WCF / ASMX :: How To Use Webservice In Application
Nov 3, 2010
try to guide how to call web service in my asp.net Application. I had Web reference of that web service.I added the Service to my application.i created name space and I try to use methods inside the web service it showing unable to connect server machine. I want to Use jangomail services from asp.net application. my application need to send mass mailing using jangomail service.when i try to access that web service( http://api.jangomail.com/api.asmx) it giving Some Error like Connection failed to
I need to write a webservice to be consumed by an application. The application will read the WSDL and provide me with the input output fields that I can utilise. The webservice output should be an array of string values as the output. I have taken a dataset and can output that as XML but I need to provide a description in WSDL what the output format will be and I cannot seems to get my head around to that. What I need is something similar to[URL] but do not how to write the WSDL to give me a clear input and output structure in the definition.
I would appreciate if anyone can give me some tips or ideas on a scenario I am working on. For instance, I have an asp.net solution and a webservice. I am sending data to the webservice which updates the settings, and while its doing it I would like the asp.net solution (website) to have a sort of log on the screen showing the user whats happening/which settings are being updated...Now from the webservice, while the settings/updates are being done, is it possible to send a request/state back to the asp.net project while that setting is being updated, rather than sending 1 setting at a time?
I have datatable consist of 20 records and i want to bulk insert into sqlserver through the asmx webservice. Can anybody guide to me or provide Sample BusinessLogic and webservice code.
I am using PHP web service in dot net [URL]I set the name of web service as Test but when I am trying to access object test I was not able to use that, is there is any other method to use PHP webservice.
I was looking for an asp.net webservice that uses .net 4.0 but everytime I choose 4.0 the webservice choice goes away.Someone suggested to me that maybe they(MS) want you to use WCF instead. I don't know much about it but he said they are like webservices but better. So anyone got a comparisons guide?
I have certificate(abcd.rar) , which I need to include when I call that web service from asp.net application, Some one tell me how do I implement certificate into my application, certificate is with file extention .rar
I'm calling an asp.net webservice from a VB.Net application.Is there any way to determine in the webservice that it was called from a specific application. I had a look at Me.Context.Request but I can't see anything that refers to my VB app.
Facing an issue with the web service calls written in Java.When am trying to call webservices written indexer Java from my machine its takign ages to respond back.same URL when typed indexer explorer fetches abstract response immediately.if tried on other system and code seems to work find so no issue with the code.unable to figure out what could be the issue while accessing the same from my box?
Can we have a solution which has a webservice project alone and host it in IIS. Or do we always need a website attached to webservice, and the website is to added into IIS
instead I'm looking for a suggestion on how to accomplish the task I have in mind. I would like to send and array of values to a webservice and save those values into a document on the server and then have the service return the URL back to the caller so that the caller knows where to go to get the document. The kicker is i would like to save on the server as a pdf document...
<error>There was a problem retrieving the data. Please Press F5 or hit the browser refresh button to reattempt1.System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> MS.IT.OperationsServices.ROQ.Out.Utils.CustomException: An Internal Error has Occured. Please Contact ROQOut Support with Context Id Context Id: 82faeaff-7269-4d51-805e-b854491a68a9 at ReleaseService.GetMyReleaseStatus(String impersonatedUserAlias, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) --- End of inner exception stack trace
----Source--System.Web.Services--Trace-- at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) at ROQOutWebService.ReleaseService.GetMyReleaseStatus(String impersonatedUserAlias, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) at MyReleaseDashboard.GetMyReleaseStatus(Int32 days)</error>