Access Post And Get Variables In A Server Control Class?

Dec 15, 2010

I need to access post and get variables inside a server control class, there is no access to Request object in server control class...

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I need to pass variables from a script to another with POST , Not GET , and without a form ( i must do it literally )

there is the Response.AddHeader(name,value) function

then the response.redirect

But then i think the variable field has no name ( after the content lenght header ).

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C# - HttpWebRequest POST Adds A NULL Value To Form Variables

Jan 10, 2011

I am attempting to call a RESTful service using an HttpWebRequest object via POST. I am attempting to pass 1 variable with the Request body which contains a url encoded string. I see the request when it hits the server; however, it shows 2 form variables. The first is Form[null] and the second is my variable.I am attempting to locate the source of this NULL key; however, I cannot. Any ideas on how I may be able to remedy this since it's throwing issues when I attempt to use it with the Nancy web framework for .Net.


var request = WebRequest.Create("http://localhost:8888/RouteName") as HttpWebRequest;
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";[code]...

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Web Forms :: Global Variables, Menus And Post Back?

Jan 8, 2010

with a problem im having or at least give me an idea about which direction i should be going in.I have an asax file - with the following void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)in that I am storing a session which holds a boolean.This boolean holds a flag which when set to true tells the application to go to the database and retrieve data, if its set to false, it checks the information in memory.I am using master pages and inside my master page i have and ascx files - which holds my navigation items(I build the navigation menu based on certain criteria)on a content page (a page that uses the master page) I perform a function when a button is clicked and I set the session flag to truethe problem is that the flag is not being checked until i refresh the page twice and therefore the menu is not updating until the user clicks to another suspicion is that it is because of the page life cycle (the event handlers are done AFTER page load) - is there anyway around this?Is there any web page links you have got that I cant google? (yes i have googled but to little luck - maybe im using the wrong search term).on an additional note im trying to avoid like the plague - storing anything in the viewstate

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Class Access Session Object But Not When Deploying It To Server?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a custom MembershipProvider that I'm using in an ASP.NET 2.0 application. Inside of the class that extends membership provider, I have a function called AttemptLogin() that sets session variables if the user is valid. Inside that function, are a number of session variable assignments similar to the following:

HttpContext.Current.Session["id"] = "12345";

AttemptLogin() is being called by the Application_BeginRequest function in global.asax. This code works fine when I open it in visual studio, and then run it in the built-in development server by clicking "Start Debugging". However, when I deploy it to our testing server (Windows 2003 Server 64-bit running IIS in 32-bit mode), execution breaks when it reaches the code above, giving me the following message:

[NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]
CustomMembershipProvider.AttemptLogin() in c:InetpubwwwrootJoshApp_CodeCustomMembershipProvider.cs:1097
ASP.global_asax.Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:InetpubwwwrootJoshGlobal.asax:14
System.Web.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +68
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +75

How can I access the session state successfully in this situation? Why does it work locally and not on the server?

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Web Forms :: Access Aspx Page Control In Webpart Class?

Jan 18, 2010

i have a hidden textbox in my aspx page. The aspx page also has a masterpage in the <% @Page> directive.

<input type="hidden" runat="server" name="txtType" id="txtType" />&nbsp;
actually in aspx.cs i am getting txtType.ClientID="ctl00_MainHeaderContent_txtType"

I have a webpart in a webpart zone in this aspx page. In the webpart CreateChildcontrols() I need to access this hiddenTextbox value. I am able to access it as

string TxtValue = this.Page.Request.Form["ctl00_MainHeaderContent_txtType"];

But instead of hardcoding I want to access as a control in the page or form. How can I do that I want to do as looping through the controls in the page but Page.Controls.Count gives 1 and that is MasterPage. How can I get the entire controls in the page and loop through and find the hidden textbox. I also tried as string TxtValue = this.Page.Request.Form["<%=txtType.ClientID%>"] in CreateChildControls() of the webp[art. But could not access hidden textbox like this.

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How To Access A Label Form User Control In Parent Class

May 24, 2010

I have a class UserControlBase that inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl and my user controls inherit UserControlBase class. UserControlBase has some common functions that are used in all user controls.

I want to put error display funtion to UserControlBase as well so that I may not have to declare and manage it in all user controls. Error will be displayed in some label in usercontrol. Issue is how to access label which is in usercontrol in UserControlBase in function ?

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Web Forms :: How To Access A Webform Control From Another External Class / Namespace

Sep 24, 2010

Currently, I have many controls and objects such as Chart1 of mschart as part of the public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page.

At the bottom, I've created a second class that is not part of the _Default webform class. How can I access the webform controls from this second class?

For example, I want to do

Chart1.Series["Series1"].Points.AddXY((pointIndex + 1) * 40, datapoints[pointIndex]);

I want to pass pointIndex integer and the datapoints array.

I know that Chart1 was created protected global access modifier in the designer.cs but when I changed it to public, it still had a problem.

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Web Forms :: Post Data To External Page And Set Session Variables

Aug 17, 2010

I have an app which has a form that used to use AutoPostBack rigged controls (dropdowns, radiobuttons etc.) in an updatepanel, and I used to set session values on each postback. I posted the form using PostBackUrl to an external page, using a bit of javascript OnClientClick to copy my data into meaningfully named hidden fields.

Now, I've had to rewrite the AutoPostBack-ing controls so that all the cascading dropdown work and date calculation etc. is done in JavaScript, and not in C# - no more postbacks, no more updatepanel.

This means I've lost the ability to set my session values on postback. Can anyone think of a solution for setting these before I post my form? I need to set the session variables, plus post (querystrings are not an option) to the external page with the values from my form - and actually send the user to the external page, too.

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MVC :: Radio Button Sets From The Controller Without Passing 15 Different Variables To The Post Method ?

Aug 27, 2010

I'm fairly new to MVC and admittedly don't fully understand how data is passed between Views and Controllers. That said, here is my issue.

I am working with C#. I have a page which has a list of items. Each item has a radio button set of three associated with it and there are 15 of these sets on the page. Thus I have radio1, radio2....radio15, etc. Each of these has value 0, 1, or 2 upon submit. I can't seem to understand how to get the information out of these radio button sets from the controller without passing 15 different variables to the post method in the controller which is associated with the view; ie passing Int32 radio1, Int32
radio2,.., Int32 radio15, etc.

I tried using ViewData["radio"+i] in a loop to access the value of each radio button set, but this, apparently can only be used to pass data to the View from the Controller and not the other way around.

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Web Forms :: Post Value Of Custom Server Control?

Feb 23, 2010

How do you get the value of a custom server control, which extends from WebControl, to be included in the Request.Form collection?

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Custom Server Controls :: Post Back Control Have't Same Id Or Name?

Mar 6, 2010

i have a server control that include more of one controlcan i set post back control that have't same name or id with control(span)

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Local Variables Of A Method Inside A Class?

Mar 5, 2010

One small doubt in the way it works for C#Where does local variables of a method inside a class get stored?Heap? - If yes, then why do we have to explicitly initiate them?Stack?- Then how does the allocation of them takes place once we make a object of the same class using new - would it make the member variables of class to be allocated on heap and local variables of member functions (of the same class) on stack.

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WCF / ASMX :: Singleton Class Variables Being Reset

Jul 22, 2010

I have set the instanceContextMode to single to create a singleton class.I use the join to add a user to the list, and getuserlist() to retrieve the users. I added a service reference opened two browsers , made sure i simulated it such that i am adding two seperate users , and display the users returned by getuserlist. But its always displaying only one user , the current user. I also have a counter

private static int counter = 1
public int returnCounter()
return counter++;

This is returning incremented values when i open it in different browsers , but the list is always getting overritten. I am running this as a managed windows service, wsHttpBinding , and my client is a website accessing this service.

[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]

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C# - Accessing HttpApplication.Application Variables From A Class?

Jun 9, 2010

I set up various global parameters in Global.asax, as such:

Application["PagePolicies"] = "~/Lab/Policies.aspx";
Application["PageShare"] = "/Share.aspx";
Application["FileSearchQueries"] = Server.MapPath("~/Resources/SearchQueries.xml");

I have no problem accessing these variables form .ascx.cs or .aspx.cs file -- ie. files that are part of the Web content. However, I can't seem to access 'Application' from basic class objects (ie. standalone .cs files). I read somewhere to use a slight variations in .cs files, as follows, but it always comes throws an exception when in use:

String file = (String)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["FileSearchQueries"];

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MVC :: Redefine Parent's Variables In Partial Class?

Dec 29, 2010

i am using linqtosql dbml to create table classes automatically.

however each time i update my database or dbml diagram, it refreshs designer.cs file and all code i wrote is gone.

so, i decided to make partial class to keep certain information alive.

but here is my question :

for example, User class is defined as follow in designer.cs file :


public string UserID{get;set;}

but if i do this, i get error message because UserID is already defined in designer.cs file.

should i delete all UserID variable in designer.cs each time i update the dbml?

i believe there should be a better way to do it

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Custom Server Control Not Retaining Values After Post Back?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a custom server control (composite control having dynamically created dropdown boxes and textboxes). I have enabled AJAX in order to avoid page reload.The server control is used inside the ASP.NET webcontrol having few buttons which controls the visibility of the server control. Now I enter values in the dropdown box and texboxes and click on any other button. After this postback the last entered values are gone! The control is not remembering the values. How can I retain the values after post back?

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