Web Forms :: Check Processor Architecture 64 Or 32 Bit?

Feb 26, 2010

I need to direct people to a different download version depending on whether they are running 64 or 32 bit processors. Can anyone tell me how to determine the processor type when someone hits your web page?

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Architecture :: Check For Nulls In An Object Aggregation?

Dec 30, 2010

I am working on a legacy application. It uses custom MVC framework and Windows Communication Framework service to bridge the Presentation layer with the rest of the application (i'll call this AppServer).

Every Entity in the AppServer inherits from BaseEntity which contains the method:


As you can see:

if the personObject was not null, but the ContactAddress was, [which is exactly what happens in the construction of a PersonObject in the event that no contact details are provided (hence they are not present in the HashTable and dont get created)] then the code will fail with a null reference exception.


Is there a fundamental flaw in the way that objects are getting created? It would be easy to point the finger in this direction, however, im sure there must have been some reason for the original architect to choose not to instantiate an empty ContactAddress object every time a Person object is referenced - EG if in a particular Presention->AppServer Request/Response cycle we only want a person's login details - we wouldn't care about the ContactDetails.


Is there a clean way to check for null objects within an aggregation, without doing something like:

if(Parent.child!= null)
if(Parent.child.child != null)

It just looks messy and it seems such a common problem, im sure there would be a better way of doing things.

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C# - How To Create A Online Word Processor

Feb 8, 2011

I'm interested in knowing to create a Online Word processor similar to Google Docs and MS Office web Apps. i want to do it using MicroSoft technologies and Tools only. I'm a beginner in ASP.net and C#.net. I've planned to do its front end using TinyMCE [URL]. but how to convert the data in the browser to .doc in the server? how can i do the formatting of a .doc file in the server using .net? what are the tools available in .net to work on such kind of projects?

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AJAX :: Use The HTML Editor Like A Word Processor?

Jan 8, 2010

System Info: .NET 3.5 and SQL Server 2008I am looking for a solution that can essentially open .doc files(from sql server database) on the web site and give the user full access to edit them. Then load them back to the sql server database as .doc's while retaining MS Word's format and spacing

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Configuration :: Get The Processor Time Of Remote Server?

Sep 8, 2010

We are using the below code to get the processor time of our remote server

cpuCounter =
"% Processor Time",

But its not working.I got an error message "Network path cannot find".But i can ping to the remote server using the above IP.We are using Windows server 2008 (64 bit).

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Architecture :: Check In "project Dll" - Pros And Cons?

Jun 23, 2010

I've debated a bit with a colleague of mine whether or not to check in the "project dll". I haven't found any resources/information on this at all.For example: I have a project Foo with a reference to some external class library which isn't supported by me (maybe some open source or such).

Naturally, the external class library dll is commited to the versioning system. Although the Foo.dll (which I compile everytime) does not, according to me, belong in the versioning system. This because it can currupt releases since it does not force the user to compile after check out. Other than that, I haven't found any good arguments other than this. But I've never seen anyone checking in the "project dll".According to my colleague, the "project dll" is commited every time a change has required compilation (naturally, when the dll is changed, it's commited).

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How To Build An Online Word Processor Using .net.. Libraries In .net For MS Word Files

Sep 2, 2010

I'm a student doing final year of my Computer Science and Engineering. For my final year project i've choosen to do an online word processor such as google docs,zoho etc.I want to implement this project in .net. This will be a ajax oriented project and i'm well prepared with the web related part of it with ASP.net and C#.net at the server end and HTML,Javascript at the front end. But the point where i'm struck up is:

-> How can i create, edit and add MS Word features to a .doc file using VB.net or C#.net??
-> .net Library classes that will be helpful for me to create word related components as .doc files i.e how to create word using .net?
-> How can i convert a .doc file to HTML file to display it on a web browser?
-> In brief tell me how to create a word processor so that i'll be able to create it online.

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Assembly Generation - Reference Assembly Targets Different Processor?

May 2, 2010

I'm getting following warning

Assembly generation -- Referenced assembly 'System.Web.dll' targets a different processor

What does this mean and how do I fix this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Update A Date Field When Check Box Check In Detailsview

Jul 15, 2010

I have a detailsview with an update button one of the update fields is a checkbox which when is checked I want to automatically update a date field of when the checkbox was checked, am I going the right way with this code....... as I am getting a number of errors

Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To detailsview2.Rows.Count - 1 Step i + 1
Dim row As GridViewRow = GridView1.Rows(i) [code]....

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Nov 12, 2010

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same with when i click on DOWN button the checkbox below the selected checkbox should be selected.

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Forms Data Controls :: Check The Check Box In The ItemDataBound Event Or Will It Get Checked Automatically?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a check box in the grid.IF IsChecked has a value checkbox should be checked else not.Should i check the check box in the ItemDataBound event or will it get checked automatically.

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<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Employee Name">[code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Uncheck / Check A Check Box Inside The Gridview

Jan 6, 2010

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Web Forms :: Create Dynamic Check Boxes In Check Box Selection?

Feb 11, 2011

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Web Forms :: Unable To Check Whether Dynamically Created Check Is Checked Or Not

Aug 16, 2010

i generated dynamic checkbox n placed it in table cell( <td runat='server' id="trial"></td>) ,

i am not able to check whether check is checked when i click a button.

i recieve exeception :System.NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code


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Web Forms :: Check Box Group / Code To Allow User Only Check One?

Nov 22, 2010

There are 10 check boxes in one page. How to code to allow user only check one?

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Web Forms :: Handle Check Out - Check In Documents?

Jun 23, 2010

I'm now working with a project of document management system using asp.net web forms. I want to handle the checkout/in concept , I don't know how to make it, how to download the file to user local machine in the checkout , and then upload from his local machine again to the server in the check in. ِAny body can tell me how this works?

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Architecture :: Articles/Links On Asp.Net Pipeline And Internal Request Processing Architecture?

Oct 4, 2010

I am looking details on the internal working of asp.net architecture. The topics need to include the following:

Asp.Net Thread/Application Pools HttpRuntime HttpApplication - When and how it is set up How HttpContext is set up How objects can passed along the pipeline using HttpContext.Current.Items Why does modification of static variables requires locks in ASP.NET (advanced)IIS 7 Integration Mode

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Sep 22, 2010

i want to create a centralised business or Service authendication architecture in .net. for example, we have a clients like c1, c2, c3, c4, ... etc. everybody logins seperatly as well as grouply. ie, if client "C1" logins [with login authentication] he can access c2 , c3, c4 also without login authendication. So its like a google. if we enters gmail account, we can access orkut, picasa like that.. i need the cetralised architecture.

And, client "c1" seperately asks seperately how will be the authendication architecture.

so give me the single solution for both these two scenarios. how will be the architecture for these two and how is the Data Base (Login) Structure.

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Architecture :: Entity Model Design Framework And N - Tier Architecture

Dec 25, 2010

recently i've studied on ADO.NET's Entity Model Framework and say 'wow' as ORM is one of the fevourite pattern i practice..but suddenly i've come to an ambiguous situation when i'm going to start. i usually follow the following 3-tier architecture..

1. UI Layer
2. BLL - business logic layer
3. DAL - Data Access Layer
a. DTO / DAO
b. Gateway (contains the sql query/stored procedure and connection with DB)

now when i'm going to use the Entity Model Design,where the DBML/ .edmx File should be placed? Because many a times i'm using the DBML file as DTO because of the mapped objects.. in the same time, sometimes DBML ( .edmx file in .NET 4.0) contains CRUD methods and stored procedured method as well as methods with different selection operations,- which should be in Gateway. so where the .edmx file should be placed !?!! IN DTO namespace !? or in Gateway namespace!

moreover sometimes there is no need for the BLL which breaks the rules of inter-layer-communication (UI > BLL > DAL.Gateway)! what makes me confuse is, what should be the ideal n-tier architecture when i'll use the ADO.NET Entity Model Design Framework

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Architecture :: Asynchronous Page Processing In 3 Tier Architecture?

Jul 30, 2010

I am working on 3 tier architecture: UI, BL, DAL. In my UI i have following code for Asynchronous page processing:


But I want a database fetch operation to be performed in this asyncronous method. And due to 3 tier arch. i am unable to do this in UI Layer. Can anyone guide me that how can I implement Asynchronous processing in 3 tier architecture? Note: If you are going to place EndAsyncWork1 in DAL then show that how can I return a value back to UI layer from this function.


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Architecture :: What Is The Difference In 3-tier Architecture And Gereral Way Of Programming

May 20, 2010

I want to know that What are the factors if we use methods on each .cs page for connection and executing query on each aspx code behind page rather then using BAL .

How our application get affected in terms of performance and speed or other way?

when we put our website on server after publish/compile in general approach (using query in C# code behind) rathor than using stored procedures?

then which logic is better and why ?

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Architecture :: Function Implementation In 3-tier Architecture?

Apr 28, 2010

I have implemented the 3-tier architecture project; DAL, BAL, and presentation layer are three layers in it. I am going to implement the following scenario:

Presentation layer calls to a function in the BAL layer which returns 2 string variable, and in turn this function from BAL layer calls to a DAL layer function which also returns 2 string variable. How can I implement the above scenario?

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May 13, 2010

I'm developing a n-tier architecture... I'm confused with handling exception in the layers... Is it a good practise to add a Exception Layer to the architecture.

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