Web Forms :: Changing Primary Key Value

Jan 8, 2013

I want to experiment that can we change the primary key value

I am making a table Employee with Id as primary key and name as other columns

and another table salery with emp_id as foreign key and salary as another column

on windows form

on button 1 click data should be inserted on both the tables is it possible

or i have to save the employee table first and then salary table

is it possible to give temporary id in salary as -1 -2 -3 and after inserting data in employee table it should take that id and replace with this one.

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I have added pid (primary key), chkblood,chkurine,chkstool,chkmalaria as datakeynames.

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function OnSuccess(response) {
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my gridview1 datakeynames = "ID"

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does anyone knows how to get this datakeynames in listview when commandname is set to select?


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Aug 15, 2010

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I was assuming that I could change the property in the _ItemCommand event, but obviously its not working.In the Page_Load event this code successfully sets the ContactId property of the control. The _ItemCommand event appears to set the value. However when I set a test label on the user control to the Me.ContactId, its showing '0' as if it was never passed in.


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Mar 8, 2010

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What I'd like to do is, when the button is clicked, compare the number to the keys in the detailsview's datasource so that if the record ID doesn't exist, I can display a label telling the user that the ID# doesn't exist.

How would I go about doing this? Is there some sort of compare method for the datakeynames property?

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Could not find a row that matches the given keys in the original values stored in ViewState. Ensure that the 'keys' dictionary contains unique key values that correspond to a row returned from the previous Select operation.

I thought ViewState was supposed to resolve the issue. I have viewstate enabled on the page and the formview but that doesn't seem to make a difference.

How can I create a form view with a user-entered text field as the primary key and get the b.... thing to work?

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Employee Name As Primary Key?

Sep 9, 2010

I am uploading excel file to database.In the excel file EmpFirstName,EmpLastName,Dates but i dont have EmpNo.can i use FirstName and LastName as primary key.

If not what is the other choice for selecting primarykey.

Excel File Data
FirstName Lastname Date

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Sytem Guid As Primary Key?

Mar 10, 2010

I am thinking to use grid as the Primary key for every item created by the user.I have gone through then msdn page, and it say that it is very low probability to get the same guid and that atll.Does anyone know that how low the probabilty is to get the same guid because once the PK is set to use guid and if guid fail to appear unique, the whole systemm need to redone.

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Linq To SQL Inserting A Value For A Primary Key?

Jul 6, 2010

I've got a linq to sql query all set up and for some reason it's trying to insert a value for the primary keys of one of the tables, even though I'm not specifying it at all.

Below is my code:


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