Web Forms :: Changing Index On Dropdownlists Childs Don´t Cause Other Dropdownlists To Reload?
Jan 30, 2011
i have the following code:
3 nested dropdownlists SELECTing from DB. So i select the brand, then i select the model and then i select the product and click on SEARCH button.
But when i select thebrand, and then the model, and if i want to change the brand, it does not reset the second and third dropdownlists.
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Similar Messages:
Jan 8, 2013
i've dynamically created new rows on button click in gridview with 3  dropdownlist.for the first default row the selectindexchanged is firing and on pageload 1st ddl is loading with values and basing on selection the second ddl is showing values and third ddl is showing basing on second ddl. Now, when i click add new row, a new row is created with 3 ddl's ...1st one is showing properly but when i select from that ddl ,it should show data accordingly but its not showing particular data but showing all realted  data from DB.same for 3rd ddl.
Also when new row is added and the first ddl is selected on postback the second ddl data is refreshing..
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Jun 25, 2010
I'm wondering how I can make one dropdownlist affect another one.. For example...You select your country from a drop down list of countries. On selecting it, another dropdown list becomes visible and displays the states of your country. I'm taking this data from a database, so it merely has to link to a different table for each country selected.
Also, I want the option of being able to add a 'state' to the database from the webform by typing whatever its called into the combobox so that future users will see that option.
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Feb 20, 2010
I'm using a code I got from CodeProject [URL] about a validator that can monitor 3 form controls. I pasted it to my site, changed it to suite my parameters but seem to encounter a situation that can't satisfy my desire: Instead of making sure that all the 3 DropDownLists are filled without their default value, the validator cares only if at least one has been filled, and if so, he can call it a day. look at this code at tell me what am I doing wrong?
View 8 Replies
Jun 30, 2010
I have a dropdownlist on my page which has autopostback set to true. On postback I populate a runat server div with a bunch of other DropDownLists. I then have a button which does another postback to save the selections. Because the second set of dropdownlists are dynamically generated I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get their selected values?
1st DropDownList
Then when I try get the dropdownlists using a foreach on the div that I added the control to it does not work. They are populating fine, its just on the button click. I have tried EnableViewState = true on the dropdownlists and my code is correct because if I code them into the aspx then it works, its something to do with the state.
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May 31, 2010
I'm trying to generate some dropdownlists trough code. but i can't seem to access them.
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Mar 7, 2011
I have a form that can be used to input new records, or to review previously entered records... What is the best way to tell if any of the fields have been updated? I have a fairly sized relational DB and I hate to update every associated record in every table every time the update button is pressed. Is there possibly some way to tell on the server side or on the clientside via JavaScript?
This has to be a common problem with a good efficient solution.
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Sep 28, 2010
A short background about this project: I'm creating an image gallery where images are uploaded and sorted into a category and then a subcategory, eg. "Vehicles" and "Cars". Every subcategory has a variety of tags to further categorize the picture, eg. color and make in the cars subcategory.
These tags (named "Criterias") are listed as DropDownLists through the following piece of code:
My problem now is that I can't figure out how to loop through them to find what criteria values to tag the image with.
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Jul 20, 2010
I'm generating reports with a table, these reports are between some dates, the query is working, the thing is that the client does not want to have to type the date as for instance, reporte between 2010-10-01 and 2010-10-31. Since he only wants to get monthly reports, he wants to sleect just month and year. I created 2 dropdownlist one with month and another with year. I don't know if it is the best approach but what I want to do is that when the client seleces january 2010 automatically passes to 2 labels like this: 2010-01-01 and 2010-01-31 So then my query get these dates in the between fields.
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Aug 20, 2010
randomly get errors when using dropdownlists stating a value is not present. This occurs when there is a value in the table (its a very old table with inconsistencies in data entry) that is not in the current values that are part of the dropdownlist. I'm wondering if there is a way to override this in the code behind. What I would like to be able to do is have the form control bypass the fact that the data is not in the dropdownlist when it opens in edit mode. I'm thinking that there needs to be something in the code behind but I'm not sure if that is the way to go and if so, how to code it.
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May 11, 2010
I have a detailsview with template fields. when i go into edit mode i am trying to set the selectedvalue of a dropdownlist to be the value of the corresponding label from the item template in code behind as once i go into edit mode i loose the initial value from the detailsview and the dropdownlist defaults to the first listitem. what i am doing is onDataBinding of the detailsview i access the cell value of the label , i then assign that to a public variable but once i've exited the routine the public variable looses the value of the detailsview cell i've just assigned to it. this is the value i'm hoping to assign to the selectedvalue of the dropdownlist when i go into editmode. The reason i'm doing it this way is although i can use bind in the html to mantain the dropdownlist selected value between detailsview states once i come to update the detailview i get the following error
Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control.to work arround this i've had to assign the values to update paramteres also in code behind. here's my code behind page i've bolded the routines in question. drpDataStoreDDL is the variable in question.
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Jul 22, 2010
am having three dropdownlists on my webform. On the based on their selection I am retriving records from a databas table. my code for retrieving records as follows.when I didnt select ant dropdownlist ans click the search button then it featch all records. but when i select an option from suppose i select from ddlDivision, even there is many records related to selected Division but it shows sorry no record found.
View 4 Replies
Apr 13, 2010
I have a FormView in InsertItem that contains one DropDownList linked to a Table Datasource to display ItemCodes. In that "lookup" table I also have a Retail and Cost field.When the user selects the item from the drop down, how can I have these to field carry over into my new record that is being inserted. The new record also has a Retail and Cost field that are TextBoxes.Basically I am populating the new fields with the default values from the DropDownList.
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Jan 28, 2010
I need to filter data in a View using three dropdownlists that are populated independently of one another. The items in the second ddl are not based on the items in the first, etc. Each ddl is populated using its own sql statement. I want to be able to use each of these dropdownlists independently of the other two, but I want the data that is returned to be based on the values already in the other dropdownlists when I make a selection change.
For example: DDL1 is populated with Horsepower values from its own SQL statement.
DDL2 is populated with Gallons per Minute from its own SQL statement, unrelated to what is chosen in DDL1.
DDL3 is populated with Diameter values from its own SQL statement, unrelated to either of the other DDLs.
I want to be able to make a selection from any of the DDLs and filter data based on the selection, and whatever the current value is for the other two DDLs.
I'm coding in C# and I think I may need to create a delegate and an event to listen for when the SelectedIndexChanged event fires on any of the DDLs. This is slightly more complicated than anything I've coded up to this point, I'm a beginner, and I'm not even sure I'm aiming in the right direction for a solution.
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Jun 9, 2010
I want to filter my gridview using two parameters that come from Dropdownlists. I bind these drops with two linq queries and next I would like to filter my gridview with query that has two parameters that comes from selected values from those drops. Everything is inserted in UpdatePanel. Here is my code:
I don't know how to get selectedvalues from dropdownlist and pass them to Bind() function which binds grid view
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Jan 5, 2010
I have a gridview that is currently showing 20 lines per page. Each line has several fields in it, three of which are dropdownlists. These dropdownlists are populated with a SQLDataSource and then the selected value is bound to one of the gridview datalements.
The problem I'm running into is that the page is very slow to load. I believe this is because of the large dropdownlists (and possibly because there are roughly 60 of them, each of which is executing a SQL query to populate the list of available values). The file size that is being transmitted over the web is just over 1.25MB in size, again from the large amounts of data in the dropdownlists.
Is anyone aware of a technique by which I could only execute the query from the SQLDataSources that populate the dropdownlists' available values once and then reuse the results of that query to populate the relevant dropdowns? Ideally I would do this on the client side so it would also limit the amount of text being transmitted to the client browser.
View 7 Replies
Feb 15, 2010
I have two DropDownLists, and each one has a Control Parameter that references the other.
The idea is that if you select a value in either one of them, it restricts the possible values you can select in the other. And the user may select either one of them first.
Each one has an "All" option for selecting all values. (They are both used to restrict rows that populate a GridView).
This is all done using SQLDataSources.
The problem is that it doesn't seem to work at all. Both DropDownLists are empty, and the SQL that populates them never hits the SQL Server. But there is no error displayed.
If I have it going only one way, it does work, so I think the problem is the recursive nature of having them reference each other.
It would seem to be quite a common requirement, so its there any way of getting this to work?
View 5 Replies
Jan 27, 2011
I have a gridview with 4 dropdownlists and 1 label in each row. Suppose , text fields of each dropdownlists are a,b,c and value fields are 1,2,3 respectively.
In each row,label text is the sum of value fields of selected text fields of 4 dropdownlist.
For example,If selected text of 4 dropdownlists of a row are-b,a,b,c.
Then the label text of that row will be 8.(value field of b=2,a=1,c=3 , so b+a+b+c=8)
Whenever the selected text of any dropdownlist changes,corresponding label field also will change.
How can we do this in asp.net with C#?
View 9 Replies
Jul 28, 2010
I'm comfortable populating dropdownlists in a standard webform, but I seem to be having trouble populating them from within a gridview or listview.I know that I'll probably need to use the find control method, I've had a stab at it with the following:
The purpose of this is to allow someone to look at a bunch of records, and in a dropdownlist add an item to a group, but this "group" is in a separate table, so I want to take whatever value that select in the dropdown menu, lookup their user id, and add both bits of information to the other table, so it's technically not even editing, even though i suspect I'll need to use the edititem template?
View 6 Replies
Sep 10, 2010
Here is the case:
I use Visual Studio 2008 ASP.NET 3.5
I have a DetailsView control with several fields that is in insert mode. Three of them are the source of my problems and headaches.
I have three DropDownLists in template fields.
The first one is OK, bound to it's designated field in table1 in the database. The next two however have to change their bound tables according to the SelectedValue.
So far, I've managed to get it working, BUT when I insert the data I've entered, these two DropDownLists are not entered into the database.
DropDownList3 - the list that controls the other two DDLs
DropDownList4 and DropDownList5 - the list that need to change their items accordingly
DropDownList3 has six different values, so I have 6 tables for each of the other two DDLs
However I have only tried with one to see if it would work, that's why the Sub seems incomplete.
Here is the relevant part of the code:
And the DropDownList3_SelectedIndexChanged sub:
If I leave SelectedValue='<%# Bind("shelves") %>' and SelectedValue='<%# Bind("type") %>' in the <asp:DropDownList> tag of the two DDLs that change values, I get an error when the first one does the postback.
The error is:
Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control. This error, I spent a whole day looking through forums and knowledge bases, but I could find nothing that solves my problem. Maybe the problem is me, but my boss wants this done, despite it is not my area of expertise to write code.
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Oct 15, 2010
On one of my pages I display a Gridview. This contains a list of questions generated by a SQLDataSource, with a dropdownlist on each row containing the answers for that question. The answer values can be different depending on the question, so I populate them in the RowDataBound event for the gridview, using question information.
As the list of questions is longer than the page I have placed the gridview within a Div which allows me to use scrollbars to navigate the gridview. I also use some methods to preserve the location of the last question answered - so that on answering a question, the gridview does not reset to show the first part of the gridview.
This works fine for IE7, which is what I have been using for the development, and which part of my customer base uses. However, the other part of my customer base uses IE6, which causes a problem.
When an IE6 user attempts to answer some questions, they run into issues. Should they scroll down the gridview, when they select a value from a dropdownlist (Effectively, when they answer a question), there is a postback and all of the visible (i.e. onscreen) dropdownlists appear to be cleared. However, on mousing over any of the dropdownlists, their value is then shown. On using either the scrollbar, or on using the mousewheel to scroll the gridview, all the dropdownlists are 'refreshed' and their values are shown.
At no point does the application appear to lose the data, it is just not showing it until there is a mouseover or the gridview is refreshed. Another odd aspect of this is that this does not apply to the first 5 rows of the Gridview. Any of these can be altered without there being this display issue. Should the gridview be scrolled enough to show some of the first 5 rows and some subsequent rows, only the subsequent rows will have this display issue.
I have tried various things to correct this - originally I called my retrievescrollposition method on the SelectedIndexChanged event of the dropdownlist, but have since moved it to Page_Load as the Else branch of if (!IsPostBack). I tried rebinding the DropDownlist in the SelectedIndexChanged event, but this only helped with the Question I was answering - the display of any other onscreen questions was still affected.
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Dec 23, 2015
Iam having 6 dropdownlist.If I selected a Value in first dropdownlist it should not appeared in other five or it should gives it is already selected.
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Mar 22, 2013
I have three dropdownlist boxes . Each dropdownlist contains 1-9 as their values . The user after selecting values in these three dropdownlist boxes and next button is clicked. On next page the total number of values must be taken & that much number of textboxes should display..
WebFrom, VB Language
For Example: If user selects 3 , 5 Â & 1 as the values ... when the next button is clicked 3+5+1 = 9 ... 9 Textboxes should be displayed to the user for entering details...
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Mar 11, 2010
I have got 2 Drop Down Lists on my Form and 1 GridView. I want GridView to display the data according to selection from the Drop Down Lists.
For Example, One Drop Down List contains Names and other contains Dates. Both the Drop Down Lists can post back. So if i select a name from 1st Drop Down list, the Grid View should show all the results according to that Name. Similarly if i select the Date from the other Drop Down List , the Grid View should show the results according to the dates. But i cant figure out as how to bind Grid View to respond to 2 Drop Down List.
BTW i am binding both the Drop Down Lists and the Grid View to the DataSource Objects, which is getting data from the database.
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Oct 20, 2010
I am filling a gridview with data.
column 1 is a dropdownlist <ddlGrade>
column 2 is a checkbox <cbxNeverAttended> not visible
column 3 is a textbox <tbxLastDate> not visible
in the 'GridView_RowDataBound'
i determine if a ddlGrade value already exists and if so, make it selected in the dropdownlist
also, if the value of ddlGrade is a "U" I make cbxNeverAttended and tbxLastDate visible
However, if cbxNeverAttended or tbxLastDate are both empty strings (and ddlGrade has the value "U"), I want to disable all instances of ddlGrade in the gridview (essentially forcing the user to enter a value for cbxNeverAttended or tbxLastDate before moving on to enter another ddlGrade).
But I have been unable to figure out a way to accomplish this on the 'Gridview_RowDataBound',
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