Web Forms :: Concurrent Requests From Same Session?

Feb 15, 2010

concerning requests being blocked from a main window after a popup window had initiated a file download. Further requests from the same session are being queued until the download is complete. So, is there any way to override this? Is there anyway to tell asp.net to not serialize same session requests? Is there any way to tell asp.net to ignore session for a specific request...httphander(module) or otherwise?

why requests from the same session are being queued until the download is complete. please tell me the funda behind it and how to overcome it.

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C# - Access Session Value During Concurrent Requests

Mar 9, 2010

in one request i am updating session variable. in the other request, i am trying to access that session value, but it was blocked until the first request finish. I am using C# with ASP.NET 2.0 UPDATE: My page code looks like this.

while(int progress = DoWork() && progress <= 100 ){
Session["Progress"] = progress;

and my handler just return Session value.


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In my ASP.NET MVC2 web app I have a page which goes off and gets results from a number of different web service feeds. These return times vary so I want to basically display them as they return after the page loads. I also want my user to be able to kick of requests that can run concurrently with these other requests.

At the minute my page just seems to queue up the requests. The web service calls returning one at a time in the order they are called and then the user can kick of requests.

Is this a case for the asyncController or is there an easier/better way of working this?

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State Management :: Concurrent Access To Session Object

Mar 30, 2010

I am stuck with the issue of concurrent access to Session object. Actually my problem is i m writing to session in frame1 and trying to access that same Session object at the same time in Frame2's Page. I know about the reader/writer lock. I made the enablesessionstate = readonly in the page where i m writing to session. its giving me strange behavior on IE and firefox.

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Queues Up All Requests That Use The Same Session ID

Nov 30, 2010

It seems to me that ASP.net queues up all requests that use the same Session ID. Let's say you've got 3 pages. Default.aspx

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["asdf"] = "LOLZ";

Hitting this page would obviously create a new session if one doesn't exist.

X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727
Set-Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=ibjphuv0aiafqi453tyze345; path=/; HttpOnly

Then you hit Hang.aspx

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

And immediately after you hit any other page that this session ID would be passed to, doesn't matter if it does anything, let's call it Test.aspx. The sequence for loading is like so.

Request Timeline
"GET /" |*|
"GET /Hang.aspx" |******************************************|
"GET /Test.aspx" |**************************************|

I guess my question is how do I disable this feature. I understand it's useful to have so that session state can be more predictable, however in my case a long running reports page load is killing users' ability to multitask.

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Session.SessionID Changes Between Requests?

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Why does the property SessionID on the Session-object in an ASP.NET-page change between requests?

I have a page like this:

SessionID: <%= SessionID %>

And the output keeps changing every time I hit F5, independent of browser.

I've seen this work correctly in other projects.

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I am wondering how I can implement so that later login session logout former login session to avoid concurrent login. I know how to check whether the user is online (by Membership.IsOnline()) and logout the current user (by FormsAuthentication.SignOut()). But I don't know how to logout the previous login session.

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IIS Configuration :: Browser Hangs When Too Many Requests Due To Session And Need To Start

Mar 10, 2013

I have developed an online exam application in college where we fix the timing for an exam the students conduct there exams at that time. this application is stored in local iis server in the college. i am using inproc session. here there are 200 students writing exam at a time .the problem is the browser stuck after some time and not resopnce unless we restrart the iis on the server. i checked the windows even log .the warning details are listed below. my question is ,is the inproc session is ok for here or i need to use the sql server session or state server session ... 

Log Name: ApplicationSource: ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0Date: 3/10/2013 12:36:52 PM
Event ID: 1309Task Category: Web EventLevel: WarningKeywords: ClassicUser: N/AComputer: ZCW-HV01.zahracol.edu.om
Description:Event code: 3005 Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred.
Event time: 3/10/2013 12:36:52 PM Event time (UTC): 3/10/2013 8:36:52 AM

[Code] ....

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Web Forms :: Avoid Concurrent Login For Same User?

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Concurrent Viewing And Logon ID?

Aug 19, 2010

I am a windows application developer doing a web application with VB.net and SQL 2008 for the first time.I have developed a web application where users are supposed to view a file after selecting from a listbox. I then pick the users logon ID from windows then store in database and produce statistical reports later. It was working fine on my local machine till i deployed it on server to make it accessible on the intranet. The server OS is Windows 2008 Server and runs IIS. My issues are as follows,1. The application is unable to store the user logon id from the client.2. When more than one user uses the application, then there are errors but one user does not produce errors.

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I am a windows application developer doing a web application with VB.net and SQL 2008 for the first time.

I have developed a web application where users are supposed to view a file after selecting from a listbox. I then pick the users logon ID from windows then store in database and produce statistical reports later. It was working fine on my local machine till i deployed it on server to make it accessible on the intranet. The server OS is Windows 2008 Server and runs IIS. My issues are as follows,

1. The application is unable to store the user logon id from the client.
2. When more than one user uses the application, then there are errors but one user does not produce errors.

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Large Number Of Concurrent Users?

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what is the best way to manage that, so that my application runs without any performance issues.

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Are Concurrent Calls To PageMethods Allowed

Mar 15, 2010

Can I call a PageMethod and then call another PageMethod before the first has finished? Are concurrent calls to PageMethods allowed?

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Jun 22, 2010

I want to prevent concurrent login under same username. I am using aspnet_users & membership concepts. So How can I achieve this....

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Architecture :: Concurrent User Management

Jan 18, 2011

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Managing Concurrent Connections In IIS7?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm having an issue with my hosting provider (winhost.com). My app is built on ASP.NET 4 MVC 3. Up until a few days ago, everything was running fine. All of a sudden I've started getting 503 errors when trying to access my site (wikipediamaze.com). It doesn't happen all the time, just most of the time.

When someone starts playing the game a request is made to wikipedia.org to get the contents of the page for the current step in the puzzle. Basically I'm screen scraping wikipedia.org, injecting some html and then displaying the results. All of my web requests are closed immediately after receiving the data.

What winhost is telling me is that there are connections remaining open and causing any additional requests to the site to get the 503 Service Unavailable Error. What I can see from my end is that only 1 request is ever allowed to be made to wikipediamaze.com at a time. If you keep refreshing the page you'll eventually get the HTML but all subsequent requests (css,images,js) all get the 503 error. Even pages that don't ever call out to wikipedia.org.

If it was an issue with connection throttling in IIS, do both incoming and outgoing (requests made internally) fall in to the same bucket? If I'm sure all of my connections are being closed (and I've never had this issue before) what else could cause this?

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SQL Reporting :: Concurrent Report To PDF Not Working?

May 10, 2010

I have written a code using SRS 2005 where report will download in PDF/EXCEL format. All work fines except when we downoad same report concurrenlty.

When same report is downloaded by 4-5 users simultaneously some of the users get error:

Exception:System.Net.WebException: The request failed with HTTP status 405: Method Not Allowed at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)

for this error on web it is mentioned that, try to use .asmx instead of .wsdl but I called asmx only.The reports works fine for single user when downloaded. Why sometimes it is not working? Is the issue with SRS web service

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C# - Handling Concurrent File Writes?

Dec 29, 2010

I am developing an ASP.NET application that takes user input and serializes them into a text file. Now, when a second update request comes while the file is still being written, an IOException will be generated.How do I handle concurrent update request to this file?

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Exception Logging Approach For Concurrent User?

May 12, 2010

I am involved in designing a asp.net webforms application using .NET 3.5. I have a requirement where we need to log exceptions.

What is the best approach for exception handling, given that there would be concurrent users for this application?

Is there a need or possibility to log in exceptions at a user level? My support team in-charge wants to have a feature where the support team can get user specific log files.

To give you a background, this application is currently on VB 6.0 and we are migrating it along with some enhancements. So, today the support personnel have a provision to get user specific log files.

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Cache Access In Highly Concurrent Systems

Nov 16, 2010

Suppose I have two threads(Thread1, Thread2) where the threads are accessing the cache for a given object such as in the code below nearly at the same time:

Dim expensiveToGetData = Cache("ExpensiveDataKey")
If ExpensiveToGetData is nothing then
'because the cache has expired
ExpensiveToGetData = LoadExpensiveDataFromDataSource()
Cache("ExpensiveDataKey") = ExpensiveToGetData
end If

Isn't it possible for both threads to load the cache because they both requested data from the cache that was nothing/expired? I've run some tests on a local machine and it seems that the cache is being loaded more than once. Is this a normal pattern?

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