Web Forms :: Exceptions From Business Logic Layer Not Caught In Application_Error?
Nov 11, 2010
I know there are a few posts on this issue already, however I haven't found the answers I was really looking for.
My situation is like this: I have a DLL project containing my business logic. Then I have a web application that refers to this DLL, and calls a function from it. And I have a global.asax which handles errors on Application_Error
// MyWebsite.aspx.cs
using MyBusinessLogic;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// global.asax.cs
protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
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public ProductBLL
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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
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Jan 26, 2011
I'm trying to reevaluate our n-layer architecture and would love to get some based on your experiences. Here is our typical .NET n-layer (sometimes n-tier) design.
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Model usually consists of my Entity Framework 4 entities, I've been using Self-Tracking EF entities with success.
Business is what I struggle with the most. I typically have a Manager class for every Repository. This class will contain methods like .Add() which will perform business validation before forwarding down to repository.Add().
Services, typically I will only implement this if in fact I am looking to create a web service based solution. This layer will be tasked with marshaling requests/responses between DTOs and entities. And most importantly provide the more coarse grained interface. For example a TradingService.SubmitTrade(), which is really a facade for a business transaction which might include AccountManager.ValidateCash(), OrderManager.SubmitOrder(), etc.
My business layer is very entity centric, really it's just the glue between the entities and the repository, with validation in between. I've seen many designs where the Service Layer is what holds a reference to the repositories (in essence skipping the "business layer"). In essence it serves the same purpose as my Business layer, it does the validation, however its' responsibility (and naming) is a higher level, more coarse grained business transaction. Using the example above the TradingService.submitTrade() will not delegate to any business manager classes, it would itself query the necessary repositories, perform all the validation etc.
I like my design in a sense that I can reuse a business layer method in multiple service calls, however I hate the fact that for every repository I have a matching business layer manager, creating tons of extra work. Maybe the solution is a different type of grouping at the Business Layer level? For example combine individual Manager classes like PhoneManager and EmailManager (note I have Phone entities and Email entities) into a logical Manager class such as ContactsManager (note I don't have a "Contact" entity type). With methods such as ContactManager.GetPhones() and ContactManager.GetEmail(), etc.
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Jan 27, 2011
Looking for best practice focused answers here with explanations.
Should the presentation layer of an ASP.Net app catch and handle exceptions thrown from the business layer, or should these be allowed to bubble out, where they can all be logged and handled uniformly in the Global.ascx's Application_Error handler?
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Oct 9, 2010
I have error handling in Application_Error event of globals.asax file. Inside this event, I'm using Response.Redirect(~errorview.aspx) method, for redirection to site which is able to handle errors in user friendly way.
Everything works fine, unless exception is rising in Application_Start event. When error occurs there, my application gets trapped in infinite loop with the Application_Error method hit repeatedly. What is more, the page I'm redirecting to never gets hit. Changing Response.Redirect(~errorview.aspx) method to Response.Redirect(~errorview.aspx, false) changes nothing.
The good news is, when Response.Redirect(~errorview.aspx) has been replaced with Server.Transfer(~errorview.aspx), errorview.aspx page succesfully gets hit.
The side effect now is not loading CSS, and errorview.aspx page looks ugly. What is more, the CSS is not loaded only when exception occurs in Application_Start event. Exceptions thrown from any other place don't make the CSS mess.
How I can handle this problem in correct way, and why the CSS is missing in the one particular situation ? What is the appropriate way of handling errors in my case ?
For CSS loading, I'm using this:
<link href="~/Css/Layout/style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
runat="server" ID="_uid" />
error page I'm transfering from: http://localhost/APP/Pages/Module/Pages/ErrorView.aspx
css folder path: http://localhost/APP/Pages/Module/CSS/Layout/style.css
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Jun 3, 2010
here i have in 3-tier architecture , how to pass the data between DAL and BAL. i am using grid view to edit the data,when ever i click on the edit button all the corresponding fields should come to textboxes. i tried for delete ,it works fine bt not working to EDIT.
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Nov 21, 2010
I've got a C# MVC 2 application using EF 4. My DAL project gets data from the Model, translates them into POCO's and returns ViewModels to the BLL which is called from the controllers.I've set up validation attributes on the POCO classes and that works for "Required" fields etc. I would like to add business logic such as "From" has to be before the "To" date. Can this be done on the POCO classes so it is automatically validated client-side in the view?
Also, I would like to add some functionality to the BLL layer such as checking if a resource is already booked between the From and To dates to avoid double bookings. This should fire before the ViewModel is saved. I tried a Try/Catch statement in the controller so that I can throw an error in the BLL, but I don't understand how to return this error to the view with an appropriate error message added.
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Apr 19, 2010
I have a textbox control i disabled view state at page and control level.i entered a value in the text box and click a button there is a postback,no business logic in the button click event.The values in the testbox are persisting though i disabled at the control level and page level.
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Feb 7, 2011
After hitting the insert button the insert stored proc is run. if the record already exists then stored proc returns a specific value.I need to refill the details view textboxes with the values the user typed in.I am using the ItemInserted event handler.I seem to reference the control okay but the text doesn't change...even when I replace the command.parameter to just a literal text like "test".
TextBox tNPA = DetailsView1.FindControl("InsertName") as TextBox;
tNPA.Text = command.Parameters[0].Value.ToString();
So what am I missing. I also tried a detailsview1.databind() before and then tried after the above line and still no luck.
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Sep 9, 2010
As I am learning and working on Asp.Net MVC application, I want to know that what is the better place to write Business Logic and Data Access logic in MVC.Where should I write DataAccess and Business Logic among three layers (Model, View and Controller) ??Could anybody please tell me the correct way to write the code for this.Scenario: I want to retrieve all the employees where employee name like 'Mi%' ( I have SQL procedure to execute and retrieve the data.)PS: Want to know that where I should create instance of Business Logic class and where I should create instance of Data Access layers class?
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Sep 16, 2010
I'm building a first MVC app in ASP.NET and I'm using link2SQL model to work with data.All tutorials on the microsoft site let you write LINQ code in the controller to get data and pass it to the view, like this:
Function Index() As ActionResult
Dim datacontext As New ErrorVaultDataContext
Dim questions = From q In datacontext.Questions
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Oct 16, 2010
I have to maintain an ASP.net application in VB.Net. There is a page with a FormView bound to a ObjectDataSource. I have to add some business logic on the ItemUpdating event of this FormView. Unfortunately, some the data that I need to add this business logic is not exposed on the FormView user-interface itself, so I can not use FindControl to get the values (I could add the controls, bind them to the fields I need and set their visible property to true, but that's ugly).
So, what I would need to do is to get access to the Data Row corresponding to the currently selected item in the FormView from the code behind as it has the data I need to add my business logic code. Unfortunately, I don't manage to get access to the row.
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Mar 8, 2011
Suppose you have to query a lot of tables and calculate some values and spit it out to the user. Is it ok to have all the business logic for this in the stored procedures? Or is it a better practice to return all the data to the application and do all the data manipulation and rolling up in there?
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May 8, 2010
Is there a way that a hacker or someone who wants to copy my software logic, can reverse engineer the business logic that I have in a webservice?
Is there a way to protect such information?
My development platform in .net asp.net and C#
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May 5, 2010
what's is better?That I put my business logic in the sqls(DataStore) or in the C#.DataSore:
What's faster and better?
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