Web Forms :: Create And Add Dynamic LinkButton From Database?

Dec 23, 2015

I have a question regarding in Creation of LinkButton from CodeBehind. I have table which is consist of 4 records. And that 4 records will be created as LinkButton. Here is the hardcoded HTML and I want to convert it to Dynamic

  <!-- FIRST LinkButton -->
<span data-toggle="tooltip" title="Mudassar" data-placement="bottom">
<a href="#table" data-toggle="tab">


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Web Forms :: Create Linkbutton (onClick) Dynamically - Trying To Create A Linkbutton Inside A Calendar?

Sep 28, 2010

I am trying to create a Linkbutton inside a calendar. Everything works except for the onClick.

Is there a way to make this work?


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Web Forms :: How To Create Dynamic Google Sitemap From DataBase

Jul 20, 2010

how to create dynamic google sitemap from my database?

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Web Forms :: Create Dynamic Fields To Search Data From Database

Jan 4, 2010

I would like to create dynamic fields to search data from Databbase, The interface should be as below:


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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Create Dynamic Menu From Database?

Sep 27, 2010

I am unable to create dynamic menu from database. I have made two tables for this work.First table is Menu which stores menu id and its relevant name.

MId Text
1 File
2 Edit
3 View

Second table is subMenu which stores submenus which will be linked to the menu table with menu id.

SId Text MID
1 New 1
2 Open 1
3 Save 1
4 Cut 2
5 Copy 2

the menu should be created dynamically from the database, each menu should be displayed in single row

when we click on a menu the submenus are displayed in rows that in expand & contrast form

how to design & develope this page

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Web Forms :: Create A Dynamic Drop Down List And Bind With The Value Coming From Database?

Jan 14, 2010

I have a query give me two column and several rows say 20.

The first column i want to bind with dropdown list and second to textbox.

i would like to dynamically create dropdown list as well as textbox as i do not know how many rows i will get it every time.

My select query is like this -

"select subcatid,categoryname from category where catid=10"

That give me say 12 rows with two columns,i want to select the subcatid and bind it with dropdown list and categoryname to textbox that can be edited by user.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic LinkButton Creating DIVs Getting Removed After PostBack

May 24, 2013

I have created Dynamic LinkButtons. Each of which has a click event and some particular output, Its working fine this way. E.g.  

when i clicked ASPsnippets message is "Hi asp snippet"

when i clicked Google message is ""Hi Google"


"Hi asp snippet" is removed when iclick GooglE

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Web Forms :: Dynamic LinkButton Not Firing Click Event In Table?

Aug 12, 2012

Problem : I have Added One Link button to the above Table.. Click Event for That Link Button Is not Firing Now. when i click on link button of table event is not firing at all.

LinkButton lbs = new LinkButton();
lbs.Text = "Submit";
lbs.ID = "lnksubmit"; lbs.Attributes.Add("runat", "server");
lbs.Click+=new EventHandler(lbs_Click); tcsp.Controls.Add(lbs);
void lbs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
throw new NotImplementedException();

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic LinkButton Click Event Won't Fire?

Dec 21, 2010

I am working on an ASP.NET web application using .net 4.0 and VS2010.

I have a GridView and I am appending a row at the bottom to allow users to input data for "Adding" a new record.

The ONLY way I have found for this to work is to do this in the RowDataBound event of the grid. I can check to see if it is about to process the footer row then I know I am at the bottom and can insert this new row.

The row I am inserting contains a couple of TextBoxes and a LinkButton for the "Add" link.

If I just drop a LinkButton on my form and hook up the click event and I click the link button then the first thing that fires is the Page_Load event then my click event. However what is happening when I click the link button that was dynamically added to the GridView is the Page_Load event fires but the click event never does.

I have read 1000 threads saying to try to create the controls in the preinit() or some other event. In my case I can't. Or else someone would have to explain how to add the row to the bottom of the databound GridView.

Here is my code: (I removed creating the Textboxes because that is not part of the problem.


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Dynamic LinkButton Control With CommandName ?

Jun 13, 2010

the structure is like this:


And then I try to add some dynamic controls into the placehold control from code behind, I use the RowDataBound Event

Private Sub GridView1_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowDataBound
Dim ph As PlaceHolder = CType(e.Row.Cells(1).FindControl("PlaceHolder"), PlaceHolder)[code]....

The problem is the button CommandName is not functioning. And more strangely, if I add the button manually into the placeholder, like this:

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Dynamic Footer LinkButton Event Not Fired On Last Page?

Oct 28, 2010

So I have a GridView control with autogenerated column set to true, it also has autogenerated Edit and Delete buttons, sorting and paging, and also I am binding this same gridview to multiple data sources at runtime. All is working well.

Now I am adding a dynamically generated footer row at runtime. This footer row will allow users to add new record regardless which data source it binds to. So it is working as well except there's a small bug I couldn't figure out why. It's when I navigate to the last page of the gridview, if the rows on the last page is less than the page size, for example, I have page size 10 and the rows in last page is 9, then when I click the 'Add' linkbutton, the Add event does not fire, instead, it fill the last page with additional blank rows, that means if the last page has 5 rows, it will fill 5 blank rows below, if it has 9 rows, it will fill 1 blank row below. Then if you click the add again, it will work. If the last page already has 10 rows then, it works just fine.

Below is the code I used to dynamically add footer row:


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Web Forms :: Create A Linkbutton Dynamically In VB?

Sep 27, 2010

I am trying to create a linkbutton dynamically using visual basic.

I am having trouble creating the "on click" postback to a sub

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Maintain Variable When Dynamic LinkButton Is Clicked?

Nov 29, 2010

There is only one placeholder control on the aspx page:

<asp:PlaceHolder ID="Placeholder1" runat="server" />

On the code behind, I am setting a variable called test and on Page_Load, changing the variable to something else. How come, when I click the dynamically added LinkButton, the test variable is not maintaining it's state:


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C# - Creating Dynamic TextBoxes In A Page By Clicking A LinkButton?

Jan 7, 2011

I am creating dynamic TextBoxes in a page by clicking a LinkButton.

However, after that, if the page is submitted, I can't find the items created dynamically, thus, can't send the information to the database.

protected void lbAddTag_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < 3;i++ )
CreateTextBox("txtTag-" + i.ToString());
private void CreateTextBox(string ID)
TextBox txt = new TextBox();
txt.ID = ID;
txt.Width = Unit.Pixel(300);
//txt.TextChanged += new EventHandler(OnTextChanged);
txt.AutoPostBack = false;

in the lbAddTag_Click method I can see the items, and they exist, but if I submit the page and try to insert the values in the database nothing...

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How To Change The Background Color Of A Dynamic Linkbutton Inside Of A Repeater

Mar 2, 2010

I am brand new (like 2 weeks) to ASP.NET and VB.

I have a series of linkbuttons that are generated dynamically inside a repeater.

I need the background color of the selected linkButton to change and remain a new color when clicked. I thought that the ItemCommand property of the repeater would do the trick, but it doesn't.

Here is the code for the repeater:


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Data Controls :: How To Create Dynamic Buttons On Click Of Dynamic Button

Jul 24, 2013

im creating dynamic buttons on page load and on the click event of button1 handlere iam creating more buttons this is going fine but on click event of button 2 work is not done so how to maintain a chain of creation of button on click events

protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//

ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), ((Button)sender).ID, "<script>alert('Button_Click');</script>");
Response.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + ((Button)sender).ID + " was clicked");

protected void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//this button click will call all the items related to department


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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Use Database Variable For LinkButton Id?

Feb 28, 2011

I want to grab a numeric value from the database and thereby use it in a datagrid. This will be connected to a linkbutton which has a hyperlink which will bring up profile information based on the number returned. I'm getting a value back but when I click the link, the querystring sees <% instead of the id number I want to use. So I'm really not sure what I'm missing so here's my code:


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Create Dynamic Button With Dynamic Text?

Jan 7, 2011

I have a project where I need to create menu buttons from a list in SQL Server. The problem I am having is that I need to add code to the text of those buttons. So there would be a birthday button and it should display the number of birthdays within the next two weeks or a button with the number of upcoming events.


There is no code yet, just some requirements. What I am doing is querying a table to get the list of buttons to display. Now each of these buttons may have dynamic text, for things like count of birthdays, events,etc... I am trying to see what the best way would be to handle this. Should I embed a snippet of code to go along with the menu item to execute when I iterate over the menu items? Maybe I should build a javascript file to go along with the code, which I add code to query a service for certain menu items?

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How To Create Reset Form In Linkbutton

Feb 22, 2011

how to create reset form in

<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server">RESET</asp:LinkButton>

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AJAX :: Create LinkButton At Run Time In Update Panel?

May 3, 2010

I have create a link button ant run time inside Update pannel . The Problem is when press on this button the page is post back .

here is the following code :


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Web Forms :: How To Create A Second Dynamic Ddl

Jan 15, 2011

I know how to create a dynamic ddl. but I can't keep it! It want to have 1 ddl and after selection create another one and with selection ofthe second, third is created and so on. I can create second ddl and addhandler. but when I change the second ddl it disappears!

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Web Forms :: Create Dynamic URL's?

Feb 10, 2010

i am creating a website and now i want to make this site search engine friendly thats why, i want to create dynamic 0r user friendly URL's for all site.

now my dynamic pages URL's are like this


and i want like this


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Web Forms :: How To Create Dynamic Controls

Jun 14, 2010

My problem would be the following:

Lets say, I have to create a few buttons runtime ( LinkButton b = new LinkButton(); setting an ID, text, Click +=, etc )

the problem is, whenever I create a button (or such thing) outside of the Form_load or PreInit, the OnClick event just doesn't occurs.

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Web Forms :: How To Create A Dynamic Templates

Dec 23, 2010

My Requirement is to create a dynamic template in which i want to change

Some times images should be in middle , top, bottom

2)Header Text
4)Adding some content

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Web Forms :: Create Dynamic Elements Within Div

Feb 28, 2010

i'm trying to create a mini-forum (like facebook or twitter ...), so the user logs in and enters a message, that gets stored on sql server and im now trying to display it in the page, by looping through all the relevent records the code that is corrects is:


so here i created a container, now i need to add other content within that div i tryed the samething


but of course that did not work,does anyone know of this (elements within element) can be achieved.

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