there are other ways we can achieve it? 2. We also do not want that when desktop client is uploading/downloading multiple files that its session is expired and the user need to re-authenticate through web. How can we achieve it? How does other Upload/Download Managers (like MS File Trasnfer Manager) work?

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C# - How To Post A Single File To Webform From Windows Forms

Apr 27, 2010

How do I post a single file to an webform from c# windows forms?

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Multiple Single-result Sql Server Stored Procedures Or Single Multple-result Stored Procedure?

Aug 9, 2010

Background: I use stored procedures exclusively for an ASP.NET application. I am using a DataReader to load a dataset object.

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Configuration :: Hosting Two Website On A Single Windows 2000 Server?

Mar 19, 2010

I have a website running on a private Ip with url "" and which has external IP

My question is If I want to add one more website on same server with different URL "" What am I suppose to do? Can I use same External IP for the new website or Do I need one more External IP? And even if we can use same external IP for both website How do I route request to particular website.

Note:- My network is behind firewall and I have internal DNS server as well

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VS 2010 Web Service - Single Sign On (SSO)

Jun 20, 2011

I've only worked with web services a little bit. I am working on a project now using another developer's code as a template. It is code for a single sign on (SSO).

Here is a code excerpt:

namespace xxxxxxxSSO {
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for xxxx
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "")]

[Code] ....

Also let me say, I have been coding in VB6/VB.NET for the past six years and am learning C# (that is what the other developer's code is written in).

setAppCredentials() is the beginning of a lot of sub-calls and I have gotten that all to work when I was running the service from within its own Visual Studio project.

Where I am having the problem is setting credentialHeader.Username and credentialHeader.Password. credentialHeader is nothing when I call validateCredentials().

I didn't see how I had these exposed to me in order to set them. So the developer said Create a client that consumes that service and set the values there and call your method.. But I still don't see how it's exposed to my consumer. I have this line of code in the consumer

Code : Dim myWebService As New localhost.xxxMemberService

(Back to VB!,) but I still don't see credentialHeader exposed.

The only other thing I see in the webservice code that might be relevant is this:

/// <remarks/>
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Xml", "4.0.30319.1")]

[Code] ....

which is in a file called referenes.cs.

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C# - Calling A Web Service - Code For Consuming A Service Is Not Working ?

Mar 16, 2011

I have the following code for consuming a service that is not working for me. what I can do to narrow down whats going wrong?

The address is: http://localhost:57667/ExampleService.svc/

When visiting directly I get the 'You have created a service... message'

The code that goes wrong is here. It causes the following error:

_url = "http://localhost:57667/ExampleService.svc";
TextReader textReader = new StringReader(HttpPostClient.Post(new Uri(_url), bodyData.ToString(), _exampleServiceRequestEncoding, Properties.Settings.Default.HttpPostClientExampleAvailabilityTimeout));

ERROR MESSAGE:When visiting this URL directly: http://localhost:57667/ExampleService.svc/ProcessRequest

The exception message is 'No component for key example.ExternalWebServiceStubs.Example.ExampleService was found'.
Castle.MicroKernel.DefaultKernel.get_Item(String key) at Castle.Facilities.WcfIntegration.WindsorInstanceProvider.GetInstance

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AJAX :: JS Code Is Cached On IIS 7.0 Windows Vista And Cannot Modify JS Code

Jun 22, 2010

I have a WCF 3.5 service with JSON and a aspx page consuming it by using ASP.NET Ajax Library

I was able to call service succesfully.In the aspx page I wrote my Java code directly and then I wanted to modify my JS function but it is always picking the old JS function code

I even restarted the machine no change, looked up on the internet, msdn and I have Default pool with Integration mode

code bellow

runat="server" [code]....

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Active Directory/LDAP :: PROJECT: Single-sign-on For Internet/application And Windows?

Jun 18, 2010

I'm analizing this situation:

-I've ASP.NET intranet application

-I've to centralize users' passwords in my domain and have visibility of them.

-Each user must change his own password each 3 months.

-Each user must have only one password for the access to Windows,Intranet application and ERP application

Is there a way to block all user accounts periodically and asking them to insert the new password after the logon to windows?after that i could make a query that update the passwrod in Intranet and ERP application.

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WCF Service - .net Hosting - Single Sign On, How To Pass Credentials

Jan 7, 2010

My scenario is this - I have two websites. Both sites run on the same machine and I have implemented single sign on relatively simply using the default membership provider (Forms based authentication).I have a new WCF service on one site, which will be called from the other site. A user will be logged into the site, but the call to the service will be made from the codebehind following a postback.Can somebody point me in the right direction so that I can pass through the Forms based credentials of the logged in user to the WCF service on the other site? Presently it's passing the NETWORKSERVICE windows credentials.

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Configuration :: Creating Web Service And Web Application In A Single Solution And Deploy?

Mar 30, 2011

is it possible to create web service and application in a single solution and deploy

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