Web Forms :: OnClick Event Is Not Firing For LinkButton And User Control Is Disappearing
Dec 30, 2010
I am using the following code to load user control on to ASPX Page, which under a Master Page:
The user control name is passed as a parameter on the URL.
Inside the user, there is a LinkButton. The link button has a simple server side code for OnClick event.
Everything is working fine on the production machine, but, on the Development machine, I can see incorrect behaviour. I have started making some development changes on the Development Machine since several months back, and it will be very difficult to find out what caused the problem.
When I click the LinkButton inside the user control, the user control is removed from the parent page, and the OnClick event of the LinkButton is not firing.
I did debug, and found out that after I click on the LinkButton inside the user control, then the Page Load events for the master page and the ASPX page are working fine, and the IsPostBack is set to true, but the OnClick event of the LinkButton is not firing.
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I have two problems with a databound AJAX Accordion. The Accordion looks like this:
The code behind has this subroutine:
The first problem I'm having is that this subroutine is not fired (I have a breakpoint in it) when the LinkButton inside the accordion is clicked. The Page_Load event fires and there is no error message, javascript errors, etc, but nothing else happens.
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Mar 29, 2010
- I've created a Survey with multiple sections in it
- The answer types are variable and, thus, the controls are created dynamically
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- After DataBinding the Repeater containing the Questions, I sent that Repeater object to another routine, which is where the Answer controls are dynamically created and added to a Panel inside each of this Repeater's RepeaterItems.
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One of the the potential control types for an answer is a ComboBoxList.
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This appears to always be added regardless of how many questions I answer or don't answer or how many times or directions I navigate around inside the survey. (I can push "Back" and "Previous" buttons as well as jump directly to any individual category by clicking a LinkButton)
Another option for Questions requiring a CheckBoxList is to specify if the selection of a specific ListItem within the CheckBoxList should display a TextBox. (e.g. a selection of "Other" will display a TextBox for the user to write-in an answer) I want to prevent a post-back just to show/hide a TextBox, so I inject an onclick event attached to the specific ListItem to accomplish this. The following code appears as the very next routine following the code pasted above:
This also works the first time the page is loaded but not after any PostBacks...
The lblMessage.Text lines are written to the page after ever PostBack, the MaxAnswers routine correctly adds the onclick event to the necessary CheckBoxList controls, but the "fncShowFTB" event is not added. Viewing the HTML with Firebug does show the onclick the first time the page is loaded, but it's missing after every subsequent postback.
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong that causes me to lose this event?
The Firebug HTML on initial page load looks like:
<input type="checkbox" onclick="fncShowFTB(this,'FTB50');" name="dnn$ctr556$View$rptCategoryPanels$ctl02$rptQuestions$ctl11$ctl00$6" id="dnn_ctr556_View_rptCategoryPanels_ctl02_rptQuestions_ctl11_ctl00_6">
After PostBacks, it looks exactly the same except that the onlick event is missing.
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Feb 25, 2010
How do I setup a default setting so that if I do not set an OnClick (i.e the asp.net OnClick attribute) explicitly for an asp:LinkButton tag, it will not render an onclick(html attribute for javascript) attribute client side? By default, asp.net adds an onclick='doPostBack....' for the LinkButton.
Case for use:
There is a LinkButton tag on the page. For this page, if the user has one friend, I only want to run client side code if the button is clicked and would not for any reason want to make a post back. If the user has more than one friend I would want a click to trigger a postback.
Using any asp.net Ajaxtoolkit
Dynamically switching the control type (i.e. if friends == 1 use a asp:Hyperlink)
-I want to avoid this because it is not scalable. There might be many cases where I want an asp:Link tag to do a postback or to not do a postback depending on the user context or user attributes Using OnClientClick (I am using jQuery would like to avoid this)
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Apr 14, 2010
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However I never get there. It seems as if the linkbutton always refers to some javascript callback function and just reloads my form. Am I using the wrong control for what I want to do? From this click I want to look up more information from the Key (will roll up the datalist or set visible to false, then supply the new data on the same page)DataList:
<asp:DataList ID="listSearchResults" Border="1" BorderColor="Black"
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Mar 1, 2011
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My problem is that when I click one of the user-control buttons it never gets to the button event handler, I think because the user control is not recreated on the page postback. How can I have the user-control events fire before the parent page events fire?
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Mar 2, 2010
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calendar control. The dropdown selection changed event is never fired. I am not sure if there is something wrong while control is being rendered.
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May 6, 2010
The <ItemTemplate> loads properly, and the line:
<asp:LinkButton ID="generalcomments" OnClick="SetPage_N_of_All" runat="server" PostBackUrl=<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Filename")%>> <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Title")%></asp:LinkButton>
loads the page correctly, BUT it does not fire the onClick event (OnClick="SetPage_N_of_All").
The method SetPage_N_of_All is in the codebehind page and is as follows:
public void SetPage_N_of_All(object sender, EventArgs e)
ContentPlaceHolder mpContentPlaceHolder;
TextBox mpTextBox;
mpTextBox = (TextBox)this.Master.FindControl("page_N_of_All.Text");
mpTextBox.Text = RobertBurns.DPM_Current.page_N_of_All;
View 5 Replies
Feb 4, 2011
Can i bind and call the user control directly on click event of link button? instead of binding user control in another aspx page and then call it to the masterpage's link button click?
or else can i bind user control in a page lets say default.aspx and then call it in two different master page and show different functionality of it according to the masterpage its getting shown?
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Feb 27, 2011
I have a user control that is dynamically added to a placeholder control inside an update panel in my main page. The user control has a linkbutton where I try to handle its Command event. The first time the link button is clicked after the user control loads, the form posts back but the command event handler does not execute, although the user control is still on the screen. The second and subsequent times the link button is clicked it works perfectly. When the user control first loads and I mouse over the link button, the browser status bar says: javascript: __doPostBack('ctl08$lbTest',''). After the first click, when I mouseover the link button the browser status bar shows javascript:__doPostBack('ctl07$lbTest',''). Why the changed in id, I can't figure but it must be why it is not hitting the event handler the first time it's clicked. Here is the cs code that loads the user control:
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Jun 9, 2010
Here is what i am trying to do I have a multiview and two views in it so based on click event the link the views change
apparently they are not firing on first try. The reason i am doing this is the two views have tables with different images to be used in building my menu.
What am i doing wrong? or why is the click event firing on second try?
View 3 Replies
Mar 11, 2011
I have a aspx page, default.aspx, with an user control in it. Inside the user control (UC 1) there is a DataGrid. When the DataGrid is loading data with ItemDataBound, I need to dynamically load another user control (UC 2) for each row in the DataGrid. UC 2 has a Button ( BTN )with an eventhandler associated with it in code behind.
User control loading is fine, and the Button, BTN, is there. However, when I click the Button, the eventhandler is not reached, not firing, even though the page does postback. I googled for this issues, and I know the dynamically loaded user controls need to be loaded every time the page is postback. In my case, it needs to be loaded each time the datagrid is doing ItemDataBound. I did it and even hook up the eventhandler with button click event each time when the user control is dynamically loaded. I set EnableViewState to true on the Page and controls.
The following is part of the code from UC 1, AcctPaymentDetail is UC 2 in the code.
And the following is UC 2 the is being loaded:
View 6 Replies
Feb 11, 2010
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButtonNewServicesCategory" runat="server"
OnClientClick="this.disabled=true;return false;"
style="float:left;margin-right:5px;" CausesValidation="False">new services category</asp:LinkButton>
The intent is that when the LinkButton is clicked, it disables itself and returns false to prevent the postback (this control is used as a trigger for an animation).
View 1 Replies
Feb 1, 2011
What I'm trying to accomplish is to set my dynamically created linkbutton with a onClick command so when click it will run a method in the code behind. This is my code:
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void LoadLeftSide()
{string filepath = Server.MapPath("DataSource.xml");
List<Post> list = PostHelper.GetAllPosts(filepath);
View 2 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
I am adding numerical page links for paging of a repeater. I have used on of the numerical paging samples as my base. It works fine if I have less pages than my maximum total links. Eg if I have 11 pages, but only showing page 1-10 plus a next for the 11th, I get an error about duplicate control ids. I changed my control id to use a Guid in the string to keep it unque, after making this change the event handler never fires
private LinkButton createButton(string title, int index)
LinkButton lnk = new LinkButton();
//lnk.ID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + "_" + index.ToString();//Event does not fire if I set ID with Guid
View 4 Replies
Aug 12, 2012
Problem : I have Added One Link button to the above Table.. Click Event for That Link Button Is not Firing Now. when i click on link button of table event is not firing at all.
LinkButton lbs = new LinkButton();
lbs.Text = "Submit";
lbs.ID = "lnksubmit"; lbs.Attributes.Add("runat", "server");
lbs.Click+=new EventHandler(lbs_Click); tcsp.Controls.Add(lbs);
void lbs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
throw new NotImplementedException();
View 1 Replies
Jul 16, 2010
I have a Modal Dialog:
function ShowPopup()
window.showModalDialog('dialog.aspx', null, 'status:no;dialogWidth:950px;dialogHeight:150 px');
Then its called in the code behind
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "popUpScript", "ShowPopup();", true);
The dialog.aspx has two buttons:
<asp:Button id="btn1" runat="server" Text="Button 1" OnClick="btn1_Click"></asp:Button>
<asp:Button id="btn2" runat="server" Text="Button 2" OnClick="btn2_Click"></asp:Button>
However, the Click events in the code behind are never getting fired.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void btn1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
protected void btn2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
View 2 Replies
Dec 4, 2010
I have used below code.
<asp:RadioButton GroupName="grpAssoc" ID="rbtEvery" runat="server" Text="Everyone"
onclick="return doChangeAssociationType(0);" AutoPostBack="True" oncheckedchanged="rbtEvery_CheckedChanged"
but oncheckedchanged="rbtEvery_CheckedChanged" not firing even javascript function returns true
How to fire the event?
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Feb 2, 2010
I have a LinkButton inside a GridView (via an TemplateField). No matter what I try, the LinkButton will not invoke its event handler. I have tried both traditional event handler ("OnClick")A OnRowCommand event handler at the GridView level.In both cases, I've debugged and it doesn't even catch the event handler.
<asp:LinkButton Text="Cancel" ID="DeleteButton" CausesValidation="false" OnClick="CancelThis" runat="server" />
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Oct 28, 2010
I'm constructing a LinkButton from my codebehind, and I need to assign the onclick to a method, and pass a parameter with it too. I have this so far:
LinkButton lnkdel = new LinkButton();
lnkdel.Text = "Delete";
protected void delline(string id)
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Feb 3, 2011
I have the following code and no matter what I do onclick event for button is not firing. I tried deleting the button, the pages. Redid the code. Moved the web project to a different computer and nothing. It worked a few hours ago.
Code on the web control .ascx:
This user control gets loaded into a placeholder.
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Jan 7, 2011
I have an imagebutton with an postbackurl and an onclientclick script. When i added the onclientclick code, if my javascript validation passes (aka returns true), the page just seems to perform a postback (the screen just seems to refresh
<asp:ImageButton ID="imgSendInfo" runat="server" SkinID="SendInfo" PostBackUrl="MyUrlOnAnotherSite" onClientClick="javascript:return onFormSubmit(this.form);return document.MM_returnValue" />
I decided to change what JS functions Im calling now since calling Multiple functions definately wasnt helping. Here's my updated code. All Im doing now is validating a single textbox and returning true or false. Even this simple function is causing the postback URL to never get called. Could it have anything to do with the fact that Im trying to call a function to return a true or false?
View 2 Replies
Mar 12, 2010
I have a ASP.NET Website, where, in a GridView item template, automatically populated by a LinqDataSource, there is a LinkButton defined as follows:
<asp:LinkButton ID="RemoveLinkButton" runat="server" CommandName="Remove"
CommandArgument='<%# DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(GetDataItem(), "Id")%>'
OnClientClick='return confirm("Are you sure?");'
Text="Remove Entry" /
View 2 Replies
Jan 21, 2010
Gridview is not working when firing event from templatefield linkbutton
View 4 Replies
Feb 15, 2011
I came across a very strange occurrence with ASP.NET onclick event in IE (other browsers doesn't seem to have this problem). When there is only one textbox field in a form, the onclick event doesn't fire when you enter text and hit Enter/Return. The event does fire when you click on the actual submit button. When there are two or more fields in the form, hitting Enter/Return works just fine.
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