WCF / ASMX :: Singleton Class Variables Being Reset

Jul 22, 2010

I have set the instanceContextMode to single to create a singleton class.I use the join to add a user to the list, and getuserlist() to retrieve the users. I added a service reference opened two browsers , made sure i simulated it such that i am adding two seperate users , and display the users returned by getuserlist. But its always displaying only one user , the current user. I also have a counter

private static int counter = 1
public int returnCounter()
return counter++;

This is returning incremented values when i open it in different browsers , but the list is always getting overritten. I am running this as a managed windows service, wsHttpBinding , and my client is a website accessing this service.

[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]

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1.Can singleton class have static method?,if yes then how we call that methods?
2.what is main difference between Static class and Singleton Class?

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How can I use static method of singleton class?

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In Global Page:


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Jun 9, 2010

I set up various global parameters in Global.asax, as such:

Application["PagePolicies"] = "~/Lab/Policies.aspx";
Application["PageShare"] = "/Share.aspx";
Application["FileSearchQueries"] = Server.MapPath("~/Resources/SearchQueries.xml");

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Dec 29, 2010

i am using linqtosql dbml to create table classes automatically.

however each time i update my database or dbml diagram, it refreshs designer.cs file and all code i wrote is gone.

so, i decided to make partial class to keep certain information alive.

but here is my question :

for example, User class is defined as follow in designer.cs file :


public string UserID{get;set;}

but if i do this, i get error message because UserID is already defined in designer.cs file.

should i delete all UserID variable in designer.cs each time i update the dbml?

i believe there should be a better way to do it

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Oct 25, 2010

Last night you guys here on this forum helped me in accessing properties of a dynamically loaded UC in an aspx page. Now i am facing another hiccup.

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protected void RadTabStrip1_TabClick(object sender, RadTabStripEventArgs e)
SiteUserControls_Message_Create CreateNewMessageUC = Page.LoadControl(CreateMsgControl) as
SiteUserControls_Message_Create; // typecasting the UC


Now i want to access this variable CreateNewMessageUC in another event like this:

protected void MarkAsUnreadLinkButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)


But when i access teh variable in another event it is always null.

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Web Forms :: Dependency Injection For A Class With Valued Variables

Dec 14, 2012

I have a class User as ahown bellow.

Public class User {
  public string userName { get; set ; }
  public string userId { get; set; }

Once user logins i am populating  userName, userId

And storing user class object in to session.

session["User"] = objUser

I have another Class Consumer as shown Bellow.

Public Class Consumer {
  public Consumer(User user) {
     // some code goes Here.

I am Using spring frame work To initialize the class using dependency injection.

So my question is how can i pass stored user session to constructor using springs.

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<object id="objConsumer" type ="Namesapce.consumer, consumer">    <constructor-arg Value="User"/>  </object>

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Architecture :: Is Using Class Level Private Shared Variables Not Good

May 28, 2010

In page behind classes I am using a private and shared object (list<client> or just client) to temporary hold data coming from database or class library. This object is used temporarily to catch data and than to return, pass to some function or binding acontrol. 1st: Can this approach harm any way ? I couldnt analyse it but a thought was using such shared variables may replace data in it ?2nd: Please comment also on using such variables in BLL (to hold data coming from database) where new object of BLL class will be made everytime.


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C# - Is Using Private Shared Objects/variables On Class Level Harmful

May 28, 2010

In page behind classes I am using a private and shared object and variables (list or just client or simplay int id) to temporary hold data coming from database or class library. This object is used temporarily to catch data and than to return, pass to some function or binding a control.1st: Can this approach harm any way ? I couldn't analyze it but a thought was using such shared variables may replace data in it when multiple users may be sending request at a time?


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Web Forms :: Class Variables Which Initialize The First Time Execute Page Load?

Sep 23, 2010

I have some code I only want to execute the first time I display a form. With this in mind I created a class variable which I initialize the first time I execute page load.

public partial class CLVideoDefinition : System.Web.UI.Page
string videofile;
string first;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (first != "N")

I then select a value from a drop down list , but when it does the auto postback it executes page load but my class varaible has been reinitialized to null and will then execute the code I only want to execute on the first run. why my class variable has been reinitialized.

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Access The Property Class

Oct 29, 2010

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1.How to access that property class in client side?

2.It's possible to create Layer archt. Inside the webservice?

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WCF / ASMX :: Use Xsd Directly Rather Than Using Proxy Class?

May 11, 2010

When I do server side soap service programming, I create proxy classes first using some xsd schemas.

Xsd schemas are already defined by another company.my problem is these schemas have master xsds and child xsds which means on master xsds there are references to child xsds.

In this case I have 2 different questions.

1) Is it possible to use xsd schemas directly to build soap service without generating proxy classes.

2) If it is not possible, I am using vs command prompt by typing xsd /c /l:vb nameofmasterfile.xsd

but while there references to child xsds, I am getting an error msg. thats why I had to flatten these xsds in the past. Is it possible to generate all classes in one shot. any external program also ok.

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WCF / ASMX :: Property In Service Class

Jan 18, 2011

If i want to use Property & Method in same class then how to use it. I want to keep separate class only for interface , not for property.
Also we have tried with [OperationContract] before get ,set in Service class . it solved our issue but throws error while run a .svc file

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Create Proxy Class Using Wsdl

Jul 19, 2010

in my application i m using webservice.without adding the webreference,i want to create proxy class using wsdl.

whats the steps for creating proxy class.

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WCF / ASMX :: Calling A Class Method On Webmethod?

Dec 10, 2010

i wrote a webmethod on webservice. it will do adding product to shoppingbasket. But it doesn't work. i used a class and its method in this webservice method. error is about it. my code are below:


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WCF / ASMX :: Consuming A Class Library From A Web Service?

Apr 19, 2010

I've created a class library, now I'm trying to use it in a webservice.If I try and use it via a web method like this:

<WebMethod()> _Public
Function GetStaffList()
As List(Of ClassLibrary.Staff)

I get this error:You must implement a default accessor on System.Security.Policy.Evidence because it inherits from ICollection. And I can't seem to find any coherent instructions on remedying this issue.If I copy the Staff class into the web service (app_code) it works hunky dory, so it must be security..I can't be the only one attempting this! MSDN doesn't explain this one too well :(

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