Web Forms :: Download File Using New Window When Download Button Is Clicked
Sep 2, 2013I need to download a .mp3 file from a folder. during download a new blank page should open and after downloading it should close automatically.
View 1 RepliesI need to download a .mp3 file from a folder. during download a new blank page should open and after downloading it should close automatically.
View 1 RepliesWhen I click on download link button which has the path of the file stored on the gridview how to pass only the filename to the query string... like for example URL....presentation. pdf is the file name and it will be displayed with the path stored on the gridview.. How to extract the filename and make it download on a new window by passing the filename on the query string..
View 1 Repliesi have stored the txtfile in the database.i need to show the txtfile when i clik the link. and this link has to be created dynamically.
my code below:
aspx code:
i have got the link dynamically, but i did not able to download the txtfile when i clik the link. how to carry out this.
I have a panel visible=false and download button. After clicking the download button file will download and should panel visible=true;
here problem is panel is not visible after download the file.
I have gv as follows: Refresh Page when Download Button is clicked in ASP.Net
View 1 RepliesIn my .aspx page, I have an image button that when clicked I want a file to download.
When the button is clicked, it logs things to do db first.
How can I push a file for download? I don't want to stream the file via asp.net on the server-side, just let the user download the file.
Due to requirements, I need to open a popup window (javascript window.open(url)) and the url value is an aspx page that downloads a file.
I've tried numerous variations of this code: writing to buffer, Response.WriteFile(), Response.End(), etc...
Nothing works.
All the page does is pop up for about a second and then disappears. I can step thru the code in debugger, but the file never gets downloaded.
I've seen several other posts about this in various places, but no definitive answer.
I am using IIS7 Windows 2008 server.
I was following this tutorial and it worked perfectly: [URL] ....
I was wondering how do I archive this: the file name will be a link button (or whatever the best way is) and when click on the name, it will download the file (instead of haing an additonal "Download" column)?
i am using amazon s3 service. now i want to show download dialog box in my asp.net application when user come on download page. i am using amazon sdk.
View 1 RepliesI'm about to submit my pad file to multiple sharware sites but the pad file has to have a direct link to the download file and can't link to a download page which is what I would like to do, so I can track the traffic and get the downloader's email before allowing the download. I am running an ASP.NET site in VB. Is there a way to tell the web app to redirect to a specific aspx page when it receives a request for a specific file?
View 1 RepliesI have added linkbutton inside gridview to download, below is my code..
protected void lnkDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
its giving me following error
"Unable to evaluate expression because the code is optimized or a native frame is on top of the call stack"
I am exporting a datatable to an excel sheet. When the ExportToExcel event is fire it pops up a "file download dialog" asking if I want to open or save. What I want to do is right after user clicks on open, or save I would like to show a modal popup saying "Do you want to finalize this download?".
Here is some code, it all works except it won't show modal popup after exporting to excel. Why won't mpeFinalizeDownload.Show() run unless I comment out the line above it?
I have a gridview which bind from a database. It populates my data which is Name, Address, Pic, PicLocation. I have a question regarding downloading the Picture/Documents that the user will upload. In my PicLocation column, it contain where the picture is located(where i saved it, like C:Pictures) from the server while in my Pic column it contain where the picture was saved inside my program location (~Pictures).
My question is how can i download the picture that was uploaded by a user? I think I can use the PicLocation here. I am using VB as my language..
I tried this method:
string alteredname = "/store/" + filenames;
string filepath = Server.MapPath(alteredname);
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(filepath);
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "Attachment;FileName:" + file.Name);
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString());
Response.ContentType = "APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM";
but the downloaded file is losing extension. I am getting the file in the name of the page form which I am downloading.
I am downloading file in the asp.net application , where i need to hide the cancel button .i have to show only save button.
View 1 RepliesI've created my wonderful winforms app that I want to unleash upon the world, and now I am trying to create a simple website to host some basic information and link to the setup file (msi installer file ).
I have a button on the asp.net page and the setup file setupApp.msi in same folder as the asp.net page. I am currently trying the following:
But this best guess at what to do is not working. Is there something wrong with Mime types here? What do I need to put in the click event to allow users to download this file?
i m creating asp.net Mobile website page to download symbian .sis file to mobile ,but its not geting download properly.its working perfectly on desktop.
View 2 RepliesI'm working on an ASP.NET application. Currently when the user clicks "Save" on an item, we disable the Save button, change its text to "Saving..." and so on. This works fine, because the button causes a postback which results in a new page being loaded, on which the Save button is no longer disabled.
We now want to apply this to other actions: Publish (not much different from Save), Import (again, much like Save, but based on data the user has uploaded in a previous step), Export (downloads an XML file to the user) etc.
Export is causing me problems - the button stays disabled. I think this is because the server sends back an XML file rather than a new web page, and so the browser just displays the same page.
The server-side code is along the lines of
Response.BufferOutput = true;
Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + whatever);
[push file contents into Response.OutputStream]
a way of making the server send a fresh page back in the response as well as the XML, thus re-enablnig the button in the same manner that the other pages do, ora way of getting the browser/JS to re-enable the button once the file has been sent.
I'm usign the following funtion to download a file from griview link button.
This code works fine without the Update Panel in the form.
If i put grid inside the updatepanel, i can't download the file. shows System.WebForms Cannot parse file.
//protected void LnkDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// LinkButton Lnk = sender as LinkButton;
// string filepath = Server.MapPath(Lnk.CommandArgument.ToString());
// System.IO.FileInfo myfile = new System.IO.FileInfo(filepath);
// if (myfile.Exists)
// {
// Response.ClearContent();
// Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + myfile.Name);
// Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", myfile.Length.ToString());
// Response.ContentType = "application//octet-stream";
// Response.TransmitFile(myfile.FullName);
// Response.End();
// }
In my project, I've created a download button. This button shall perform 3tasks:
1. Change label text
2. Download file
3. Make the button invisible
The following code changes the label text and make the button invisible:
Protected Sub btnDownload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDownload.Click
lblDownload.Text = "<h3>Thank you for downloading </h3>"
btnDownload.Visible = False
End Sub
When I add a piece of code that handles the file download, the label text is not changed and button remains visible.
Here is the code:
Protected Sub btnDownload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDownload.Click
Dim URL As String = "~/myfile.exe"
Dim fileInfo As FileInfo = New FileInfo(Server.MapPath(URL))
If fileInfo.Exists Then
[Code] ....
File downloading cancels other operations.
I used updateProgress for Downloading File on button click.
it works but when downloading Completes, progress bar did not disappears.
I have an ASP.NET page (using ASP.NET AJAX and the Telerik RAD components) that provides a data table and an option to download data in CSV format.I have a requirement that a single button allow the user to download a data set. I have a system set up that's nearly working for me based off the solution in
<asp:Button ID="ExportCsvButton" runat="server" Text="Download to CSV/Excel"
byte[] csvBytes = someLongOperation();
Session[EXPORTED_SESSION_KEY] = csvBytes;
Response.Redirect("myexportpage.aspx", true);
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "file.csv");
Response.ContentType = "text/csv";
Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "public");
Response.BinaryWrite(Session[OtherPage.EXPORTED_SESSION_KEY] as byte[]);
This actually works quite well. When I click the 'Export to CSV' button, the page's UpdateProgress kicks in and my loading overlay appears (it's a CSS div that covers the window when visible). This can take some time depending on the data set (potentially several minutes), at which point I'm getting a window popup with my file.
I have a few linkbuttons that each open the save dialog to let users save file to the local machine. But after any link is clicked the page is dead afterwards (nothing works) and page has to be refreshed.
So do I have to force refresh after download is complete or does it have to do something with postback?
StringCollection strValuesToSearch = new StringCollection();
string stringToReplace;
stringToReplace = TextBox1.Text;
I have some pdf files in my solution explorer.What i want is when users click on my linkbutton which relates to one of the pdf files,I want "Download file" window to bring up.How can i do that?
View 3 RepliesI am having a web form initially which have href as follows
<a href="downloadInfo.aspx">ACH File Management System Trail(msi)</a>
<a href="downloadInfo.aspx">ACH File Management System Trail(zip)</a>
These are my two anchor tags when i click on this i will redirect both to a same page where user has to fill details and a mail will be send to the user for the given mail id. When the user clicks on mail i would like to have the download for which he opted to download. If msi means i would like to prompt msi file to be downloaded and if zip it should be downloaded I need this to be worked with out using query-string