Web Forms :: Creating A Visio Diagram In A Webpage?

Mar 9, 2010

I have been tasked to create a simple box-to-box diagram using some data I retrieve from a SQL database. I will have to apply text tag names to the boxes and connectors.

Anyone ever build a Visio diagram dynamically on a web page?

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- FeaturedStock()
- GetStock(StockID)
- ShowContent()
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Apr 24, 2010

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1) If page is valid all data should be stored in database

2) A new webform should appear on the same window and the some content of the application form should be displayed in it.

3) When clicking on browser back button it should not post back to previous page.....

I did the first task..and i don't know the code for the remaining tasks. Here is some information

.aspx button control code


I opened new webform by using Response.Redirect ("submit.aspx"). Where submit.aspx is the form to be opened after data stored upon the button click in application form.

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Need A High Level Diagram/design Guidelines For An Multilangual Website?

Apr 19, 2010

I am going to develop an application which have approx 1,000,000 uers. They will be from different countries. Can some one give me a high level diagram or design guidlines so my application is scaleble enough to full fill the needs of such huge no of users.My database will be oracle and i will be using framework 3.5.

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