Visual Studio :: Aspx File Rename Site Wide?

Apr 15, 2010

can I change an aspx file name site wide. i.e. every instant of it any where in the site?

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Visual Studio :: Web Site / Web Application Templates Seem Changed - Default.aspx Only With Site.master

Oct 21, 2010

Using Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. I was used to creating a web app anytime and I would get a default page for starters and be happy. But today I find that when I pick either the ASP.NET Web Site or ASP.NET Web Application templates I get site.master and a bunch of site admin files that I don't want. Alternately when I select the empty versions of those templates, I get almost nothing at all. An almost empty web.config page and no Default.aspx page. There is nothing magical about having a default.aspx page in place, but it is an indicator of a change when I can only get a virtually completely empty website or a website with a bunch of bells and whistles I don't want.

Also, for some reason, when I create a new app or website as just noted, in the Solution Explorer I get aspx.designer.cs files showing as well as web.config files for both debug and release. Somehow some settings and templates must have changed, or am I missing something here? How can I get my settings/templates to go back to the way they were?

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Visual Studio :: Accessing Controls Of .aspx File In .aspx.cs Withtout Any Declaration?

Feb 10, 2010

I am able to access the controls of ".aspx" file in ".aspx.cs" directly without any declaration in ".aspx.cs" or in designer.cs. How is this possible? This is happeing only if I open website as using File System.

Create a new ASP.NET web site application with Visual Studio 2008. So following three files will be created automatically


How btnSave is being recognized by .cs file without defining it anywhere as an object of System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button?

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Visual Studio :: Adding A Server Control On Aspx Page Does Not Add Events In Aspx.designer.vb File?

Oct 5, 2010

I work in VS 2008. Whenver I add a server control(Label) and set it properties in aspx.vb and build the solution, I get the error "Label1 not declared". While analyzing this issue I noticed that the event handler statements for the Label1 where not added in the designer.asp.vb file. These statement would actually be added automatically when I drag and drop a control to my webpage.

I would also like to inform the scenario after which this problem came to me. I was working in VS 2008 , VS 2005 and VS 2003 in the same machine.Could this have caused the issue ?

Now each and everytime when I add a control, I am adding the "With Events" code in the designer page to make my build succesfull which makes me to spend more efforts.

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Visual Studio :: How To Convert Whole Visual Studio 2008 Web Site Project To Visual Studio 2010

Aug 14, 2010

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i have a very annoying iis problem

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Visual Studio - Share Aspx File In Two Solution?

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Oct 6, 2010

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Copy from 'C:UsersLouDocumentsVisual Studio 2010WebSitesgenusus10 ools' to '' started at 10/6/2010 4:00:33 PM.

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Editing .aspx File Makes Visual Studio Unresponsive?

Apr 30, 2010

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How To Get Chrome To Stop Caching When Working On An Aspx File In Visual Studio

Jan 4, 2011

I'm currently editing some html/css within a aspx file inside of Visual Studio 2010. I'm using Chrome as my browser. When I make changes inside of Visual Studio and save/ctrl + F5 to run it frequently fails to load the new updated .css file due to pulling old cached versions of the CSS.

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Visual Studio 2008 IDE Freezes/crashes When Opening .aspx File With Css Included

May 17, 2010

Visual Studio (SP1) runs fine until I try and view .aspx source files with the lines

<style type="text/css">

anywhere in them, upon which it freezes (i.e is totally unresponsive) and I have to use the task manager to shut it down.

I have read a lot of questions about Visual Studio 2008 crashing on viewing some source files. However, I still can't fix this problem.

I have systematically deleted and re-included all other code and it comes down to these two lines, which is very confusing. Sometimes it happens as soon as the lines are added, sometimes it doesn't freeze until I build the solution with any of the problem pages open. I can add external style sheets, and it only started recently.

I had Resharper 4.5 installed and have since uninstalled it, and do not have anything else installed.

Also, it happens to other people with the same source code, and re-installing Visual Studio does not fix the problem. So I have several questions:

Is there any way I can find out what's happening? I don't understand how the code (the css tag itself) could crash Visual Studio, and am thinking that this is unlikely and it must be something else within my solution, would this be a safe assumption? Could this have anything to do with installing Office 2010?

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Visual Studio :: Reassociating A Code Behind File With .aspx In 2008 Website Solution

Feb 12, 2010

I can't get my .aspx page to recognize control events in it's codebehind.


which is fine, but I don't want to use inline script.


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Visual Studio :: Intellisense In VS2008 Use Code-behind, And Though Declare ASP Elements In The Aspx File?

Nov 2, 2010

I have an intellisense problem in VS2008.I use code-behind, and though I can declare ASP elements in the aspx file, it's as if the code can't see them.The pages run OK,but when I type anAspLabel and then '.' for example, intellisense does not pop up the methods and members for this asp label.

I've tried the reset option in Options > Text Editor.Intellisense works fine if the class instance is declared in the code behind file,but it won't recognise web controls declared on the aspx page.

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Visual Studio :: Saving Aspx File In Source View Mode Takes Too Long?

Jun 30, 2010

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So, what is the reason, any clues how to speed this up?

I am using Vs.Net 2010 Ultimate

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Apr 29, 2010

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"Unable to start program 'http://localhost:1443/Default.aspx'.

The system cannot find the file specified."

I am stumped here and cannot find anything out there with this error.

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Nov 29, 2010

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May 27, 2010

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Visual Studio :: Visual Studio 'copy Web Site' Error

Oct 31, 2010

I am getting the following error when I try to establish ftp remote connection using the 'copy web site' feature on visual studio 2005.

unable to open the web 'ftp://209.*.*.*/httpdocs'. The computer is disconnected from the network.

Why can't I connect to the remote site on visual studio 2005? I can do the same thing on Dreamweaver with no problem. I can ping the IP successfully. I can open the ftp URL on a web browser with no problem.

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Visual Studio :: Debug Classic Asp Site That Is Called From Site?

Mar 28, 2011

i have an website which contains a link to a legacy site written in classic asp which has vb 6 classes (dll) in the back ground is what i am trying to achieve:-i want to browse to the website using IE7,then when the link is clicked then enters the classic asp site i want to start debugging the classic asp and step through it.(also to make things worse, once a the vb6 class is instanciated, and a call make to its method i want to debug the method in the vb 6 code)My system :- XP Pro, IIS 5, Visual Studio 2005 ( project ), Visual interdev 6 (classic asp project) Visual Basic 6 (vb 6 classes compiled into dll)i have been trying everything with no joy, there is lots on the net but nothing seems to have worked.i have the back office components installed so asp debugging is possible, i have configured the asp website s debugging is turned on.if i add a breakpoint to the classic asp site and hit the start button in visual interdev i can step through it fine.My problem is that if i attach interdev to a process (iexplorer.exe or then the breakpoints are not hit. if anyone can help me with this it would be great.ont top of that, if anyone can explain to me how to also debug the vb6 dll code in visual basic 6 when it is called from the classic asp site that would be great!

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Where To Store And Set User Site Wide Data In MVC

Feb 16, 2010

I have an application in which a user can choose from different (learning)groups. User has only access to registered groups. When the user enters the site, he can choose (in a dropdown) which group he wants to see, so the complete site filters content related to that group. So every controller needs to access this global "group" object.What is the best way to do this in ASP.NET MVC? I've thought about a BaseController or ActionFilters. Is there any other best practice?I've build a WebForms application and there I used a BasePage so that any other page has access to the group.

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What Folder To Put Site-wide Functions/classes In .NET MVC

Mar 22, 2010

I'm new to ASP.NET MVC and i want to create a class to contain site wide functions for my application.what is the best practice to do this?
where should i create the class ? in what folder?should i create a new folder?

edited:I need a function that return base uri, and it have be available to call from any controller.A date formatting function, or any other simple logic , but is going to be used repetitively

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Oct 22, 2010

More familar with DreamWeaver. Can i sync pages with the live site from somewhere in Visual Web Developer? Or do I need to use a separate FTP tool.

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Visual Studio 2008 - Finding Tools For Visual Studio 2008 Which Can Reformat ASPX Code

Jan 6, 2010

Is there any tool for Visual Studio 2008 which can reformat ASPX code to make it more presentable (eg insert line breaks, format the lines so they wrap when necessary, etc)?

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Visual Studio :: Downloading Site Into Visual Web Developer?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm having a site done in ASP.NET and part of the quote is deployment. It's only one page at the moment. Can I configure VWD to download my app to my PC in VWD?

It will also have a Telerik RadGrid that VWD doen't support, will I still get the page wih some kind of placeholer?

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Visual Studio :: Installing Visual Studio 2010 Pro RC In Windows Xp SP3 And Getting A Message Prompt : Invalid Windows Installer Package Contact Vendorlog File Says?

Feb 22, 2010

installing visual studio 2010 pro RC in windows Xp SP3 and getting a message prompt : invalid windows installer package contact vendorlog file says

Error Message:

[02/22/10,17:09:07] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: [2] CMsiComponent::Install() expects the setup file for Microsoft Application Error Reporting, but the file failed verification.
[02/22/10,17:09:07] setup.exe: [2] ISetupComponent::Pre/Post/Install() failed in ISetupManager::InternalInstallManager() with HRESULT -2147467259.
[02/22/10,17:09:08] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Application Error Reporting is not installed.

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Visual Studio :: Updating A 3.5 Site To 4.0?

Jul 3, 2010

When I updated from 2.0 - 3.5 I just changed the target in visual studio and it fixed my web.config then I just deployed that.

Is the upgrade to 4.0 the same deal?

Can I keep the current site @ 3.5 (with the target framework attrib), but still be able to get the 4.0 goodies like Workflow 4 assemblies?

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