WCF / ASMX :: Web Service- Invalid Action Parameter?

Dec 6, 2010

I have created a web service (.asmx) which is working fine locally.Now when a client of ours is trying to access this web servce he receives an error sayinginvalid action parameter.Any idea why this error appears..also will


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AJAX :: Invalid Web Service Call, Missing Value For Parameter?

Mar 2, 2010

In a web page, I call a web service (located in the sub folder WebServices) with ajax asp.netHere my aspx code:


My web site uses integrated windows authentication and all works fine.However, my web service doesn't need authentication and in order to not have 2 requests (because of http code 401), I've allowed anonymous access on the WebServices folder. Doing this, I get the folowing error message when I call a web method: "Invalid web service call, missing value for parameter: user"When I look at my body request with Web Development Helper, I can see {"user":"toto"}. So, I don't understand why it's not working.Another weird thing: when I run Fiddler2 instead of Web Development Helper, every thing works fine. I turn off Fiddler2, and it doesn't work any more.

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WCF / ASMX :: WCF - Invalid Argument Error From Published WCF Service

Dec 20, 2010

I am making a call to a WCF service(Existing) from another WCF Service(New, my service), which is configured as Anonymous access. I did a service reference of my service to web application both under same solution file and web app is configured as Windows Authentication. When I call the existing WCF Service from my web app directly, everything works fine, but when I call the same existing WCF Service from my service, I got a "user does not have valid credentials" error. To avoid this error, I published my service to a server and referenced that URL to my web app. Though I got past the error, now, I am getting "Invalid Argument" error. No further information on the error.

Error source is MSCORLIB. There is no problem in the code of my service and the existing service, because if the same value that I get from the existing service is hard coded, then everything works fine. The existing service is used by many other app and it works fine. So, its a tested service. I tried to find a solution of "invalid argument" and I found few threads where others are facing the same problem when they publish a WCF service, but I did not find any proper solution for this.

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Debug Web Service Where Dataset As Parameter

Nov 26, 2010

I unable to debug web service as it require dataset as parameter. Im having web application calling to web method of remote web service. I debug my web application up to call for web method but I want to debug web service as well by sending dataset as parameter. How to debug web service in such case?

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ASMX :: Optional Parameter Is Not Working At WCF Service

Jul 27, 2010

I was expecting a parameter will become a empty string value if the parameter is missing, but it turn out to be null. have I done it wrong for the optional parameter?


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WCF / ASMX :: Web Service Parameter Type Changed?

Aug 6, 2010

So I have a class library project, a web service project and a website project.

In both the web service project and website project, I make a reference to the class library project, then in the website project I make web reference to the web service in my localhost.

So my web service project have the below web method

<WebMethod()> Public Function HelloWorld(ByVal tempClass As testSolutionClassLibrary.Class1) As String

Return "Hello World"

End Function

I don't understand why when I try to call the above web method from my website project, the parameter change from "testSolutionClassLibrary.Class1" to "testSolutionWebServiceRef.Class1"? Shouldn't it remain as "testSolutionClassLibrary.Class1"?

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WCF / ASMX :: Create Web Service - How To Web Page Call Sales_Services.asmx

May 5, 2010

if i have the web application with many pages like add order page, edit order page, and delete order page actually they also interact with the Sql Server 2008 and i also create web service page call Sales_Service.asmx. i know just i need to put something like query into Web Method in Sales_Service.asmx but i have a lot of queries, i don't know which query i should put into it and how the web page call the Sales_Services.asmx

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WCF / ASMX :: IIS Memory Increasing For Each Client Request In Asmx Web Service?

Nov 8, 2010

A customer reported that our asmx web service is continually increasing in memory (mem usage as well as private bytes). We are able to reproduce the problem in our lab with Windows 2003 Server SP2 (fully patched) on some of the machines. The customer is using Windows 2008.

We created a Hello World web service targeting the 2.0 framework built under VS2005 SP1 and a test client that continues to call it. The memory increases steadily - approximately 40K per client request. If the test app is paused, the memory remains the same. When it is closed, the memory drops. Explicit calling of GC.Collect does not drop the memory.

We have run the memory profiler on the service and the leak is all native memory. We have uninstalled/re-installed the Framework on one of the machines but no difference. To our knowledge all of the security and IIS settings are not modified. We have compared app pool, default web site and virtual directory properties to machines that have no problem and they are identical.

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MVC :: Post Action Model Parameter

Jan 26, 2011

i wonder something about mvc post method. for example I created a view "strongly typed" from a model (MyModel).

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<Demo1.Models.MyModel>" %>
for Create actionsthere is two way.
first one takes MyModel as parameter
public ActionResult cart(MyModel md, int someID)
//some code
return View(MyModel);
second one does not take parameter as model.
public ActionResult cart(int someID)
//some code
return View(Mymodel);

for first one way, after form post the form values does not delete, I mean form does not cleared,after second one form is be cleared. why this diffirence?

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Passing A Parameter To Action Method?

Sep 8, 2010

public ActionResult RenderMyThing(IList<String> strings)
return View("RenderMyView");

How do I pass in strings?

routes.MapRoute("MyRoute", "RenderMyThing.aspx", new { controller = "My", action = "RenderMyThing" });

Is there a way I could pass in strings here?

Secondly, how does ASP.NET MVC know that action is my action, and controller is my controller. Like I saw this in samples, and it does work, but isn't it just an anonymous object with no type?

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Call Asmx Web Service In A .net App From Classic Asp App Js File

Mar 17, 2011

I have a .net app developed in .net 4.0 version. And I implemented an asmx web service in this. Now I want to call one of the webservice method in another classis ASP application java script function.

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Configuration :: Parameter ConfigFileBaseName Is Invalid When Trying To Build A Project

Sep 6, 2010

I am receiving an error: The parameter 'configFileBaseName' is invalid when trying to build a project on my macintosh thru a windows server 2003 VMwAre fusion virtual machine This solution runs fine on Visual Studio 2010 on my PC running Windows 7 I don't think the platform has anything to do with the error though - but cannot find anything on the web to help me troubleshoot the problem. Something tells me this has more to do with setting up my IIS site configuration - perhaps I missed something?

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WCF / ASMX :: Running A Web Service User Service / Domain Account?

Mar 28, 2011

Is it possible to run a web service as a particular user/service account in the same way a Windows service can?I have a service account used for connecting to the DB and want to run the webservice under this account as the users using the webservice won't have DB access.The way I see to do it is to include the Impersonate option in the Web.config file, but is there any better way to do this?

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WCF / ASMX :: Create An Instance Of Web Service Without Adding Web Service Reference?

Mar 17, 2011

How to create an instance of web service without adding web service reference? How to identify the server address/name where the web service is hosted from C# code?

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Unable To Pass User Credentials From WCF Web Service To ASMX Web Service

May 25, 2010

My WCF Client calls my WCF Service which then calls ASMX Web Service. The problem is i have configured my wcf client and wcf service to windows credentials type but when wcf service calls asmx service the user credentials (default windowsidentity) is not passed to asmx service.

In WCF Service i am able to get user identity by using : Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name;
WCF Service - i have disabled anonymous access and enabled windows authentication. ASMX Web Service - i have disabled anonymous access and enabled windows authentication.
WCF Service Config

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Call Web Service Hosted In Window Service And Having End Point Over Tcp

Aug 4, 2010

i have created a normal web service and i want to host it outside IIS. one idea i got is to use window service as hosting environment. i have created a web service and hosted it window service and its window service is running now.would anybody please let me know that how can i call web service hosted in window service binded over soap.tcp. here is my sample code.


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WCF / ASMX :: Develop A Web Service That Handle Another Web Service's Event (C#.Net 3.5 Framework)?

May 26, 2010

I want to develop a web service that handle another web service's event. (C#.Net 3.5 framework)

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WCF / ASMX :: Signature Or Decryption Was Invalid?

Sep 27, 2010

We are using wse 2.0 sp2 and I recently installed a new webservice as windows service previously it worked fine but once I re-installed it as windows service it throws an error

The signature or decryption was invalid


An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The signature or decryption was invalid

Source Error:

[SoapException: The signature or decryption was invalid] Microsoft.Web.Services2.Messaging.SoapClient.SendRequestResponse(String methodname, SoapEnvelope envelope)

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'cmbslot' Has A Selectedvalue Which Is Invalid Because It Does Not Exist In The List Of Items Parameter Name Value

Mar 7, 2010

i try to fetch the data from the database and display text in the dropdownlist

i got the error message

'cmbslot' has a selectedvalue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items parameter name value cmbslot.Text = obj.getdata(dr["slotcode"].ToString()); //here is my code to retrive the data from the database

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WCF / ASMX :: Create Simple Web Service In VS2010, NOT WCF Service?

Aug 30, 2010

How to create simple web service in VS2010 Professional (trial version). There is no template to do this. I am not trying to create WCF service here.

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Convert Existing Web Service To Framework 3.5 Service

Sep 20, 2010

I have running existing web service in framework 2.0, but i want to convert all my service to framework 3.5 WCF Service..

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WCF / ASMX :: Add Service As Service Reference To VB6 Winforms Application

Feb 7, 2011

How do I add the WCF service built using VS2010 as a service reference to a Winforms app which is written in VB6?

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WCF / ASMX :: "Service Error - Web Service Failure

Feb 2, 2011

I am keep getting an error that "Service Error : wbsTest failed" where wbsTest is my webservice.

The error comes up frequently enough for the user - normally reproducible within a minute or so of working with an application.

A bit of background: An user is a remote user accessing application hosted on our servers over https. He is software firewalled and his connection isn't the fastest but it is responsive enough. When errors do not present themselves, page loads are fairly quick.

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Nullable DateTime Parameter Never Bound When Calling Action

Sep 20, 2010

I have the following function signuture:

public JsonResult PopulateGrid(int page, Guid? accountId, Guid? systemUserId, Guid? branchId, DateTime? fromDate, DateTime? toDate, HomeVisitType? homeVisitType)

Every single parameter is bound just fine except toDate which turns out to be always null. When inspecting the Request.QueryString["toDate"] it retrives the right value which is 30/09/2010. It seems that DateTime expects another format when binding.
What is the right format?

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MVC :: Modify Parameter Of Complex Type In Action Filter?

Feb 25, 2010

I thought this would be easy and maybe it is but it's eluding me.

In an action filter (MVC 2) I want to add/edit one of the parameters for the type I'm passing to my action method.

I have an action method:


Bar is a simple class for viewData:


In my BarFilter action filter OnActionExecuting method I want to add a value for paramA which is not set by the view so that Bar will be fully populated in my Foo action method. I've tried various methods of adding values to ViewData, ModelState, Model etc. but I always get a null returned in Foo.

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