Web Forms :: Any Way To Hide Query String In Browser

Jan 28, 2014

I used querystring in my page and in addressbar url is like below... URL...I want it doesn't show ?H_name=all...I want it show just URL....I mean I want hide querystring value.How I can do it?

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Nov 8, 2010

I am using an iframe in my page and the src value of iframe is changed at runtime.because I want to authenticate the page which is being called.

for e.g.

src value is "~/Login/Login.aspx" in design. and at runtime it changes to "~/Login/Login.aspx?un=abc&pswd=123".

now, I don't want to show this query string when a user clicks View Page Source in the browser.

it should show only "~/Login/Login.aspx".

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protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

I don't want to show Create word in query string . What i have to do. And how to implement the Post/Redirect/Get pattern .Please send me code for this if possible.

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Jul 25, 2012

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not New.aspx ,New.php orNew.html 

Is it possible ? If it is possible then what is the purpose of it ?

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Oct 1, 2012

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Web Forms :: Hide Page Extension In Browser Address Bar

May 31, 2012

I use querystring in my page when i click on button it go to Store.aspx. This is my query string code

protected void ImageButton3_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Response.Redirect("Store.aspx?behcode=" + Server.UrlEncode(txtNumeric.Text));

In addressbar show this


I want in address bar show something like this


page name without .aspx

Is it possible?

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Query String Can A Query String Contain An Url That Also Has Query Strings

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I added the iis tag because I am guessing it also depends on what server technology you use?

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How To Hide Browser Menu's

Aug 17, 2010

I have an ASP.net web application that is running well using master-pages.

Now my client says he would like the web-site to launch in a browser and hide all the browser menus and view as a full screen. So it appears as if the site is really like a stand-alone program and really you see the site as if it was like a pop-up that has been maximized.

I am not sure whether I want the main page to be a pop-up as I use pop-ups from this page as well.

Is there a simple solution to making the site appear in the browser looking like a pop-up with all the browser menu buttons hidden.

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Hide The Page Name On The Browser URL?

Feb 27, 2010

How to hide the page name on the browser URL. Example :

Browser display : http://www.company.com/en/products/price.aspx

Need to display : http://www.company.com/en/products

I want for every page in my website.

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C# - Hide Page Name In Browser?

Feb 21, 2011

I want to hide page name in browser.

For example;


I want to appear all sites like this: www.mysite.com

How can I do this in asp.net 3.5 with IIS 6.0.

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Dec 24, 2010

I m facing some problem. i m not passing Dynamic string through query string..

I m using this code

string abc = "CPCB_" + TextBox1.Text + "_" + TextBox2.Text;


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C# - Cannot Pass A Input From Text Box To A Query String And Then Keep The String In This Box?

May 28, 2010

I have a simple ASP.net page:

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<p><asp:TextBox id="input_box" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button Text="OK" runat="server" OnClick="run" /></p>

I want to send input from input_box to a query string, and then keep this input in the input_box when the page reloads.

That's the code behind page:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
input_box.Text = Request.QueryString["input"];
protected void run(object sender, EventArgs e)
string url = string.Format("?input={0}", input_box.Text);
Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsolutePath + url);

Problem is that when query string is not empty, string from input_box cannot be passed to query string. How to correct it?

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Sending An HTML Encoded String In The Query String?

Jan 5, 2011

We are sending an HTML encoded string in the Query string. It was working fine on IIS 6 (windows 2003). We have recently moved the website to Windows 2008 (IIS 7.x). Since the move any Query String that contains "+" sign i.e., "%2b" gives error on the server "404 -File or directory not found."

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Query The Database Through A Query String?

Jan 15, 2011

I wanted to create a URL like http://localhost/menu.aspx/?id so that on typing this, it displays all the id's in the database. for eg:134




may be the id's which should be displayed after fetching from the database. However, it should be displayed as it it is without any control or without arranging in any gird etc. How can that be done?

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Web Forms :: How To Use Null Value In Query String

Mar 10, 2010

I'm using webservice to integrate asp.net app with PeopleSoft. Sometimes, the value that I get from a querystring (eg in url below, request id =7) and pass it to PeopleSoft via webservice is blank, although the querystring contains key value pair. This causes the webservice integration piece to fail. What can cause this issue where the querystring value is blank? and how can I fix it?


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Web Forms :: Assign Value From Query String?

Apr 24, 2010

I have a cart application I am working on where I need to assign a value based on a query string. I am telling the code behind to override the price returned by a linq query with the price in the value of the price variable passed by the string. The default linq value for this item is zero, and isn't updated by my attempt to override. Here is what I am trying with no success so far. Query format sent to page is .....aspx?Price=

Am I calling the string correctly?


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Web Forms :: Get And Check Query String Value?

May 31, 2010

how can i perform checks based on query string values?

page 1 - once i hit the submit button i redirect to my confirmation page.

protected void btnSubmitApp1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

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Web Forms :: Alternate Way For Using Query String?

Dec 7, 2010

I am using query string when I do a Page redirect.Please could somebody give me an alternate solution for this.I do not want to use Query string in this case



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Web Forms :: Use Query String In Multipage

Jun 1, 2012

I have 2 page index.aspx   and  store .aspx

In index.aspx I have 1TextBox  and  1Button  when user enter their behcode in TB and click on Button it go to store.aspx page and fill this page with that user information


protected void ImageButton3_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Response.Redirect("Store.aspx?behcode=" + Server.UrlEncode(txtNumeric.Text));


Now I want when user enter their behcode in index.aspx and  according to that behcode go to store.aspx and see their page when they click one of 2 button in store.aspx they go to article or about us page and in  that page again fill with them information from user’s table according to behcode that they entered in index.aspx page.

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Web Forms :: Load Page Without Query String?

Feb 23, 2011

i have a page from which i send a email to a client which has link to this page with a query string. when we click we fetch the value of query string in the page load. But its showing an error when we load the page because at that time we are not sendign the query string.

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