Web Forms :: Attributes.Add() Onclick Event Disappearing After Postback?
Mar 29, 2010
- I've created a Survey with multiple sections in it
- The answer types are variable and, thus, the controls are created dynamically
- I have a Repeater where each RepeaterItem corresponds to a Category. (I have 5 categories in my current test, so I have 5 DataItems in the Repeater) Each RepeaterItem contains another Repeater which will hold the Question / Answer values
- After I data bind the Category Repeater, I loop through each RepeaterItem, find the Repeater contained in each RepeaterItem, and DataBind() this second Repeater to a list of Questions
- After DataBinding the Repeater containing the Questions, I sent that Repeater object to another routine, which is where the Answer controls are dynamically created and added to a Panel inside each of this Repeater's RepeaterItems.
I am able to navigate back-and-forth among Categories, save / delete answers, and fill in answers for Surveys that were left incomplete when a user logs back in.
One of the the potential control types for an answer is a ComboBoxList.
Each Question has an option for answers that require a ComboBoxList called "MaxAnswers." When this value > 0, I inject a little javascript that prevents the user from selecting more boxes than the "MaxAnswers" value. This is done during the last step described above like so:
This appears to always be added regardless of how many questions I answer or don't answer or how many times or directions I navigate around inside the survey. (I can push "Back" and "Previous" buttons as well as jump directly to any individual category by clicking a LinkButton)
Another option for Questions requiring a CheckBoxList is to specify if the selection of a specific ListItem within the CheckBoxList should display a TextBox. (e.g. a selection of "Other" will display a TextBox for the user to write-in an answer) I want to prevent a post-back just to show/hide a TextBox, so I inject an onclick event attached to the specific ListItem to accomplish this. The following code appears as the very next routine following the code pasted above:
This also works the first time the page is loaded but not after any PostBacks...
The lblMessage.Text lines are written to the page after ever PostBack, the MaxAnswers routine correctly adds the onclick event to the necessary CheckBoxList controls, but the "fncShowFTB" event is not added. Viewing the HTML with Firebug does show the onclick the first time the page is loaded, but it's missing after every subsequent postback.
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong that causes me to lose this event?
The Firebug HTML on initial page load looks like:
<input type="checkbox" onclick="fncShowFTB(this,'FTB50');" name="dnn$ctr556$View$rptCategoryPanels$ctl02$rptQuestions$ctl11$ctl00$6" id="dnn_ctr556_View_rptCategoryPanels_ctl02_rptQuestions_ctl11_ctl00_6">
After PostBacks, it looks exactly the same except that the onlick event is missing.
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<asp:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" AutoPostBack="true"
Height="273px" Width="1050px">
<asp:TabPanel runat="server" HeaderText="tab1" ID="tab1">
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AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel tp = new AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel();
tp.HeaderText = "tab3";
tp.ContentTemplate = Page.LoadTemplate("WebUserControl1.ascx");
tp.ID = "tab3";
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My .aspx code:
My Code behind:
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Sub Button_Next_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) x = Integer.Parse(Label_previous.Text) x = x + 1 Label_previous.Text = x End Sub
<asp:Button ID="Button_Next" runat="server" Text="1" Width="65px" onclick="Button_Next_Click" />
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Jan 28, 2010
I have a button that I cannot see or click in design view in VS but I can locate it in my source. The reason I cannot see it is because it is overshadowed by a panel that has a repeater in it. I am trying to create an onclick event for it. The way I normally do this is just double click on the button or click on it and click the small lightning bolt in properties and double click the Click event for the button. This time I cannot do that.
So, I tried to create an on click event by doing this:
<asp:button ID="btnAdd" OnClick="btnAdd_Click" runat="server"/>
I then went to my .cs file and created a tidbit of code like:
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtEFINrehang.Text = "";
However my button does not work... Its a very simple objective for my button, just adding a textbox value to a lstBox and I know its correct, so I know my code isnt broken. I just cannot get that button to fire correctly.
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runat="server" ImageUrl="images/Search1.gif"
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