Web Forms :: Create A Custom MenuItem List Programmitically?

Mar 24, 2011

I have create a asp:sitemap on my asp:masterpage. I am then populating the sitemap from an SQL table programmatically. Everything works perfectly except one thing - clicking on the items causes a new window to appear and the selected page opens in that new window. I need the items to open in the existing window. Perhaps sitemapnode - but this gave me some errors. The following is my code.


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Web Forms :: Trying To Create A Custom Control That Has A Dropdown List And A Required Field Validator In It?

Jan 19, 2011

I'm trying to create a custom control that has a dropdown list and a required field validator in it.I've got as a far as being able to set the error message if the control fails to validate, but I can't actually get it to validate, not can I figure out how to call a .Validate method server side. This is driving me nuts!
To create my control, I followed the article here I ran the text box example through, and I can get that to validate without any problems, so I then went through and created a new set of class files relating to a drop down list.Anyone got any thoughts, or hints as to what might be wrong, or where I should start looking?

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Custom Server Controls :: List Property Of A Custom Control Is Not Persisted?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a custom control, inherited from Button. This is the class definition for the control and 2 properties:


I show you 2 properties, only to illustrate the problem.

as you see Aplicacion property is of a custom type Sistema, and Roles property is of type List<UserRol>.

The Aplicacion property is rendered well, this way:


The problem I have is with List<UserRol>. I couldn't get it to be rendered. I expeect to be rendered this way:


Finally, this is the TypeConverter and Editor definitions for the list:


The UserRol class is a typical class, without any special attributes.

I have discovered that when I use the custom editor for Roles property, the collection is not persisted. When I use the default editor for the collection, the collection is persisted.

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User/server Control With Custom List Items / Create A Simple Menu User Control

Feb 18, 2011

I'm attempting to create a simple menu user control just as outlined here.

The attached code results in an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error, but I can't figure out why.

<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="MySite.master.vb" Inherits="MySite" %>
<%@ Register src="Controls/Menu.ascx" tagname="Menu" tagprefix="my" %>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">......

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To Create A Custom Control That Adds Other Controls Visible To The Page Hosting My Custom ?

Oct 22, 2010

I want to create a custom control where I define several specifically named DIV sections. The code-behind logic of the custom control will perform operations on these named DIV sections. The page where the custom control is hosted needs to be able to add named controls to the DIV sections and perform operations on these named controls added to the DIV sections.

Let me explain a little further. In the custom control, I want to have code behind logic that fires the following Page Event and uses a condition to make one or another specifically named DIV section visible or not:

< _
ToolboxData("<{0}:BaseDetails runat=""server""></{0}:BaseDetails>") _
> _
Public Class BaseDetails


how can I create a custom control which is able to generate the named DIV sections "DetailsNameDiv1" and "DetailsNameDiv2" where my custom control can check a condition and make one or the other visible. Also, I need to be able to add controls to these named DIV sections when I host the custom control and the control that I add to the named DIV section needs to let me set values of these controls from the code behind logic of the page (or usercontrol) where the custom control is being hosted (in my example, I am adding TextBox controls that I want to set the Text property from a SQL Data Reader).

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Custom Server Controls :: Create A Custom Control From Currently Have Within A Modal Popup?

Feb 24, 2011

I have currently on multiple pages a modal popup that displays the information below, we are getting to the point where we need to call this popup from multiple locations, currently i have duplicate setups on each page that i want to use it on, but its becoming a mess to manage when a change is needed.. so im looking to see if what i have within the modal popup can be turned into a control that i can call anywhere thru out the site and have just 1 setup to maintain going forward..If its possible to create a control that can then be placed within the modal popup and server the same purpose that would be great any links here is what i have within the modal popup that i have on atleast 3 pages currently..


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Web Forms :: Getting The Url Parameters In Asp Menuitem?

May 24, 2010

this is my url http://localhost:4985/mail_tracking/main.aspx?user=12345

how to get the user=12345 and put in...

<asp:MenuItem Text="ADD MAIL" Value="New Item" navigateurl="addmail.aspx?user=??????????" separatorimageurl="images uldokmenu.gif"></asp:MenuItem>

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Create Custom Property (DataSource) In Custom Controls

May 15, 2010

I know that how to create custom control and add custom property.

I want to create property like DataSource to my custom control.

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Create A Custom Toolbox

Oct 26, 2010

I want to create a custom Toolbox in asp.net which will contain all custom control that i have made. Now the user will drag these controls from custom toolbox at run time and create form. I tried but did not succeeded.

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Custom Server Controls :: Create A Web Custom Control?

Feb 15, 2010

I am trying to create a web custom control but I am unable to find the templete that should be in my projects window. I am using Visual Studio Pro and it should be there. Doc's say standard version doesn't have it but thats all I can find.

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Web Forms :: Styling A MenuItem On MenuItemDataBound?

Dec 22, 2010

i am "attempting" to use the Menu control to dispaly a static site map. To do this i simply set my StaticDisplayLevels to 10 to ensure the 4 levels of navigation i have all show up. this works fine but we require styling the upper level items differently from the lower items. Since i am not using Dynamic items i can't set DynamicItemStyles separate from StaticItemStyles (if anyone knows how to keep other levels dynamic but force them to stay expanded im all ears!)

Anyways i set an even on the MenuItemDataBound that gets rid of hidden elements and i wanted to use this similarly to a repeater control to hook into the hyperlink i have in the StaticItemTemplate and set a class. Only problem is using e.Item does not allow for a "FindControl" method. Is there any way to cast a menu item as a ListItem or somethign where i can actually try to find the control within it?

Or any other alternatives on styling levels differently. I noted that the e.Item has a propert of Depth which i can use to determine how to style it. just can't seem to get into the item to find any controls.

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Web Forms :: How To Display The Menuitem Across The Top Of The Screen

May 19, 2010

With Menuitem in horozontal display mode, i want it to be displayed accross the top of the screen, filling the whole width - any idea how you specify this? I see there is a width parameter, but what value to use? Additionally, if say it contained 4 items say and I wanted to display the 4 items justified in the centre only of the screen - how would I do this?

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Web Forms :: MenuItem Having Different Images For Each Item?

Jan 29, 2011

im developing my first website in asp.net 3.5 using images or icons as menuitems.

What i want to know is how to use different images (I created images in fireworks JPG) for each menu items.

i have images for about,home,help,contact us,.How can i place it through CSS in each menuitem horizantel

i have images for hover n selected to...but placement is problem through CSS .

my CSS:

margin: 0px;
height: 85px;
width: 500px;
position: relative;
z-index: 2;
top: 0px;
left: 400px;
right: auto;
.MyMenu a
background-image: url('../Images/Styles&Buttons/About.jpg');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.MyMenuhover a
background-image: url('../Images/Styles&Buttons/AboutHover.jpg');
background-repeat: no-repeat;

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Web Forms :: Add An Id Or Name Attribute To The IMG Tag Rendered Out Of A MenuItem?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm using VS2010, where the automatically renders the menu items on an ASP.NET menu control in <ul> and and <li> tags with anchor and image tags--the image tags for the ImageURL reference that I specify for each MenuItem, which is great...

trying to get an id property into the img tag rendered for each menu item. Is there anyway to do this, so that I can use Jquery easily to access each of the items? The closest I can come to a unique identifier on each rendered img tag is the title property--which translates into the tooltip property on the control.

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JQuery :: How To Create List Order And Unorder List Using Data Table

Oct 21, 2010

1 My DataTable Return following Data

Acct Books Annual
Acct Books Monthly
Acct Tax Income Tax
Admin GH Eqpt
Admin Offc Eqpt
Admin Offc Misc
Admin Offc Eqpt

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Web Forms :: How To Get Xml Data From Sqldatasource To Feed A Menuitem

May 17, 2010

their is an easy way to supply data to a menuitem from a sqldatasource?

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Web Forms :: Invisible Menuitem From Anonymous User?

May 22, 2010

my web.sitemap file is given below,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0" >
<siteMapNode url="Home.aspx" title="Home" description="Home">
<siteMapNode title ="User" description ="Edit Personal Information" roles ="*" >
<siteMapNode url ="~/User/ChangePassword.aspx" title ="Change Password" description ="Change Password" roles ="*" />....

but its visible always.only authenticated user only see this.what can i do .

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Web Forms :: Menu Control Menuitem Disappear?

Feb 16, 2010

I have one menu control, when the mouse hover on it sub menu items text does not appear.

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Web Forms :: How To Pass Querystring In Menuitem Contorl

Jan 11, 2010

Text="Airport Authorities"
Value="New Item"
Literal content ('<asp:MenuItem Text="Airport Authorities" Value="New Item" NavigateUrl="sub_cat_list.aspx?cat_id=') is not allowed within a 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.MenuItemCollection'.

how to pass querystring in menuitem contorl?

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Web Forms :: How To Databind A MenuItem To A SQLTable Entry

May 26, 2010

How can I databind a MenuItem to a SQLTable entry?

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Web Forms :: Weird Characters Inserted In The URL Of The MenuItem Tab?

Jun 3, 2010

In my website I use a <asp:menu> control in the master page. And I use Web.sitemap file to define the menu items. And everything works fine.But every few days when I click on the menu item tabs to change to another page, strange characters are embedded in the URL like this:

- http://www.mydomain.com/(A(5wNJHLUjywEkAAAAZDhkNW....))/nextPage.aspx

(supposed to be just http://www.mydomain.com/nextPage.aspx)

By checking the following MSDN link I realize that these strange characters stands for anonymous user:

However, I already set the following in web.config:

- <forms cookieless="UseCookies" .... />
- <anonymousIdentification cookieless="UseCookies" enabled="false" />
- <sessionState cookieless="UseCookies"/>

but these strange characters are still inserted into the URL every few days.Once it happens, I need to restart the website, or restart or recycle the Application Pools in IIS, then it will become normal again.

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