Web Forms :: Custom Table Profile Provider Has Different UserID?
Feb 11, 2010
I created the Table Profile Provider with the VB.NET and it works perfectly but I have one issue with it.. My Table (UserProfile) can't be linked with any other tables because the UserID on userprofile is different than any other table yet when I do profile.firstname on the vb code it works perfectly. Say for example I have a username called john If I do select * from aspnet_users where username = 'john' The results would come to 2 rows, 1 which has a userid and applicationid that is used on ALL the tables in my database EXCEPT for userprofile The second one would have a applicationid and userid that is only use on my userprofile table.
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Similar Messages:
May 21, 2010
I get this error while trying to run my project: "Column name 'UserID' appears more than once in the result column list." Indeed, the query generated in my SqlTableProfileProvider.vb is the following (text in brackets [] has been changed):
"IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [table] WHERE UserId = @UserId) BEGIN UPDATE [table] SET UserID=@Value0, LastUpdatedDate=@LastUpdatedDate WHERE UserId = '[Guid]'END ELSE BEGIN INSERT [table] (UserId, UserID, LastUpdatedDate ) VALUES ('[Guid]', @Value0,
@LastUpdatedDate) END"
I'll emphasize that the above statement is generated in SqlTableProfileProvider.vb, which was written by .Net people. While I have little control over its source, I've apparently given the fodder whereby the mistake can be generated. Any clues as to why UserID is being written twice in the statement?
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Feb 9, 2010
I am trying to use: [URL] I have downloaded the converted to VB files and inserted them in my app_code folder. I created the SQL table and ran both SQL stored procedures Now for the web.config, I already have a connection to my database for the aspnet memberships since I have it on my own database, so I used that for the connection and I did this:
But I get run time errors when I try to set a profile. The error I get is in the SqlTableProfileProvider.vb and it says "Incorrect syntax near ','." Which is really not enough information but that is all what it gives me
<profile defaultProvider="TableProfileProvider">
<add name="TableProfileProvider"
<add name="StoredProcedureProfileProvider"
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Mar 5, 2010
Compared to the use of session variables or query string variables, I'm convinced that profile variables are the slick and easy way to go.
I have a profile provider that's been working great but now I have another page on which I'd like to use more profile variables, which would be based on another table. Is there any way to add another table to the profile provider? I tried creating an additional provider and found out very quickly that only one such section in web.config is allowed. I then attempted to add a new section in the AddName section under Providers but when I tried to use the profile variables in the page, I received an error message that they weren't in the table (referring to the table in the first provider).
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Jul 19, 2010
I've been experimenting with the ASP.NET profile system and I like how easy it is to add data to the profile programmatically and how to access it again, all in a single line.
However, I've see the input that it sticks in the database and I'm not too keen on it.
I'd really like to create my own separate tables, so everything is nice and logical and easy to access, but I'd still like to be able to access this "profile" data as easily as I could with the ASP.Net profile system.
Should I create some kind of class in a separate class file that does all the hard work, then I can access the information from intellisense?
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Jun 3, 2010
I'm still trying to learn how all of this works, and I apologize if this is a simple fix, but I'm getting frustrated and I could use some help.
I found an XML profile provider that I'm trying to use, and when I set it up, it works fine on my local machine. However when I upload it to the server, I get an error and I don't really know what it means:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Configuration Error
An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: CustomProviders.XmlProfileProvider..ctor()
Source Error:
Source File: E:kundenhomepages28d241331304web.config Line:
The full profile section from the web.config file is:
<profile enabled="true" defaultProvider="XmlProfileProvider">
<add applicationName="FamilySite" name="XmlProfileProvider" type="CustomProviders.XmlProfileProvider"/>
<add name="FirstName" />
<add name="LastName" />
<add name="HomeTown" />
<add name="ShowEmail" type="System.Boolean"/>
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Aug 6, 2010
The week of torture and confusion at a higher level.I added a custom profile provider.
<profile defaultProvider="MySqlProfileProvider">
<remove name="AspNetSqlProfileProvider"/>[code]...
I had to add the <remove name="MySqlProfileProvider"/>as it error with "the entry MySqlProfileProvider has already been made."The problem now is that it will only hold the data the first time I log in and create the account. Everything run find until you close the browser and try to log in the next time. Then the pages that use the profile properties tells me that there is no profile data for the same fields like there name for this user.It was there the first time and save it but the 2nd login it gone. Seems to me that the remove actually removes the data even when you save itI got it to work on the local server by setting MySqlProfileProvider up in using IIS managment tools. My local now rund fine. However my service provider will not make the manual entry for me.
View 14 Replies
Sep 6, 2010
Just an FYI for those trying to use the SqlTableProfileProvider in a Web application project. Here's my article:
Using the SQL Table Profile Provider in ASP.NET 4 Web Applications (C# & VB)
The complete projects are here:
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Jul 1, 2010
I created a table named Thread to store logged-on users' comments. It has CommentId, Topic, Comment, CreatedTime and UserId columns. I made CommentId as the primary key and UserId as the foreign key to the UnserId in the Membership table aspnet_Users.But when I insert those data into table Thread, I get an error "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'UserId', table 'ASPNETDB.dbo.Thread'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.The statement has been terminated." I have tried different ways to resolve this, but could not make the UserId in the table Thread match the UserId in table aspnet_Users. Yesterday, I found the Table Profile Provider Samples created by Hao Kung at http://www.asp.net/downloads/sandbox/table-profile-provider-samples. It should be be able to solve my problem. But the code was written in C#. Is there anybody who knows a VB version of this code, or a better way to solve my problem?
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Aug 30, 2010
I would like to insert a user's selection of their organization (from a drpt down list) int their profile during the "Create new user" process. Unfortunately, when I tried to do it, I got an error saying that profile columns could not be inserted for anonymous users. The following code doesn't work:
View 4 Replies
Jun 27, 2010
I recently read Scott Mitchell's article series "Examining ASP.NET's Membership, Roles, and Profile". In Part 6 [URL] It says "to store additional, user-specific fields...If you are using the SqlMembershipProvider, this would mean creating an additional database table that had as a primary key the UserId value from the aspnet_Users table and columns for each of the additional user properties."
I created a table named Thread to store some specific users information and comments they make. I set the ThreadId as the primary key and the UserId as the foreign key to the UserId in aspnet_Users table. But when I run the application and use a user's account to submit a comment, there is an error in my Comments.aspx.vb page "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'UserId', table 'ASPNETDB.dbo.Thread'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.The statement has been terminated."
How can I make the logged-on user's UserId inserted into the Thread table when storing the user's other data information?
View 6 Replies
Nov 18, 2010
There are lots of posts about this issue but I can't work out the answers as most of them are for C# or similar. I'm trying to automatically insert the UserId generated by Membership into a custom table. I have membership working correctly, as well as the custom table (I'm able to insert other things from the registration form). But I can't get it to extract the generated UserId and insert it into the custom table. Here's my code:
As you can see I've experimented with the parameters for inserting the record, but that doesn't work (I get an error about ProviderKey not being a part of system.web.security.membershipuser).
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Jun 4, 2010
I am using asp.net 3.5 and Oracle Providers for membership and roles. Now, using CreateUserWizard i can make user register here but for storing custom information like First name, last name, address etc. i am using couple of custom oracle tables instead of Oracle Profile Provider. In this case, i am using the USERID field which is of GUID type as primary key. Now, my problem is that i dont know how to draw information from my custom oracle tables for those users who are currently logged in. I have searched a lot in this forum and elsewhere where there are many topics relating to it but i failed to follow any of them. So, i would request you to kindly guide me to solve the issue. Oracle Membership
Table(ORA_ASPNET_USERS) USERID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(some guid value) Username=abc and so on.. My Custom Table(UserProfile): USERID RAW(16), --> referenced to USERID field of ORA_ASPNET_USERS table fname varchar2(20) lname varchar2(20) I've the profiles of username "abc" having some userid stored in Userprofile table So, how can i fetch data from UserProfile table for the user "abc" when he is logged in?
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Apr 23, 2010
I am trying to use a second (custom) table to extend my users profile info. This table is in the same database as the 'aspnet_Users' table but has a different name. I create a FK relationship between the 'aspnet_Users' table and my custom table. Here is my web.config code:
<profile defaultProvider="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider">
<clear />
<add name="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider"
applicationName="/" />
<add name="MyCustomProfile"
table="MyProfileTable_Employees" />
<group name ="MyProfileInfo">
<add name="FirstName" type="string" defaultValue="[null]" customProviderData="FirstName;nvarchar" provider="MyCustomProfile" />
<add name="LastName" type="string" defaultValue="[null]" customProviderData="LastName;nvarchar" provider="MyCustomProfile" />
<add name="EmployeeNumber" type="int" defaultValue="[null]" customProviderData="EmployeeNumber;int" provider="MyCustomProfile" />
I have the table "MyProfileTable_Employees" poplulated with data the 'userid' matches to the aspnet_Users table. In my web application (vb), when I type in Profile.MyProfileInfo, there are no custom fields. Actually, when I type profile., there are no profile related entries. What am I missing here? Am I miss-interpting what a custom profile provider is?
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Mar 31, 2011
I have a confusing question, I have a user table and it stores all the usual data for a user that you would expect but im trying to figure out how a user could add another user?
Sounds strange but each user in the User table has his own UI which is UserID how could I add another table where UserID can have a relationship with another UserID?
i.e how would I right the syntax for the above question if I wanted to display all the UserIDs friends on a page. How would I add a friend.
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Jan 17, 2011
I have seen a lot of question asking about known user name and how to retrieve UserId accordingly. How about the other way around?
For some reason I have UserId, but I don't want to include aspnet_User table into my data entities. Is there any way I can retrieve the user name without querying against aspnet_User table?
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Jan 29, 2010
I got the login to work fine- go to [URL]if you want to give it a try. Here is the thing. The profile functionality doesn't work. It draws from the same set of files, it used the same connection string as the users, it work on my local machine, but blows up on GoDaddy because it cannot find the file, and when it tries to create it. The file it uses for the profile, aspnet_Profiles, is on there along with the rest of the membership files. The connection string is not defined individually. Why is it finding the user files, but not the profile file.
Here are the files
Here is the Wec.config
Here is the Profile User Control
Here is the profile wrapper
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Feb 10, 2010
I am using Profile properties in my application... ASP.Net 2.0 , and SQL Server 2005 at my end... well DB production server is SQL Server 2000.. My friend said, 'aspnet_regsql A -p' won't work for SQL Server 2000... I can't check if will work or not...
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Sep 27, 2010
I have watched the how to video on Creating a Custom Membership provider. So far it works great. My login control interacts well with it etc. Now i've created a Custom Role Provider. I've created a class that inherits the RoleProvider base class and i've added code to each Sub. My question is, what is the best way to implement the role provider, considering I get the Roles etc from the database?
View 11 Replies
Apr 16, 2010
I try to get the user profile settings with this code. But all items in it are empty, in the database they are not empty. So there is going something wrong. First of oll how can i add a provider to the ProfileCommon ? Maybe i'm there then... the usrInfo is filled well...
MembershipUser usrInfo = Membership.Providers["MyMembershipProvider"].GetUser(UserName,false);
ProfileCommon prf = (ProfileCommon)Profile.GetProfile(UserName);
LitNaam.Text = prf.Voorletters.ToString() + " " + prf.Achternaam.ToString();
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Dec 1, 2010
i have implemented custom role provider and membership provider .
login page : SignIn.aspx
on successful login it redirects to (index-Homepage.aspx)
now PROBLEM is when it successfully logged in ,and redirects to 'index-Homepage.aspx' it gives Anornymoustemplate ..while its verifying the role correctly in index-Homepage.aspx.cs
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Jun 26, 2010
I had to restructure my database so I could synch the data between the Web and local version of my application, which I had carelessly let run amok. I finally get all the records and schema into one database but now that I've done that, my Profile system isn't working anymore. I noticed that the relationships between aspnet_Users and _Membership (and my "profile additional items table") don't exist anymore. I ran the aspnet_regsql.exe utility and registered the DB, and I'm surprised that the registration didn't re-establish the foreign key relationships, etc.
Anyway, if someone can give me pointers on how to restore these relationships or direct me to a source that explains it (i.e., what the foreign keys should be named, if there are any other aspnet_ tables that need to be linked together), I'm pretty sure this would take care of my problem. And I just noticed that nothing is in the aspnet_Profile table. Should I start all over with a new database or is this one salvageable?
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Mar 27, 2010
i'm building an application and i need to manage roles, users and more things so i tought to use the membership provider but i have some questions about it: can i full extend it and can i override the functions to use a database table to store infos about config or i need to build my own provider?
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Aug 11, 2010
Does the ASP.NET SQL Profile Provider use caching? I mean if I pull data from the profile for a user will it hit the DB for each request?
I'm looking for a setting or any information on this. I had thought I read it would use cookies but I can't find this now.
Edit: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa478953.aspx describes process as
When called by SqlProfileProvider.GetPropertyValues, aspnet_Profile_GetProperties performs the following actions:
Queries the aspnet_Applications table to convert the application name input to it into an application ID.
Queries the aspnet_Users table to convert the user name input to it into a user ID.
Queries the aspnet_Profile table for the PropertyNames, PropertyValuesString, and PropertyValuesBinary fields for the specified user.
Updates the user's last activity date in the aspnet_Users table with the current date and time.
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Dec 16, 2010
<add name="AspNetSqlProfileProvider" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider" connectionStringName="ApplicationServices" applicationName="/"/>
<add name="FirstName"/>
<add name="LastName"/>
I have the code snippet above in my webconfig file. I am attempting to set the FirstName property in codebehind on a register.aspx page. Like this:
Profile.FirstName = ((TextBox)RegisterUser.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("FirstName")).Text;
VS says Profile is in System.Web.Profile Namespace. I then use it like this "System.Web.Profile.FirstName", but says first name does not exist in System.Web.Profile.FirstName namespace.
How do I set the property and later retrieve it?
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