Web Forms :: Submitting A Form On Server Side Using The Action Attribute Url?

Mar 7, 2010

I have a webpage with a form below -

<form action='https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr' method='post' name='frm'>

I have a button that does a postback to server then back to client and finally to the action attribute of the form element.When the page post back to the client the onload <script>document.frm.submit()</script> finally submits the form to the action attribute of the form.I would like to eliminate the unnessasay post back to the client.Below is the code the runs on the server.

If Page.IsPostBack =
Then [code]....

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What Is Difference Between Server Side Submitting And Client Side Submitting A Form

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Can any one explain with an example.

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JQuery :: Submitting Form With JSON To Server Side Script

Jan 22, 2011

I was wondering if there is an easy way to submit a form or a collection of fields with jquery and json to a C# server-side script. I was thinking of a script that retrieves all data from elements with an attribute called 'form' (yes, we just add a new attribute to for example a textbox or textarea). Thus, the script searches for all form attributes with form='myform' and then submits the data as an form object. In server-side code we know how to deal with the data. Does someone has such a script? Or can I inspire someone to develop such a script? (I have the idea, not the skills) ..also, sessionstate needs to be available (cookie).

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Why Is The Form Action Attribute Empty On Production Server

Apr 12, 2010

After deploying a ASP.NET WebForms application to a production server some of the ajax calls has stopped working for me. After some debugging I found out that the following statement (in the internal client-method WebForm_DoCallback) was causing the problem:

xmlRequest.open("POST", action, true);

The problem seemed to be that the action-variable was empty so after checking the rendered html I found out that the form-tag rendered on the production server looks like:

<form method="post" action="" id="Form1">

However, on my developer machine I get the following:

<form method="post" action="default.aspx" id="Form1">

So, why would the action-attibute render on my dev.machine but not on the production server? This seems to be the case only for one specific web form, when I look on other pages the action-attribute renders correctly.

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MVC :: First Form Submitting To Second Form Action

Sep 30, 2010

I have a site master page which has 2 forms on it like so


But when I click the submit button in the second form on the page it submits the values from the first form to my controller and will run both controller actions. What I want is each form to submit only its own data is there some special way to do this?

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Web Forms :: How To Specify Form Action Attribute

Jul 20, 2012

can we create form action in asp.net or not ?

Like here i use action="insert_cont.php"

<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="insert_cont.php">

</form>can i create action in asp.net for it ??

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Web Forms :: Purpose Of Action Attribute Of Form Element?

Feb 16, 2011

can anyone make it clear the main purpose of action attribute of form tag in html page?

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C# - LinkButton Event Not Firing When <form Action> Attribute Is Set

Jan 27, 2011

I have a form action in an ASCX page set to an external URL

<form id="fLoginForm" runat="server" action="http://external.url" method="post" defaultbutton="bSignIn">
Inside there is a standard ASP linkbutton
<asp:LinkButton CssClass="btn" ID="bSignIn" runat="server" Text="Sign In" OnClick="bSignIn_Click" />

The event "bSignin_Click" never gets fired when I have ction="http://external.url" set on the form tag. However when I remove the action, it works as expected. I thought for runat='server' forms, the form would always post back? I need to read the URL from the action attrib and then redirect to it with some hidden input values also in the page.

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Set Form Attribute "action" From Urlrewriter Component?

Jan 15, 2010

I'm making a urlrewriter component and I need to set the action attribute of the html form tag to the virtual url. This is easy to do in the page that has that tag but I want to do it from within the component. I have a class called UrlRewriterModule which inherits from IHttpModule and in the OnPagePreInit method I run the code:


This actually works... but... this code presumes that I have a page which has a masterpage where the form tag is located.

How can this be done so that it will work with any hierarchy? I want to access the form tag wherever it is located.

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Web Forms :: Add Custom Server Side Attribute To TextBox Control?

Jan 17, 2011

How do I do something like the following:


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MVC Reading An Element's Custom Html Attribute When Submitting?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm new to ASP.NET and MVC in particular. Now, I'm trying to understand if I can easily get values of custom attributes of submitted data. For example, When writing something like this inside a form (which works and posts and I can get the checkbox value) <%= Html.CheckBox("cb1", new { listen = "listen:6" }) %> Can I get the value of "listen" directly or do I need JS? (I know I can just use hidden fields, but I'm I'm asking anyway)

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Nov 5, 2010

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Web Forms :: Submitting A Form Using A Link?

Feb 16, 2010

OK, I have exhausted myself troubleshooting this bug. The crazy thing is, I think I had it working months ago, and now it does not. All I want to do is submit FrmCart when the "Update Total" link is clicked. Below is the code.


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Web Forms :: Programmatically Submitting A Form To Another Site

May 21, 2010

I'm not sure the best place to ask this...not even sure the best way to ask it.

I manage a library website, and there are a number of different database products that can be searched. I'm trying to build a black box application to sit behind the home page. Here's an example of what might get submitted to said application.

searchType = "books"
searchEngine = "library catalog"
keywords = "some keywords"

See, the idea is that I might be doing various search boxes throughout the site, and I want to keep the actual HTML forms as simple as possible and simply let an ASP.Net application do the rest of the work. For example, figuring out whether or not the search engine using a GET or a POST method, parsing the keywords to determine the best way to render them, and sending the appropriate hidden values.

Probably, most of these databases use GET, so I can simply use a Response.Redirect after creating the query string, but I think some of them might use a POST, and I'm just not certain how I would take the form variables from one page (the home page, say), then essentially turn them into a virtual form on this middle man/black box application, and then programmatically submit that virtual form to another site, such that the user never sees or knows about that intermediate page.

I've seen this:


But that isn't what I actually want to do, because I don't want to retrieve the result of the submission through a WebResponse...rather, I want the form to actually send the user to the new site.

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Web Forms :: Submitting Form Data With Many-to-Many Relationship?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm quite confused about how to implement a many-to-many relationship and my domain model. Let's say I'm creating a recipe box web application and I have three tables called Category (categoryID, categoryName), RecipeCategory (categoryID, recipeID), and Recipes (recipeID, recipeName, recipeDescription). If I were to present this information as an ASP.NET application and wanted to insert a new recipe and category, am I responsible for writing the logic to insert the information in the RecipeCategory table OR is it possible to set RecipeCategory.categoryID and RecipeCategory.recipeID automatically with default values based on newly inserted records in the related tables? If I'm responsible for writing the logic to insert values in RecipeCategory.categoryID and RecipeCategory.recipeID is that a trigger? What's the best way of implementing this?

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Web Forms :: Form Not Submitting After Response.AddHeader?

Dec 29, 2010

I am using the following code to download the file from web server


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Button That Performs A Server-side Action And Returns A File To Download?

Jul 28, 2010

I have an ASP.NET page (using ASP.NET AJAX and the Telerik RAD components) that provides a data table and an option to download data in CSV format.I have a requirement that a single button allow the user to download a data set. I have a system set up that's nearly working for me based off the solution in

<asp:Button ID="ExportCsvButton" runat="server" Text="Download to CSV/Excel"
byte[] csvBytes = someLongOperation();
Session[EXPORTED_SESSION_KEY] = csvBytes;
Response.Redirect("myexportpage.aspx", true);
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "file.csv");
Response.ContentType = "text/csv";
Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "public");
Response.BinaryWrite(Session[OtherPage.EXPORTED_SESSION_KEY] as byte[]);

This actually works quite well. When I click the 'Export to CSV' button, the page's UpdateProgress kicks in and my loading overlay appears (it's a CSS div that covers the window when visible). This can take some time depending on the data set (potentially several minutes), at which point I'm getting a window popup with my file.

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Web Forms :: Disabled DropDownList Does Not Appear In Page - Request.Form When Submitting Via LinkButton

May 25, 2010

I do some stuff with dynamic DropDownLists. A choice at one level makes the next level appear and so on.

When I open up an old report for editing, the first level is not editable so I set that DropDownList to Enabled=false (still dynamically in code).

My problem is that when I press save (a LinkButton) I first come to my OnInit as usual and check the Page.Request.Form for my DropDownLists, but then the first list is not represented.

But if I change one of the lists when editing, a postback is made, then there is no problem at all with the Page.Request.Form, the first list is there all the time.

Is there some fundamental difference with causing a PostBack from a LinkButton vs a Dynamically Added DropDownList?

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Forms Data Controls :: Value Of Control Is Empty After Submitting The Form 2nd Time?

Mar 10, 2011

I am experiencing a problem on my aspx page.

I have a web form on which the user fills in a basic data: date (with drop down lists), an asset class (with a radioButtonList that is bound with en Enum) and other simple controls... The, when the form is submitted, I make a query on the database to retrieve my data and bind these data into a gridView.

Here are some bit of codes

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (int assetclassVal in Enum.GetValues(typeof(AssetClass)))


The 1st time I submit the form everything is working well, the second time even if I change nothing in in the web form, the GridView1_RowCreated fires an exception when the property AssetClass is called. The error message is

Must specify valid information for parsing in the string.

&#65279;This is because rblAssetClass.SelectedValue is empty, but I don't understand why.

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Web Forms :: A Page Can Have Only One Server-side Form Tag Error ?

Dec 19, 2010

I'm very much a newbie to ASP.Net and am getting the "a page can only have one server-side form tag" error. I have searched the internet for clues, but my understanding (or lack of) means I can't adapt other peoples solutions to resolve my problem.My master page has the following code:

<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="MasterPage.master.cs" Inherits="MasterPage" %>

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Web Forms :: Error: A Page Can Have Only One Server-side Form Tag?

Jan 20, 2010

I m getting this error......

HttpException (0x80004005): A page can have only one server-side Form tag.

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Web Forms :: IFrame Form Data Capture Upon Parent Page Form Submit Action

Jun 8, 2010

I have a web form called default.aspx which has a form with user information. In addition to this, I have an iFrame on the same page that displays a page Secondary-Form.aspx that has a few additional dynamic data fields. I need to do two things.

1. I need to pass the parent form data in real time to the iFrame page to refresh its content and modify it's fields accordingly. Example: If the user submits their Vehicle Choice as Car on parent form, the form item in iFrame will display a radio button that says Honda, and if the user submits their Vehicle Choice as MotorCycle in the parent page, the iFrame will display Harley Davidson as the radio button choice

2. The submit button is on the parent page. I want both pieces of this information (from the parent page, as well as iFrame selection) to be passed to a server side ASPX page to process this information.the default.aspx and Secondary-Form.aspx files are located on different domains.

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Web Forms :: Change Action Attribute With Control Adapter Class But Without Reflection

May 24, 2010

I am facing challenge of changing action attribute of html form tag. As my application is on shared hosting (medium trust) environment of godaddy server, I cannot use reflection to get control adapter of html tag page. So, I cannot use the following code in my Url Rewriting module.


Is there any otherway to implement the same functionality without reflection?

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MVC Submitting Form Using ActionLink

Feb 13, 2010

I am trying to use link to submit a form using the following code:

function deleteItem(formId) {
// submit the form
$("#" + formId).submit();

Basically I have a grid and it displays a number of items. Each row has a delete button which deletes the item. I then fire the following function to remove the item from the grid.

function onItemDeleted(name) {
$("#" + name).remove();

It works fine when I use a submit button but when I use action link the JavaScript from the controller action is returned as string and not executed.

public JavaScriptResult DeleteItem(string name)
var isAjaxRequest = Request.IsAjaxRequest();
var script = String.Format("onItemDeleted('{0}')", name);
return JavaScript(script);

And here is the HTML code:........................

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Web Forms :: Attaching A Dynamically Created Checkbox To The Server Side Form?

Jul 29, 2010

I am trying to allow for multiple selection check boxes that are created dynamically.

The Following code is written for each row in the dataTable (I print it as HTML code)

<input type='checkbox' name='multiCheck' id='chk{1}' value='{1}' runat='server'/>

however, on the server side (after postback) I can't read them from the Request Object. How do I "mark" them so I can read them at the postback?

protected void DeleteSelection_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
int multiIdsToDelete = Request.Form["multiCheck"]; <-- In the Future will be added to an array so I can do the delete for each row selected.

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