Web Forms :: Add Custom Server Side Attribute To TextBox Control?

Jan 17, 2011

How do I do something like the following:


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How To Set Name Attribute For HiddenField Control Server-side

Nov 5, 2010

I want to set the "name" attribute for HiddenField control of ASP.NET from code behind, but I cannot find the "Attributes" property. Is it not there for a purpose? How do I add the attribute

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Custom Server Controls :: Client Side Functionality In A Custom Server Control Using Vb?

Oct 4, 2010

is it posible to add client side functionality to a custom server control in vb.net?i am looking at msdn library and there is no code for vb :/ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa719700%28v=VS.71%29.aspxI fount this on MSDN Library Adding Client Capabilities to a Web Server ControlWhat i'm trying to do is to add some client functionality to my control, so that you can get or set some properties/values on client side. From the above link i see that this is doable with Ajax Server Control, but i don't have it, i have Custom Server Control. Can i do this with Custom Server Control and how?

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How To Make An Attribute On A Custom User / Server Control Be Mandatory

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If certain attributes on built-in ASP.NET controls aren't specified, then an exception will be thrown.

How do I do this on my custom user/server control?

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Custom TextBox Control With Built-in Client-side Validation?

Jan 30, 2011

I have a textbox in my application which has multiple validation on it e.g. RequiredFieldValidator, RegexValidation and CustomValidation. My page has several similar textboxes. So I just copy-paste and change id and controltovalidate properties and it is working.

Since similar tbxs are going to be used on another page as well, I think it would be nice to create my own custom TextBox control with built-in validation.

Here are two approaches I have found and tried:

1: Implement from IValidator perform my custom validation in Validate Method. As shown here: Self-Validating TextBox But it does not show how to implement client-side validation.

2: Create custom control that derives from TextBox and add asp.net built-in validators I need. As shown here:Custom TextBox. I tried the code and it works server/client side.

I like the first approach but don't know how to implement client-side validation. I know I need a client-side js function. I can do that. I know how to include my js file using Page.ClientScript class but don't know how to integrate all together and make it work.

I can create a UserControl or the second approach above but for now I am specifically looking to learn and implement client-side validation from custom control.

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Custom Server Controls :: TemplateField [TextBox] Binded To DataSource (Custom Server Control)?

Jul 28, 2010

Case : a templatefield Text Box created by class TemplateHandler and added to the composite

control Grid .how to bind it to the DataSource Object of the Grid Class ?

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Custom Server Controls :: Category Attribute Of User Control Property Does Not Work Correctly In Categories Tab

Aug 19, 2010

I have a User Control (ascx) and a property which a want to display in my categories tab in Visual Studio in the category named "Styles".


And here is the problem: Actually I do not need a get, because I only have to set the property (write only property). But when I omit the get, the property is displayed in the "Misc" category in the categories tab in Visual Studio. Only when I code the get as well, then the property is displayed correctly in the "Styles" category in the categories tab in Visual Studio.

Does anybody know why? How can I display the category correctly only with set?

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Usercontrols - Server-side Value Being Assigned In This Custom Control?

Jul 15, 2010

I am looking at somebody else's code and in it there is a user control:

<UserControl:Comments ID="Comments1" runat="server" ObjectID="4" ObjectRecordID='<%#((Alert)Container.DataItem).AlertId %>'></UserControl:Comments>

What I don't quite understand is how the value for ObjectRecordID gets assigned. I
understand by looking at the code that AlerId is getting assigned to ObjectRecordID
but how is ((Alert)Container.DataItem).AlertId grabbing its value?

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Removing Readonly Attribute From Textbox Using Client Side Code

Mar 5, 2010

I have a multiline textbox that by default, is set to ReadOnly. I would like a button on the page to change the control to allow it to be edited. I would like this code to run on the client side because the page renders slowly and I'd like to avoid the post back.

The problem I'm having is the javascript code that I wrote to remove the readonly attribute appears to have no effect. I posted a stripped down example that illustrates the problem for your review.


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Web Forms :: Submitting A Form On Server Side Using The Action Attribute Url?

Mar 7, 2010

I have a webpage with a form below -

<form action='https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr' method='post' name='frm'>

I have a button that does a postback to server then back to client and finally to the action attribute of the form element.When the page post back to the client the onload <script>document.frm.submit()</script> finally submits the form to the action attribute of the form.I would like to eliminate the unnessasay post back to the client.Below is the code the runs on the server.

If Page.IsPostBack =
Then [code]....

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MVC :: Passing Viewdata Value To Server Side Textbox Control

Jan 2, 2011

I am new to MVC, i tried to pass the viewdata value from Index action of homecontroller to the textbox i have on Index.aspx.

I am getting the view with the label and the textbox but i am not able to get the value that passed on from the controller

The below is the .aspx file
<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" %>

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Attribute In Custom User Control And Keep Getting Zero?

Jul 30, 2010


I am having a problem setting the SystemObjectRecordID attribute of my custom control inside a repeater. Currently, the value winds up as zero in the database. Things I have checked:

1) The datatype of the DB column (bigint) and the datatype of AlertId (long) and the datatype of the getter/setter SystemObjectRecordID variable (long) match.

2) If I set '<%# ((Alert)Container.DataItem).AlertId %>' to the Text attribute of a label I get the expected results. So, it has something to do with my custom control and specifically how data isbound to the SystemObjectRecordID attribute.

Now, going to the server, below is what I have for databinding (The page is Default.aspx.cs and the namespace is Company.ProjectWeb.Profiles):


Currently I am trying to pass the value received from a literal (because I know that the values are received as expected here) to the SystemObjectRecordId object. Still isn't working. I am still getting a value of zero when I set a breakpoint and look at the value of SystemObjectRecordId in the codebehind of my control:


View 10 Replies

Custom Server Controls :: Get Textbox Value From Web Control?

Jan 25, 2011

how can i get the value of a textbox from a web control registered within a web control thats registered within a page?

my aspx page needs to retrieve the values of several text boxes that are within a control called CustomerDetails.ascx that is registered within a control Checkout.ascx that is in turn registered within the aspx page.

im working in vb.net and initially tried to expose the textbox properties in CustomerDetails.aspx and create a property for CustomerDetails.ascx in Checkout.ascx thinking i could then access from my aspx page but that doesnt work.

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MVC :: Register Client-side Validation For Custom Validation Attribute?

May 19, 2010

I am trying to create a custom password validation attribute which has these requirements

1. cannot be empty.

2. doesn't contain space or other special chracters, which I'll define later.

3. length is between 6 - 12


it works fine on the server-side but I'd like to make this work on the client side as well, so I created a PasswordAttributeAdapter class


and in global.asax I added


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Forms Data Controls :: Attribute 'onchange' Is Not A Valid Attribute Of Element 'TextBox'

Mar 31, 2011

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" onchange="calculate()" runat="server" Text="0"></asp:TextBox>

I'm getting this error on the above markup: Message 1 Validation (ASP.Net): Attribute 'onchange' is not a valid attribute of element 'TextBox'.

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Web Forms :: Client Side Custom Validator Changing Textbox Values?

Mar 19, 2010

I've been working on a task to add a validator to compare the values of two text fields in a ASP.NET 1.1 application.

It uses validators already, so the best approached seemed to involve a CustomValidator. I was inspired by the following example:


I got the server side validation working - now I'm trying to add some client-side validation but I'm having a strange issue.

When I click in either of the two text fields, the value of the txtFinalGrade field is overridden to either "true" or "false". I've been having a tough time tracking down the code that's causing this. I tried using the IE Developer Toolbar to trace the script - as well as FireBug in Firefox (though this is an IE-only app) and I'm still trying to figure out what's causing this to happen.

Since I think this is a JavaScript issue, I'm posting that part of my code:


Anyone have ideas of things to try? Anyone have similar issues with textboxes being set to true/false when working with custom validators?

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Validator Client-side Validation Cannot Work?

Jan 13, 2010

I've been trying to get a custom validator component working that ensures at least one checkbox from a checkboxlist has been checked. I've been used some code I found on dotnetjunkies.com but the client-side validation didn't work. I've been attempting to modify it to get the client-side javascript validation to work with no luck. Basically, I compile the below code into a DLL and add it to my bin folder.


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Web Forms :: How Do You Write To A Client-side Control (text Box) With Server-side Code

Jan 6, 2010

If I have a standard HTML textbox


but got a readonly error.

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Web Forms :: Retrieve Value If Server Side Control Value Is Updated On Client Side

Oct 26, 2010

I have a hidden variable and its value is being updated using javascript(client side) which I make a call from server side code. After making the call I am not able to retrieve the updated value from Server side variable. I went through this forum [URL] but not able find a way how to implement functionality with IFRAME. I am trying to call the client side code and retrieve the updated value from server side in page_load event.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Control Server Side Event Is Not Firing If We Set Client Side Events?

Aug 27, 2010

I have created dynamic control with both server and client side events.. if i set client side event server side event is not firing.. I have created the link button which will validate and do some necessary actions.. Validation is working but click event of link button is not firing .. if we remove the client side event , server side event is firing.. how to avoid this.. I want both events..

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Web Forms :: How To Transfer Control To Client Side From Server Side

Dec 9, 2010

I have a requirement in which I have to call a JavaScript function in between my server side event and in that JavaScript function code I have to set hidden field value and in next line of that same event i have to use that hidden field value.

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Add A Custom / Namespaced XHTML Attribute To A Web Control Declaratively?

Aug 24, 2010

Normally, unknown attributes of a webcontrol are passed through to to the rendered element in the browser. So the following works.

<asp:label runat="server" Text="Label Text" helpId="101" />

However, if you use a namespaced attribute like the following

<asp:label runat="server" Text="Label Text" myNs:helpId="101" /></div>

The attribute is not rendered to the client, even when the custom namespace is declared in the html element like: <html xmlns= [URL] Does anyone know of a way to get this to render to the client, without having to use a custom control. A module or other globally "pluggable" solution would be acceptable.

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Data Controls :: Unable To Get TextBox Inside GridView Values Modified Client Side Using JQuery On Server Side

Apr 30, 2014

i have a grid asĀ 

<asp:GridView ID="dgv_passengerdetails" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
CssClass="pasdetailsgrid" BorderStyle="None">
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Seat No" DataField="seatno">
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />


the string gs=null, if i click the button again then gs takes the value from textbox.

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Tag Not Found For Control / Error: Unknown Server Tag 'custom:AjaxValidator'

Jan 3, 2011

Hope this is the correct forum for this question. I am using VWD 2010 an have a web project and get the following error upon execution:

Parser Error Message: Unknown server tag 'custom:AjaxValidator'.

My code is as follows in the .cs file:


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Set Name Attribute Of TextBox Control In 3.5 Project?

Apr 21, 2010

Self explanatory really. set name attribute of TextBox control in 3.5 project?

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