Web Forms :: Disable View State / No Business Logic In The Button Click Event?

Apr 19, 2010

I have a textbox control i disabled view state at page and control level.i entered a value in the text box and click a button there is a postback,no business logic in the button click event.The values in the testbox are persisting though i disabled at the control level and page level.

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MVC :: Calling Business Logic In Model From Submit Tag In View?

Jun 30, 2010

Currently I am working on a project at work that deals with MVC. I have never used MVC before, only dealt a little with ASP with VB, and that's it. I've dabbled in HTML but not much. I don't currently have the money for a book, so I'm using this forum. So there's a lot of jargon I may not pick up on or may ask a lot of questions, so please bare with me.Anyways here's what I would like to do, or understand. We're using ASP.NET Membership Security (not sure if that's what it's actually called) for passwords and accounts. My issue is that I've been working on other projects while the rest of my team has been working on this, so they know more about it than I do. And I don't want to take too long to understand it, but I have to find the best way to make sure the following doesn't happen:

1) When changing a password, it can't be within the last 10 passwords used for that user.2) When creating/changing a password, it cannot have dictionary words, names, phone numbers or personal data within it.3) The password must be a minimum of 16 characters.Number 3 is rather easy and completed I believe. However, 1 and 2 prove tenuous. We want to store the previous passwords hashed and we were going to save the salt used. However, I'm beginning to think that with the Membership class you can't specify the salt to hash a password. Is there a way to de-hash a password? We do not want to store the passwords as plaintext, so that is out of the question.I believe the best order (for 1 and 2) is to do 2 first (before it's hashed) and then 1. For two, I need to know how to call a function in the Model code from a <submit> tag in the View code. I've done a little research online but thought I'd ask and see if it gets answered while I'm looking for the answer.

In general, my questions are:1) How do I call a function in the ****Model.cs from a <submit> tag in the *******.aspx?2) What's the best way to compare previous passwords that are hashed? 3) If I know the salt, can I de-hash a password? (I believe the answer to this is no.)4) Can I specify the salt to hash a password? (I believe the answer to this is no.)5) If #3 and #4 are no, then should I do encryption instead of hashing?Details: MVC2, C#, Membership.

View: Account/ChangePassword.aspx


Model: AccountModel.cs

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Web Forms :: How To Disable The Button And Run Processing Code During The Click Event

Dec 16, 2010


1) Click on 'Check' button and the button will disable

2) Run a processing code(for checking) and once it is done, navigate to a new page(NewPage2).

Here are 2 code situations (1):


and if I do this way (2),:


it will navigate to NewPage2.aspx, but during the execution of the processing code, ButtonCheck control will not be disabled as the Click Event has not finished, and I want it to disable during the checking process. If the 1st option is executed, it will throw to me "Response is not available in this context."? HttpContext is null for (1). In my opinion, I think that the navigation does not recognise the response object as it is in a thread and has exited out of the buttoncheck event. But I'm still not sure why.

how to disable the button and run processing code during the click event and be able to navigate to a new page?

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Web Forms :: How To Disable Or Skip Page_Load Event When Button Click

Nov 19, 2010

Every time we click on a button. the Page_Load will fire first.

For my case, I have some controls added programmatically to the GridView, when the button click, the Page_Load event fire, my controls just go away.

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Setting A Default Value -- Presentation Logic Or Business Logic?

Jun 18, 2010

I was wondering if setting a default value for a SelectList is considered to be presentation logic or business logic? For example, if a requirement is that an Employee cannot be saved without a Location, but 99% of the time the location that would be selected is a particular item -- say Atlanta. Because of this, the location SelectList should be defaulted to Atlanta when ever a entry screen for a new employee is displayed. Should I be defaulting the location in the model or in the view-model? One thing I realized is that the unit tests become awkward because in both cases, I'd be forced to test against a location that will always be present in production but I cannot create a unit test with my own test dataunless "Atlanta" was in the set of locations being used in the test.

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C# - Disable A Dynamic Button Click Event During Postback And Enable It Afterwords?

Jan 28, 2010

I am creating a button dynamically in my code and attaching a click event to it. However I have to prevent people to click it while there is a process going on. So when it is clicked once, it should be disabled and when the process ends it should be enabled. How can I do that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Get A Click Event Of A Button In A Grid View?

Apr 15, 2010

There are some products listed in a grid view . whenever user clicks on a contact button i want to redirect him to a contact pg. along with a email which i will get from sql data source which im useing for grid view. These email buttom differ from product to product.

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MVC :: How To Render A Partial View Multiple Time On User Action Like Button Click Event

Jan 19, 2011

I need to render a particular partial view multiple times inside a view whenever user perofrm an action like button click event.How we do it in mvc?

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Web Forms :: Exceptions From Business Logic Layer Not Caught In Application_Error?

Nov 11, 2010

I know there are a few posts on this issue already, however I haven't found the answers I was really looking for.

My situation is like this: I have a DLL project containing my business logic. Then I have a web application that refers to this DLL, and calls a function from it. And I have a global.asax which handles errors on Application_Error


// MyWebsite.aspx.cs
using MyBusinessLogic;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// global.asax.cs
protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)


View 6 Replies

MVC :: How To Use Business Logic

Nov 21, 2010

I've got a C# MVC 2 application using EF 4. My DAL project gets data from the Model, translates them into POCO's and returns ViewModels to the BLL which is called from the controllers.I've set up validation attributes on the POCO classes and that works for "Required" fields etc. I would like to add business logic such as "From" has to be before the "To" date. Can this be done on the POCO classes so it is automatically validated client-side in the view?

Also, I would like to add some functionality to the BLL layer such as checking if a resource is already booked between the From and To dates to avoid double bookings. This should fire before the ViewModel is saved. I tried a Try/Catch statement in the controller so that I can throw an error in the BLL, but I don't understand how to return this error to the view with an appropriate error message added.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Repopulate Insertitemfields When Detailsview Insert Fails Sql Business Logic

Feb 7, 2011

After hitting the insert button the insert stored proc is run. if the record already exists then stored proc returns a specific value.I need to refill the details view textboxes with the values the user typed in.I am using the ItemInserted event handler.I seem to reference the control okay but the text doesn't change...even when I replace the command.parameter to just a literal text like "test".

TextBox tNPA = DetailsView1.FindControl("InsertName") as TextBox;
tNPA.Text = command.Parameters[0].Value.ToString();

So what am I missing. I also tried a detailsview1.databind() before and then tried after the above line and still no luck.

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Where To Write Database And Business Logic In MVC

Sep 9, 2010

As I am learning and working on Asp.Net MVC application, I want to know that what is the better place to write Business Logic and Data Access logic in MVC.Where should I write DataAccess and Business Logic among three layers (Model, View and Controller) ??Could anybody please tell me the correct way to write the code for this.Scenario: I want to retrieve all the employees where employee name like 'Mi%' ( I have SQL procedure to execute and retrieve the data.)PS: Want to know that where I should create instance of Business Logic class and where I should create instance of Data Access layers class?

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Mvc Linq 2 SQL Model : Where Is The Business Logic

Sep 16, 2010

I'm building a first MVC app in ASP.NET and I'm using link2SQL model to work with data.All tutorials on the microsoft site let you write LINQ code in the controller to get data and pass it to the view, like this:

Function Index() As ActionResult
Dim datacontext As New ErrorVaultDataContext
Dim questions = From q In datacontext.Questions


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Business Logic Not Exposed On Formview

Oct 16, 2010

I have to maintain an ASP.net application in VB.Net. There is a page with a FormView bound to a ObjectDataSource. I have to add some business logic on the ItemUpdating event of this FormView. Unfortunately, some the data that I need to add this business logic is not exposed on the FormView user-interface itself, so I can not use FindControl to get the values (I could add the controls, bind them to the fields I need and set their visible property to true, but that's ugly).

So, what I would need to do is to get access to the Data Row corresponding to the currently selected item in the FormView from the code behind as it has the data I need to add my business logic code. Unfortunately, I don't manage to get access to the row.

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Business Logic In Stored Procedures?

Mar 8, 2011

Suppose you have to query a lot of tables and calculate some values and spit it out to the user. Is it ok to have all the business logic for this in the stored procedures? Or is it a better practice to return all the data to the application and do all the data manipulation and rolling up in there?

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C# - Protecting Business Logic In Webservices?

May 8, 2010

Is there a way that a hacker or someone who wants to copy my software logic, can reverse engineer the business logic that I have in a webservice?

Is there a way to protect such information?

My development platform in .net asp.net and C#

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DataSource Controls :: Put Business Logic In Sql Or C#?

May 5, 2010

what's is better?That I put my business logic in the sqls(DataStore) or in the C#.DataSore:


What's faster and better?

View 4 Replies

Implement Transaction In Business Logic Layer?

Jan 17, 2011

I'am using enterprise library data access block in my asp.net application. I want to implement transaction from the Business logic layer, across multiple stored procs. Entlib opens a new connection for database access. Does using Transaction Scope in the following way lead to distributed transaction?

using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required))
// calling necessary DAL methods

Is there better methods to implement transaction from BLL?

View 1 Replies

Access A Flag Set In Sql Server Into Business Logic?

Jan 4, 2011

public int InsertCompanyDetailsInformation(int companyId, int bankId, int accountNo, string accountType)
int rowsAffected = -1;
int returnValue;
SqlConnection con = DBProvider.GetDbConnection();
using (con)
SqlCommand objCmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.sp_InsertCompanyDetailsInformation", con);
objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@companyId", companyId);
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bankId", bankId);
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@accountNo", accountNo);
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@accountType", accountType);
rowsAffected = objCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
SqlParameter sqlParam = objCmd.Parameters.Add("@insert_flag", SqlDbType.Int);
objCmd.Parameters["@insert_flag"].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
returnValue = int.Parse(objCmd.Parameters["@insert_flag"].Value.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return rowsAffected;
and stored procedure
USE [SGTime_Development]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_InsertCompanyDetailsInformation] Script Date: 01/04/2011 14:31:09 ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_InsertCompanyDetailsInformation]
@companyId int,
@bankId int,
@accountNo int,
@accountType varchar(50))
declare @insert_flag int;
if not exists(select AccountNo from [Company_Account_Details] where
INSERT INTO [Company_Account_Details]
( Company_Id,
set @insert_flag=1;
set @insert_flag=-1;
return @insert_flag;

I am getting error in the code i want return returnValue in InsertCompanyDetailsInformation. how we can return returnValue

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Web Forms :: How To Disable Button On First Click

Sep 13, 2010

I have this below piece of code which fires on second time but not first time for me. I am using it as a login button checking for Username n password validations.

I don't want to use javascript:


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Forms Data Controls :: Disable Click Event Of Treenode?

Nov 24, 2010

I am new to asp.net and im doing a web page in which i have a teeview in my detailview.I add nodes to treeview in detailview itemscreated event and its working fine ,adding nodes accordingly except when i click on the node of treeview the nodes are added again. how to disable the click event of treeview.

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How To Separate Business Logic And Database Calls From A WCF Web Service

Jun 3, 2010

This question may have been asked before, but I'm looking for a different answer than what I've seen.

Our website is in ASP.NET and we use the model-view-presenter pattern to get business logic out of the markup codebehind.

Is there an accepted pattern for web services for getting business logic out of the codebehind? It seems like putting the logic in a 'presenter' is misleading since the calls don't really present anything to the user, and may not even send back data to the client.

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Classic ASP App Has COM 'middle Layer' For Light Business Logic?

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to estimate how long it will take to migrate a Classic ASP application to .NET and came across hundreds of COM functions written in VB 6.

A majority of these functions only do parameter validation and actually calls the SQL server. Is this something that should be replace with an ORM? (Linq, nHibernate, Entity Framework)... or should there be more to this picture?

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MVC :: Using EDMX And A 'business Logic' Class To Form The Model?

Jun 4, 2010

This not an 'MVC' question per se, but this is the closest forum I could find. I am building web/wpf/silverlight front end on the MVP pattern. I am using EDMX and a 'business logic' class to form the model, a presenter project, and a view project.The IViews contain the basic structure of each entity, the presenter contains actions, etc.Sample view:


Sample presenter:


QUESTIONS:I seem to end up with a 1-1 mapping of views and presenters. SHould there be more than one view per presenter, or more than one presenter per view? Should the presenter for an entity (in this case a User) also contain methods for functional items such as searching for a filtered list of Users using overloaded methods, etc.?Should the IViewXYZ interface contain any events or actions (methods)?

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Calling Business Logic Layer Method From PageMethods?

Jul 12, 2010

I've a static page method in web form application and I want to call method on private class level variable from it as shown below. I'm using jQuery to call the page method.

private readonly ICatalogBLL _catalogBLL = new CatalogBLL();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
public static UpdateSomething(int i)
//Want to do as below. But can't call it from a static method.

UPDATE If I call it as said by John Saunders, won't it use the same instance for requests from different users as it is within a static method?

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