Web Forms :: Dropdown Selected Item Not Display?

Mar 16, 2010

I use telerik radgrid, where i add dropdown column for add and edit new grid row.When i update grid row item the dropdown value is not disply in dropdown list, but disply in dropdown first data.

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Similar Messages:

Data Controls :: Display Selected Item In Dropdown And Textbox In GridView

Apr 14, 2012

i am making a web page in which there is a dropdown list and a text box.i want to display the selected item in dropdown and textbox in a Gridview.

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C# - Dropdown - Get The Value Of The First Item In The List Regardless Of What Item Is Actually Selected

Dec 3, 2010

I have a drop down list control populated with items and some code to take the currently selected item value. The problem is I only get the value of the first item in the list regardless of what item is actually selected. Here is my code to populate the drop down:

protected void displayCreateCategories()
StoreDataContext db = new StoreDataContext();
var a = from c in db.Categories
orderby c.Name
select new{catName= c.Name,
ddlCategory.DataSource = a;
ddlCategory.DataTextField = "catName";
ddlCategory.DataValueField = "catId";

To get the value of the currently selected item which in my case is always of type integer I do label1.text=Convert.toInt32(ddlCategory.SelectedValue); I get the selected value, but it is always for the 1st item in the list. I'm pulling my hair out over this.

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MVC :: Get Value For Item Selected In DropDown?

Dec 28, 2010

How do I get the value for item selected from my dropdown in my controller?

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MVC :: Dropdown List Selected Item Asp.2

Jul 24, 2010

After validation dropdown list do not select previous value.

<%: Html.DropDownList("Country",(SelectList)ViewData["Country"],"") %>

However in Quick View there is correct selected value. :(

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MVC :: Validate DropDown Item Selected?

Dec 30, 2010

I have form with a HTML.DropDownList and a HTML.SubmitButton. I would like to validate item selected in dropdownlist once there is a click in submitbutton. Any ideas?

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Stored Procedure When Dropdown Item Is Selected And Show Repeater?

Jul 9, 2010

I have one repeater on page which has his own sql data source. I've placed 2 dropdown lists on the page. The repeater has jQuery DataTable plugin. With 2 dropdownlist I wish to change the sql stored procedures so when each will be selected the data in repeater will change. When user select the first there will be only data (users) according to selected item and in the second the same. I wrote 2 simple functions for changing stored procedure of repeater and rebiding it. Everything works but when I try the second one and then the first I always get warning about error "Procedure or function .... has too many arguments specified".

I think that when I select the first one the second function is still called although I don't call it.


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C# - Dropdown List Selected Item Always Set To Default Value

Jan 17, 2011

I wish to pass values of the selected items into a database and however noticed that the selected item is not what is sent into the database you can see in the snap shot below. during run time the following value is recorded. Where did it all go wrong with the dropdown lists selected item? Counting on your intelligence.

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Dropdown Remove Selected Item On Post Back?

Nov 29, 2010

i have a place order form and i have a drop down list that contains list of items whenever i add item (for example item1) to place order and click add another item button, i need to remove (item1 ) from drop down list to avoid dupplicate insert in sql table or mayb need to fill the drop down but without (item1) cause i already selected it i am using sql datasource to fill the drop down list of items.

View 13 Replies

JQuery :: How To Create A Bubble Up For Dropdown Selected Item

Nov 23, 2010

I am facing a problem with jquery bubbleup plugin....

My goal is to show selected item text in a bubble up on the top of the asp.net dropdown list...

I did it on the server side and its working fine....now i want to do it in a nice way using jquery....

I am not concern with only bubble up...

anything which shows my selected item text in the dropdown list...because some text in the drop down is very big and we are unable to see it..

I do have around 10 dropdown lists on my page and all are inside formviews...

so its better to operate on class selector...like $('.mydropdown').val();

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Display The Selected Value In Dropdown From DB

Oct 14, 2010

this is with ref & continuation of post [URL]

in which day drop is dynamicalluy populated at run time based on the month selected

the values selected are stored in the database.

suppose the user selects NOV 22 of the current year

when the user want to rertive the same stored data i need NOV in month dropdown & 22 in day dropdown

i get the month correctly but day dropdown is balnk

View 14 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Display Text From Selected Dropdownlist Item Without Using Button

Feb 20, 2011

I have one label and one dropdownlist which contain "red" and "blue". When I select "red" from dropdownlist, the label will display "You select RED" and if I select "blue", it will display "You select BLUE". The text is display immediatelly after selected without using BUTTON.

I have try to put the codes in Page_Load but not functioning, below is my code:


Can anyone guide me how to do this and I'm using C#?

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Display Selected Item Of ListBox In Label Or TextBox

May 7, 2015

i want to display value in textbox when a value is selected in listbox in webapplication vb.net.

Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:UsersUserDocumentsDatabase4.accdb")
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand()
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = "Select ID,product from List"
' cmd.CommandText = CommandType.Text
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)


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AJAX :: Combobox Is Seen As Dropdown Not Showing Cursor Selected Item In The List?

Mar 8, 2011

I have set the Dropdownstyle to DropDown but its still not highlighting the item in the list

<ajaxToolkit:ComboBox ID="cmbstudentid" runat="server"
AppendDataBoundItems="True" AutoPostBack="True"

Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Size="Small" [code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Choose Item From Dropdown List And Display In A Separate URL?

Sep 1, 2010

I've a dropdown list for departments (engineering, bio, chemistry,physics etc.) when somebody choose the departments from the dropdown list, it displays the opening closing time(hours) in a detailsview controls.

I have separate homepage for these departments ( these are the static html pages and no way to send querystring value) and I want to link the hours for each department from the departmental homepage.

When I choose the department from the DDL, everytime it's the same URL.

How can I solve the problem So that I can point the respective hours from the respective departments ?

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Web Forms :: Label Control Can't Display The Value Selected In Dropdown List

Jan 18, 2011

I try to display the selected value with dropdown list by using label control but cant display it in firefox but works fine in internet explorer.

Below are my code:


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Web Forms :: Clicking The Label Of A Dropdown List - Resets The Selected Value To The First Item In The List?

Feb 17, 2010

Clicking the label of a drop down list, re-sets the selected value to the first item in the list. This has a history of causing data entry problems when users accidently click on the label.

In the below example ddlContactType has a selected value as 'PRIMARY' and whenever i click on the lblContactType Text, the dropdown box Selected value is changing to "Select One" Text.

How to prevent this one. It should be on PRIMARY Only.

<tr> <td ><asp:Label ID="lblContactType" Font-Bold="true" Text="Contract Type: *" ForeColor= "red" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="ddlContactType"></asp:Label> </td> <td > <asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="ddlContactType" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource2" AppendDataBoundItems="true"
DataTextField="TYPE" DataValueField="ID" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("CONTACT_TYPE_ID") %>'>
<asp:ListItem Text="Select One" Value="0" Selected="True"></asp:ListItem>.......

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Populate Data Control When Dropdown Item Is Selected

Sep 3, 2010

I'm currently working on a project and I want to make as much things as possible performing on client side - with as little loading as possible. The project consist of three "main" pages. On one page I use jQuery DataTable plugin which is working great. One page has tabs (using jQuery). I want to put datacontrol (repeater) on this site and when user selects one item in dropdown, data in repeater loads on client side, without performing the action on server.

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Dropdown To Display Respective States When Specific Country Is Selected Similarly For Cities

May 19, 2010

I need a dropdown to display respective states when specific country is selected similarly for cities. I kept 3 dropdowns for country, state and city with 3 different tables with primary, foreign key constraints and stored procedures. The Stored Procedure is as shown ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Usp_countryselect]

-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
SELECT [country_id], [country_name]
FROM country
Similarly for states and city.

The code for populate lists is as shown

public class PopulateLists
public int FillCountry(ref System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList drpdown)
SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase();
DbCommand cmd=db.GetStoredProcCommand("USP_countryselect");
DataSet dsCountry= db.ExecuteDataSet(cmd);
drpdown.DataSource =dsCountry.Tables[0] ; drpdown.DataTextField=dsCountry.Tables[0].Columns["country_name"].ToString() ;
drpdown.DataValueField = dsCountry.Tables[0].Columns["country_id"].ToString() ;
return 1;
public int FillState(ref System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList drpdown)
SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand("USP_statesselect");
DataSet dsStates = db.ExecuteDataSet(cmd);
drpdown.DataSource = dsStates.Tables[0];
drpdown.DataTextField = dsStates.Tables[0].Columns["state_name"].ToString();
drpdown.DataValueField = dsStates.Tables[0].Columns["state_id"].ToString();
return 1;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void BindDropdowns()
PopulateLists objPopulateLists = new PopulateLists();
int bytReturn;
bytReturn = objPopulateLists.FillCountry(ref Drpcountry);
bytReturn = objPopulateLists.FillState(ref Drpstate);
bytReturn = objPopulateLists.FillCity(ref Drpcity);

But in the output screen it is displaying all the values in the dropdowns irrespective of country and state selection.

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Web Forms :: When Selecting An Item From One Dropdown List It Populates The 2nd Dropdown On Aspx Page?

Sep 8, 2010

Does anyone know how to do this so when I select something the 1st dropdown and the 2nd one becomes visible and populates list from a Select statement. I really need help on how to do in an aspx and not on the code behind page.

View 12 Replies

Web Forms :: Redirecting A User Selected Item In A Drop Down List To Another Item?

Feb 10, 2010

I have a list with 2 sorts of items. Items that have actual values (1,2,3,4 etc) and items that are like group headings so all their values are set to 0. If someone decides to select a group heading - which has a value of 0, is it possible to redirect them to my 'Select an item' item which has a value of ""?

If worse comes to worse, I can just reconstruct the entire list, although if possible I'd like to avoid it.

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Web Forms :: DropDownList Selected Item Is Lost And Default Item Is Inserted In Database On Button Click

Jul 16, 2012

I bind dropdownlist in my page

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
BindDropDownList(DDL1, "city1", "name", "ID");
DDL1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("select city", "0"));

And SP

LTER procedure [dbo].[city1]
select id,Name
from city

And design code

 <asp:DropDownList ID="DDL2" runat="server" CssClass="daddsd">

And here is imagebutton code that when click on it update data into table

protected void ImageButton_Click1(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) {
string data = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["BehCode2"]);
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("insertinfo", _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

[Code] ....

Here when i click on button it insert all data into table but it didn't insert my selected item from dropdownlist it insert select city that i define in page_load

 DDL1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("select city", "0"));

And when i delete this code from page load it insert in table first row of my table it didn't insert my selected item from dropdown list.

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Web Forms :: Populate One DropDown According To Selected Value From Another DropDown Without Refreshing Page

Mar 11, 2014

I have seen article in code snippet but i have never used web services so that is complicated .

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Forms Data Controls :: Get The Selected Item From The Listbox In The Selected Index Changed Event

Feb 28, 2011

How to get the selected item from the listbox in the selected index changed event. I tried: Label1.Text = ListBox1.SelectedItem.Text; It is giving me object set to null reference.

foreach (ListItem item in ListBox1.Items)
if (item.Selected)
//lblResults.Text += item.Text + "
Label1.Text = item.Text;

No use, no value coming in to label.

View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Fill Value In DropDown Box According To Value Selected In Another DropDown Box

Feb 1, 2013

How to fill the value in drop down box according to value  selected in another drop down box?

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