Web Forms :: Public Variables And DropDownlists Selected Values

May 11, 2010

I have a detailsview with template fields. when i go into edit mode i am trying to set the selectedvalue of a dropdownlist to be the value of the corresponding label from the item template in code behind as once i go into edit mode i loose the initial value from the detailsview and the dropdownlist defaults to the first listitem. what i am doing is onDataBinding of the detailsview i access the cell value of the label , i then assign that to a public variable but once i've exited the routine the public variable looses the value of the detailsview cell i've just assigned to it. this is the value i'm hoping to assign to the selectedvalue of the dropdownlist when i go into editmode. The reason i'm doing it this way is although i can use bind in the html to mantain the dropdownlist selected value between detailsview states once i come to update the detailview i get the following error

Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control.to work arround this i've had to assign the values to update paramteres also in code behind. here's my code behind page i've bolded the routines in question. drpDataStoreDDL is the variable in question.


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How To Add An Unknownn Number Of Dropdownlists Programatically To A Page And Retrieve The Selected Values With C# On Submit

Nov 26, 2010

Basically the scenario is like this, I'm getting an XML from a 3rd party application with available dates for booking, for each day there are types of rooms the person can choose, single, double, etc.

Each hostel will return me an unknown number of room types. But dont get too confused with this. The thing is simple I just need to add an unknown number of dropdownlists (or HTML Select) with the numbers of persons to book for. Now because I don't know how many of those dropdowns I will have I need to add them programatically inside a "for int i=0; i

How can I add an unknownn number of dropdownlists programatically to a page and retrieve the selected values with c# on submit?The last column on the screenshot


Update:I'm creating the code from the xml results as a string that will print as html code:

XmlDocument xmlDoc2 = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList prices = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("RoomType"); [code]...

I know that doing that and adding the runat=server won't help on my control, there is where my main problem is now, how to add the code on the html to be able to get the dropdownlist selected value later with c#. Can I do that with Request.Form ? was trying but so far I couldnt do it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass 2 Different Public Variables To 2 Different Rows In GridView?

Feb 17, 2011

In my example below I am trying to Bind 2 different size GoogleAds to the 2 first rows in the GridView. One Ad on each row. The ads that are inside.......

(i2 == 0) and(i2 == 1).

I need to use <%if (Counts < 2) %> in HTML to restrict it to just 2 Rows, so this variable needs to be passed correctly also. As it is now, Counts is not passed correctly so <%if (Counts < 5) %> needs to be set in order to see any ads at all. I beleive this is because Page.DataBind() is binding the last ad in memory from the loop.

So when running this code, the same ad (i2== 2) is set to 3 rows in the GridView. This is my problem!


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Web Forms :: Hide (Remove) Selected Value Of One DropDownList In Other DropDownLists?

Dec 23, 2015

Iam having 6 dropdownlist.If I selected a Value in first dropdownlist it should not appeared in other five or it should gives it is already selected.

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Web Forms :: Display Total Of Selected Value Of Three DropDownLists In TextBox?

Mar 22, 2013

I have three dropdownlist boxes . Each dropdownlist contains 1-9 as their values . The user after selecting values in these three dropdownlist boxes and next button is clicked. On next page the total number of values must be taken & that much number of textboxes should display..

WebFrom, VB Language

For Example: If user selects 3 , 5  & 1 as the values ... when the next button is clicked 3+5+1 = 9 ... 9 Textboxes should be displayed to the user for entering details...

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Optional Variables In Public Static Void?

Jun 22, 2010

Let's say I have the following;

public static void TryOut(int intOne, int intTwo, string strone, string strtwo){....}

And after I created dll, I will use it like that;

TryOut(1,3,"bla bla bla", "bla bla bla");
But I want the last variable to be optional. I mean this method could be used like that;
TryOut(1,3,"bla bla bla", "bla bla bla");
And Also like that
TryOut(1,3,"bla bla bla");

I know it is possibel but how I could do that I have no idea !

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C# - Will Static Public Variables In App Get Shared With Other Users In The Same App

Nov 11, 2010

For reasons I would rather not discuss, I need to create a custom authentication system for my app. I was just reviewing the system and am having some doubts if my solution is thread safe. My goal was to create a solution that would allow my app to authenticate a user one time and that users authentication info would be shared by all master pages, pages, classes, user controls, etc that are used. (But not share the same info between users) Here is my setup: PageHttpModule.cs - this is added to the web.config as a httpModule.

public class PageHttpModule : IHttpModule
public void Init(HttpApplication app)
app.AuthenticateRequest += new EventHandler(OnAuthenticateRequest);
public void OnAuthenticateRequest(Object s, EventArgs e)
public void Dispose() { }
public static class CurrentUser
public static bool IsAuthenticated { get; private set; }
public static string Email {get; set;}
public static string RealName {get; set;
public static string UserId {get; set;}
public static void Initialize()
Note: this is a scaled down version of my authentication code.
public static void AuthenticateUser()
UserAuthentication user = new UserAuthentication();
if (user.IsAuthenticated)
CurrentUser.IsAuthenticated = true;
CurrentUser.UserId = user.UserId;
CurrentUser.Email = user.Email;
CurrentUser.RealName = user.RealName;
public class UserAuthentication
public string Email { get; set; }
public string RealName { get; set; }
public string UserId { get; set; }
public bool IsAuthenticated { get; private set; }
public UserAuthentication()
IsAuthenticated = false;
Email = String.Empty;
RealName = String.Empty;
UserId = String.Empty;
public void AuthenticateUser()
//do some logic here.. if the user is ok then
IsAuthenticated = true
Email = address from db
UserId = userid from db;
Realname = name from db;

I have tested between 3 different browsers and it seems to work fine, but I am still learning and don't want to make a huge mistake. If my logic is totally wrong, then how should I do it so I dont have to put user lookups on every page directly?

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Access Public Page Variables From ListView.EmptyDataTemplate?

Jun 13, 2010

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Entity Framework - Is Using Public Static Variables For Compiled Queries Bad In Applications?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm coding a business layer for an ASP.NET application. I've created database methods in my BLL as static. I've created public static Func variables to be compiled and used in several different methods, like this:

namespace BLL
public class User
public static Func<Context, variable, result> selectUser;
private static void CompileQuery()
if(selectUser == null)
selectUser = CompiledQuery.Compile......
public static UserClass Select(int id)
//uses selectUser
public static SomethingElse DoSomethingElse()
//also uses selectUser

It'll be used in ASP.NET layer like this: using BLL;

private void AddUser()
UserClass user = User.Select(id);

My question is, since static variables are not thread-safe, is this a bad design decision? I'm thinking of either implementing a locking mechanism, which makes me think if it'd slow down the application, or using instantiated class approach which makes me wonder if query compiling would be beneficial.

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Forms Data Controls :: DropDownLists, Carry Over Values, C#?

Apr 13, 2010

I have a FormView in InsertItem that contains one DropDownList linked to a Table Datasource to display ItemCodes. In that "lookup" table I also have a Retail and Cost field.When the user selects the item from the drop down, how can I have these to field carry over into my new record that is being inserted. The new record also has a Retail and Cost field that are TextBoxes.Basically I am populating the new fields with the default values from the DropDownList.

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C# - Assign DTO Properties To Public Variables Or Call The Dto Instance Directly On Aspx Page?

Nov 3, 2010

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Additionally, would it be better if I just created Literal and Label controls for every item on the ASPX page and just populate them from the code behind only?

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Web Forms :: Remove Duplicate Values From DropDownLists Populated From Database

Mar 18, 2013


ID         FROM          TO

12        TXS             NY

12        LS               NY

This is my table ... I am retriving the values of "FROM"  and "TO"  based on the id .. Separate Dropdownlist for FROM & TO . While Displaying , in  "TO" Dropdownlist NY value is repeated twice .. How to remove the duplicate value? need vb coding frnz ...

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Web Forms :: Changing Index On Dropdownlists Childs Don´t Cause Other Dropdownlists To Reload?

Jan 30, 2011

i have the following code:


3 nested dropdownlists SELECTing from DB. So i select the brand, then i select the model and then i select the product and click on SEARCH button.

But when i select thebrand, and then the model, and if i want to change the brand, it does not reset the second and third dropdownlists.

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AJAX :: Way To Use Two Cascading Dropdownlists With The Same Values

Mar 15, 2010

I'm trying to use two cascading dropdownlists with the same values -- one shows a code, and the other a description. They are sorted alphabetically, so they have the same values, but not the same index. Both are generating correctly. What I am trying to do is set the abbreviation when the description changes (and vice versa).If I use this javascript, it changes on the web page, but I get a null value returned to the form handler. If I comment out the CascadingDropDown control and load the TrickAbbrev from a database it all works.

function scrTrickNameOnChange(ddlId)

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Web Forms :: DropDownLists - Populate Three Month Prior Date When Date Is Selected?

Mar 20, 2013

i need a requirement of date range should be of 3 months only i.e,the first month,year are selected automatically the second month should be of 3 months after the first month.


FROM month is jan is selected. To month should be march.

as that the data range selected in SBI where between 6 months.

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AJAX :: Programming Model - Getting Values Of Dropdownlists

Feb 6, 2010

Imagine I'm developing a webform with two dropdownlists and a submit button. The second dropdownlist depends on the choice in the first, and both are loaded dynamically using webmethods being called with javascript in de ASPX page (ajax). When I submit the form to the server, to save the data, I can't get the value of those dropdownlists. I think it is because with client AJAX no viewstate data is being generated. I need to send the data to the server and save the webform data, and identify wich data is on each webcontrol.

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Created Rows With Dropdownlists Selected Index Changed Not Firing

Jan 8, 2013

i've dynamically created new rows on button click in gridview with 3  dropdownlist.for the first default row the selectindexchanged is firing and on pageload 1st ddl is loading with values and basing on selection the second ddl is showing values and third ddl is showing basing on second ddl. Now, when i click add new row, a new row is created with 3 ddl's ...1st one is showing properly but when i select from that ddl ,it should show data accordingly but its not showing particular data but showing all realted  data from DB.same for 3rd ddl.

Also when new row is added and the first ddl is selected on postback the second ddl data is refreshing..

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Web Forms :: Transmit Settings (variables' Values) In Url To Webpage?

Sep 23, 2010

From this webpage: http://abg.asso.fr/Page/Offer/SearchOffer.aspx , I want to have a link which shows me directly 50 job openings in a specific (Engineering) domain (the default is 5 jobs in all categories).I know that in ASP, I can transmit a variable value by


But it is not working.

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Web Forms :: How To Capture Values From Two Buttons On User Controls In Variables

Jan 6, 2010

I have two user controls both have a repeater and a button. They are both on a .aspx page. I need to capture the values from those two buttons on the user controls in variables on the .aspx page. Right now, I have two labels on the page that I am outputting the values of the buttons to, but they don't have a value right now, which is my problem.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass The Fields Values To The JavaScript Variables

Mar 13, 2010

i am still stcuk with my project and unabale to perform calculation on my edited gridview..

here is my problem :

i have fields (f1,f2,f3, f4...) pulled from my sql data base table. into a gridview.

the "f4" field value is based on some calculation done on f1, f2 & f3 field values..

1- i need to have the same calculation done when i edit and update f1, f2 & f3 on my gridview...

more complicated..

2 -my calculation are based on a javascript function ...

a- how can i pass the fields values to the JavaScript variables...perform the calculation....then reassign back the result varibale to the f4 field ?? ..then update my gridview with the new calculation..


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Web Forms :: With Javascript, Does A Response.redirect Clear Out All Global Variables And Values Declared?

Feb 7, 2011

For some reason it seems as though variables that I declare in javascript sometimes persist themselves across applications even when I do a response.redirect. I thought that a response.redirect would clear them out.

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SQL Reporting :: Values In Multiselect Dropdown Not Getting Selected When Select All Option Is Selected

Sep 22, 2010

Values in multiselect dropdown not getting selected when Select All option is selected for a SSRS dropdown. There are multiple dropdowns on the page. We have one dropdown whose output is being used to populate the second dropdown using a stored procedure. When we check the Select All checkbox on the dropdown then ideally upon page refresh all the values should get selected in the dropdown, but in this case the page refreshes back to the blank dropdown, forcing the user to select the values again. The next dropdown too does not get populated. This makes it impossible to run the report for all the cases by using Select All. We ran the report on differnet database environments. My current location is Mumbai,India, the report worked fine when we ran it on a Bangalore,india database. This issue occurs when we try running it on a Chicago database server. I am using SSRS 2005, SQL2005.

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MVC :: Post Method In MVC - Public ActionResult MyPost Obj.labels Is Null Whereas Name And Description Contains Updated Values

Feb 17, 2010

I am using ASP.net MVC for the developement. My Model class looks like

class MyModel
string name;
string desc;
string[] labels;

When I bind this model to the view, all the values are displayed on the view successfully. But on Postback method public ActionResult MyPost(MyModel obj) obj.labels is null whereas name and desc contains updated values. why is it so?

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Cursorfetch - The Number Of Variables Declared In The INTO List Must Match That Of Selected Columns?

Jan 23, 2011

I have the following stored procedure and if I execute this on our SQL analyser it returns the record no problem what so ever. BUT if I execute this through ASP.NET (I am using EntitySpace objects) to generate this query into data table and it saying that: "Cursorfetch: The number of variables declared in the INTO list must match that of selected columns."

I've discussed this with EntitySpace team and they said it's query issue? We are stuck with this issue and any guidance or hints that will be good.

The environment that we use:

.NET 4
EntitySpace 2010
SQL Server 2005 Database
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[rpt_CPRRespondListReport]
@SurveyID INT


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How To Access A Module Or A Public Class With Public Shared Members From Inline Vb Code

Feb 10, 2011

I can access a module from code behind but not from the aspx page in inline VB code <% ... %>.

I know its got to be something simple but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere.

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