Hide The Page Name On The Browser URL?

Feb 27, 2010

How to hide the page name on the browser URL. Example :

Browser display : http://www.company.com/en/products/price.aspx

Need to display : http://www.company.com/en/products

I want for every page in my website.

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C# - Hide Page Name In Browser?

Feb 21, 2011

I want to hide page name in browser.

For example;


I want to appear all sites like this: www.mysite.com

How can I do this in asp.net 3.5 with IIS 6.0.

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Web Forms :: Hide Page Extension In Browser Address Bar

May 31, 2012

I use querystring in my page when i click on button it go to Store.aspx. This is my query string code

protected void ImageButton3_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Response.Redirect("Store.aspx?behcode=" + Server.UrlEncode(txtNumeric.Text));

In addressbar show this


I want in address bar show something like this


page name without .aspx

Is it possible?

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How To Hide Browser Menu's

Aug 17, 2010

I have an ASP.net web application that is running well using master-pages.

Now my client says he would like the web-site to launch in a browser and hide all the browser menus and view as a full screen. So it appears as if the site is really like a stand-alone program and really you see the site as if it was like a pop-up that has been maximized.

I am not sure whether I want the main page to be a pop-up as I use pop-ups from this page as well.

Is there a simple solution to making the site appear in the browser looking like a pop-up with all the browser menu buttons hidden.

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Web Forms :: How To Hide Extension Of URL In Browser

Jul 25, 2012

Can we hide then extension url like here.. [URL]

not New.aspx ,New.php orNew.html 

Is it possible ? If it is possible then what is the purpose of it ?

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Web Forms :: How To Hide The QueryString Browser

Oct 1, 2012

 I need to hide query string in url on button click and  by using <a hef="http://xyz?abc=pol" />

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Web Forms :: Any Way To Hide Query String In Browser

Jan 28, 2014

I used querystring in my page and in addressbar url is like below... URL...I want it doesn't show ?H_name=all...I want it show just URL....I mean I want hide querystring value.How I can do it?

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Remove/hide Browser Address Bar Or Toolbar Webpage?

Mar 15, 2010

I am creating web page using asp.net. Is it possible to remove/hide the browsers address bar or toolbar using Javascript for IE.

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AJAX :: Hide CalendarExtender Control When ESC Key Is Pressed In Browser

Dec 5, 2012

I have used a Ajax calendar with Image control in my application But the problem is  when I am leaving  the image control It's not Escape If i press Escape button also It's not Escape, any tag for calendar Escape..

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Web Forms :: Hide Cancel Button In Browser File Download Box

Dec 21, 2012

I am downloading file in the asp.net application , where i need to hide the cancel button .i have to show only save button.

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Web Forms :: Hide Master Page Html Table Row From Content Page?

Jan 28, 2010

I have one master page that is used to gather information from a user. It contains asp.net labels and textboxes within a table. For example, the master page contains fields for Name , Phone, Address, etc.

There are content pages that are created to add to the information that needs to be gathered. For example, the content page, Loan Application, could ask for Loan Amount, LTV, etc.

In addition to this, certain content page forms do not need to show a particular master page field. For example, the content page may not need to ask for Phone.

The table rows are stored as public properties in the master page so I can hide them in the content page code behind.

public bool HomePhoneRow
set { trHomePhone.Visible = value; }
get { return trHomePhone.Visible; }

So, in the content page code behind, I have this:

Master.HomePhoneRow = false;

The functionality works perfect, but I don't like how the space is reserved on the page. You can tell that a row was removed. I've tried style="border-collapse:collapse" on both the <table> and <tr> elements. I've also tried to set the row height as a public property and alter that.

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Web Forms :: Hide Master Page File During Page Printing?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm building an ASP.Net project that will require the dynamic creation and printing of images. I've been asked to "hide" the header information (which is contained in a master page) when the page is printed. Is this some sort of a property that can be changed when the screen is printing?

The print event is actually running on the client side:

"JavaScript: window.print(); return false;")

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Hide A User Control In A Master Page From A Content Page?

Jun 25, 2010

How can I hide a user control on the master page from a content page? This is code I have on my content page's load.

Dim banner As UserControl = DirectCast(Master.FindControl("uc_banner1"), UserControl)
banner.Visible = True

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Is It Possible To Hide Windows Taskbar During Page Load Of An Aspx Page

Dec 23, 2010

is it possible to hide windows taskbar during page load of an aspx page?

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Web Forms :: Hide Control In Master Page From Content Page

Mar 27, 2013

I have master page with ajax accordin menu and I have content page "login.aspx"

In login 2 textbox - username and password , my problem is menu can display only the username and password is correct otherwise it is not display to user

username and password check from the database

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Web Forms :: Hide Or Close A Page After Launching Another Page?

Apr 18, 2010

I have the default.aspx page that I'm using javascript (in page_load) to open a new window (main.aspx) without toolbars/menus. This is the window I wan't up the remainder of the time. Is there a way to close the default.aspx page after opening the new window?

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Web Forms :: Hide A Div In Master Page From Content Page?

May 7, 2015

I used the following link for doing the page preloader.


I used this code in the master page. So I need to hide the 'loading' and 'modal' in a particular content page. I am able to hide the loading div, but not getting idea for hiding 'modal'.

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Javascript - If Users Press The Browser's Back Button To Reach The Prior Page Then Page Should Display A Message Like "web Page Expired"

Jul 23, 2010

if users press the browser's back button to reach the prior page..then page should display a message like "web page expired" in asp.net can i use javascript for this?

for example..

there are 4 pages in web sites. 1,2 and 3 can be back. but when the 4th page run then 4th page can not be back... when the user press browser's back button , diaplay ma message "weg page expired".

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Web Page Visible In Xml Format In View Page Source But Looks User Friendly On Browser?

Dec 6, 2010

look at this sample link address: (weather.gov) [URL] if you view page source in browser, you can see that it shows data in XML format (usng xsl.?). I need to implement a simple web page like that. I think that web site uses XML XSL I'm going to implement a web application in asp.net which will use data stored in sql database (or xml database or web service) and show these information like other normal web sites but in xml format in nice UI (using xsl?).That Weather website is only a sample to show what i want to do (i will not use any data from that site, my application is different).My requirement is being able to view page source only in XML format.Now I'm clear that xsl is the solution for that, but considering to use this method in asp.net.(use xml/xsl in dynamic asp.net pages) My Question? It is important for me to make the web page output in xml format(visible in xml format in page view source) but looks user friendly for users. 1.how can i do it in asp.net ?

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Web Forms :: How To Disable Browser Back Button In Index Page Or Login Page

Sep 25, 2012

am creating a web application in using c# with asp.net.

in that am using login page only as normal aspx page. other pages are using masterpage.

when i click logout button in masterpage. page will redirect to login page. after that if i click browser back button it was moving to previous page. how can i prevent this.

am using this following code in master page aspx page. And My log out button code is below.

<%if (!Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
{ %>
<script type = "text/javascript" >
function preventBack() { window.history.forward(); }
setTimeout("preventBack()", 0);
window.onunload = function() { null };
<%} %>

But exactly what i need is once if login page loaded or logged out then it wont go to previous page.

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Web Forms :: Using Master Page In VS2010 / Web Page Does Not Fill The Browser Completely

Oct 10, 2010

I am using the original masterpage template in VS2010 to have a consitency with all my web pages for my site. However, i noticed that the web page does not fill the browser completely, it is much smaller. How can I adjust the size of the web page so that is fills the browser completely?

I have looked at all the options in properties but had no luck so far!

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Web Forms :: CSS Not Working In Page Derived From Child Master Page When Viewed In Browser But Works In Design...

Jun 13, 2010

I have a page with features supplied from both a master page and a child master page.In the content placeholder for the head in both master pages I have supplied the link to the stylesheet for the site.In Design View in VS 2008 the CSS code seems to be functioning correctly.When viewing in a browser the CSS does not appear to be applied at all.

Here is the CSS code for the div elements within the main content placeholder:


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Forms Data Controls :: Open A Page In Separate Browser When Imagebutton Click From Parent Page?

Sep 29, 2010

In parent page there is an imagebutton. What I want to when user click this image button, another page will open with width=200 and height=100 with no toolbar.

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Web Forms :: Call An Alternative Css Page If The Browser Is IE On A Content Page?

Apr 25, 2010

What is the best way to call an altenative css page if the browser is IE on a content page (re master/content)?

many of the hacks are in javascript, but I am woindering if I should be using "System.Web.HttpBrowserCapabilities browser = Request.Browser;" instead

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C# - How To Hide All The Panels In A Page

Sep 20, 2010

I am using asp.net 4.

I need set up for all Panels WebControl for a page their visibility to false like

uxTypesDisplayer.Visible = false;

I need to setup visibility for all this panel without mention the single ID for every single panel.

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