Web Forms :: Class-level Variable Loses It's Value?

Jun 22, 2010

Google usually solves my problems for me, but this one has me stumped. I have a page with the following code, in which lstPayments is a listview control:

public partial class frmPerson : System.Web.UI.Page
protected bool paymentWarning = false;
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (paymentWarning == true)
string alertText = "alert('Hello World');";
if (!ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("Alerter"))
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Alerter", alertText, true);
protected void lstPayments_ItemInserted(object sender, ListViewInsertedEventArgs e)
paymentWarning = true;

As you can see, I'm trying to get an alert box displayed after a new payment is entered. As I expect, lstPayments_ItemInserted is executed first, and paymentWarning is duly set to true. However, when Page_PreRender subsequently executes, paymentWarning has been re-initialised: it's false again!

The only way I can get the class-level variable paymentWarning to retain it's value between the two event handlers is to declare it static, which I don't want to do for obvious reasons. There must be something I am failing to understand about how class-level variables work in aspx pages.

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I'm having a hard time understanding why the following code doesn't work. I'm sure it's something remedial that I'm missing or not understanding. I currently have a page that asks for user input. If, based on the input and logged in user, I find data from this page already in the database, I need to update the existing records rather than creating new ones, so I set a class-level bool to true. The problem is, when MyNextButton is clicked, PreviouslySubmitted is still false. So, I'm not sure how to make the value of this variable persist.

public partial class MyForm : System.Web.UI.Page
private bool PreviouslySubmitted;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
MyButton.Click +=
(o, i) =>
q = from a in db.TableA
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//populate the form's fields with values from database for user to revise
MyNextButton.Click +=
(o, i) =>
//the value of PreviouslySubmitted is false at this point,
//even if I made sure it was set to true the previous postback
//update database
//insert into database

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public IQueryable<byte[]> FooPDF()
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where p.FooID == 2
select p;
return result.Take(1).Select(p => p.PDF);

I get "Attribute 'MimeType' is not valid on this declaration type. It is only valid on 'class' declarations." when I compile, because now I can't do this.

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[MimeType("FooPDF", "application/pdf")]
public class FooService : DataService<FooDBEntities>
public static void InitializeService(DataServiceConfiguration config)
config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("FooPDF", ServiceOperationRights.All);
public IQueryable<byte[]> FooPDF()
var result = from p in this.CurrentDataSource.MyPDFs
where p.FooID == 2
select p;
return result.Take(1).Select(p => p.PDF);

What's worse is that I can't add duplicate MimeType attributes to my class.

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Alternative For Static Method In Interface - Enforce Implementing Class-level Methods

Oct 28, 2010

I have a hierarchy in my website project as below:

[CustomControl1 - folder]
- CustomControl1.ascx
- CustomControl1.css
- CustomControl1.js

I load css and js files dynamicaly based on which controls are used on particular page. I am doing it by using following code:


where AddLinks method adds HtmlLink controls to Page.Header with href attribute set to coresponding css and/or js file.

I would like to add Interface that would force new controls to have AddLinks method but it is impossible since it is a static method. Because my custom controls inherit from Control class I cannot use abstract class and/or virtual methods either. How can I achieve my goal?

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Jul 19, 2010

I have a user control in which I have declared a connection string as a private class variable.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;


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Static Variable Inside A Class In Web Application

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How to access session variable in the class?

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ADO.NET :: Unable To Create Object Variable For Linq Data Class?

Sep 23, 2010

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Using Hidden Input Variable In The Base Class To Persist Value Across Postbacks?

Jan 13, 2011

In my base class:


In my user control that inherits from BaseUsercontrol The ascx has:

<asp:Button id="btnTest" runat="server" OnClick="OnButtonClick" />

Why can't I use the hidden input variable this way?

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Mar 3, 2010

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Will all of these point to the same class?

Which one is preferable >object< defined declaratively inside global.asax or static class ?


<object runat="server" scope="application" class="classname" ID="objID"></object>


public static class classname {}


Application("a") = new classname();

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Nov 18, 2010

I need to keep a global variable throughout the whole time the user is at my site, but do I use Application or a static class? The string variable should store a region name and my site makes a few changes depending on which region that has been set.

I read that Application was mainly for classic ASP, but I also read that a static class cannot be instantiated at runtime (e.g. when the user has logged in).

So, have I got something wrong here and which solution do I use?

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Web Forms :: FileUpload Control Loses Value On Postback?

Sep 11, 2010

I'm having a little problem with my file uploading. Does anybody know how to maintain the value in the FileUpload control between server posts?

I have a form which, among other things, uploads a file. I am using an ileUpload control (created dynamically) to let a user browse their PC for a file and then using the SaveAs method to upload the file to the server.When I'm selecting a file and Click on Next button for processing then selected file is lost.

Same is happening with me with HtmlTextArea (dynamically generated) , the problem was that I was not again re-initializing the controls after postback. What I did is re-initialized it in Init method of placeholder (as I have created/placed all dynamic controls in placeholder ).

But this thing is not working for fileupload control. I found solution in one of the forum is that "use hiddenField Control to transfer the selected file from the client to server"but this mechanism will only help to retain the name of file
in a hidden variable and the FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(filename) will not work bcz of absense of object (fileupload1).

here is code:


I have done almost the same in different test project , it works . I dont know whats wrong?


How to correct this?

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Web Forms :: Autopostback On Textbox That Loses Focus?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a webform that the user inputs a date via a javascript popup calander, then it auto populates a textbox with 45 days after the inputed date.

My question is is there a way to have a postback once the input date loses focus. Here is my page.





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Web Forms :: Custom RadioButton Loses Checked Value On PostBack?

Jan 28, 2010

I am creating a control that inherits from the RadioButton, so that I can set the GroupName property manually. Everything is working okay apart from the fact that when the page posts back, the RadioButton becomes unchecked if it has previously been checked. This is the first time I've tried inheriting from controls, so must be doing something really silly. I would welcome anyone helping me to improve my code so that the control's Checked value persists through postbacks. I am causing a postback using a button, not the actual RadioButton itself, if that makes any difference. Here is my code:


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Web Forms :: Visible False Loses Data On Postback?

Feb 1, 2011

I have the following simple code:


So when i select "Yes" from the first drop down, the "hiddenDetail" label becomes visible and when i select "No" from q1 the "hiddenDetail" label becomes invisible.The problem is that because i am using AutoPostBack when you select "No" the "hiddenDetail" loses its children (i.e. the label inside it) which is obvious why but i am wondering, is there anyway i can make the "hiddenDetail" invisible (sort of like display:none in style) in VB without losing its children. Or is my only option to work with this in

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