Web Forms :: Dynamically Change Text Size In Existing Website?

Mar 4, 2010

Just want to have normal and Large Text for vision impaired users.

does anyone have any decent ideas about how to do this ?

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Change Font Size On Website?

Mar 4, 2010

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how would i go about doing this ?

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Change Font Size In A Panel?

Nov 5, 2010

I have two panels in a formview. The first panel has a dynamically set image to be used as a stationary background and it has a fixed size. Inside of this panel, I have a second panel with its Z-index set to overlay the first panel. This second "text" panel has five labels in it. These five labels contain text of varying lengths. Some much longer than others.

How can I dynamically change the font size of the labels in the second panel (or the panel as a whole) so that the text (remember it has verying lengths) is contained within the margins of the stationary panel?

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I should've mentioned - I am working in VB.

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Web Forms :: Change The Font Size Of A Span Dynamically?

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linkStr = "<span style=""font-size:11pt; font-Weight:bold; color:white""><br />IN: " & t_in & _
"<br />OUT: " & t_out & "<br /><br />Daily Hrs: " & t_hours & _
"<br /><br />Wkly Hrs: " & total_hours_final & "<br />OT: " & over_time & "</span>"

e.Cell.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl(linkStr))Using: Visual Web Developer 2008; Asp.net; VB.net Code; Access db

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why the following instruction does not work?

<asp:Image runat="server" ImageUrl="Imageslue.gif" Width="30" Height='<%# Eval("Numero") %>'> </asp:Image>

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Web Forms :: Textbox.text And Label.text Won't Change Dynamically?

Oct 20, 2010

I have an asp page with a textboxes, labels and other controls. I cannot get the .text to change in any of these controls. I click on button which I execute code that I expect to update the text but it doesn't work. Something like Textbox1.text = "Hello" Are there page level properties/settings I should look at? I am perplexed an looking for a place to start. I will provide more information as needed. I just don't know where to start.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Changing Size Of Content Placeholder Based On Browser Size?

Oct 14, 2010

I know the content palcehlder does not have a size ,I have a masterpage and content page, the master page has a table with a header, content area, and footer, header and footer are fixed size, content area is 100%. As the user sizes the browser the content area grows and shrinks and the footer stays at the
bottom of the browser window - perfect!

Problem: The contentpalceholder does not grow to fill the available content area. Now, the contentplaceholder gets its size from its contents, which in this case is a div holding a silverlight object.I was thinking I could hook the master or child page's re-size event and somehow pass that info onto the SL object, but as it turns out (and I'm surprised I never knew this) there is no aps.net page re-size event! (really?, wow.)

So is there a way to get a SL object hosted on a master page to size itself based on the size of the browser window?Or more generally, a way to size the contents (like a div or panel) of a contentplaceholder based on the browser? on a standard aspx page (not a master page) I CAN get the SL object to size itself based on the broswer, the problem seems to come from the fact that I'm hosting the SL object in a content placeholder.

I guess I could 'unroll' the master page into several standalone pages and have it work, but the menu is on the master page and I'm used to using them, plus it's already done...<sigh>

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Data in GridView(headertext column)

apple banana eggplant dove carrot

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like this

Button1.Text = GetLocalResourceObject("Button1")
then in the button click event i cnage the text of the Button control
Button1.Text = GetLocalResourceObject("Button1_new")
but the text doesn't change and no error messgae
what is the problem how to solve this

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I wrote the below code for it but it is not working :

while (Global.reader.Read())
if (Global.reader["Click"].Equals(true))
Button btnSold = (Button)e.Row.Cells[9].Controls[0];

[Code] .....

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Apr 25, 2010

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Web Forms :: Changing Font Size Dynamically?

Mar 8, 2010

We have a database with around 5000 records in it. We also have a web page that displays many of the fields. One field is an nText field and displays up to several paragraphs. My customer wants me to add those A+ and A- buttons for increasing and decreasing the font size for this field. My problem is that many of the older records have quite a bit of formatting in the field. Most of the rest contain styles dictating a font size of 12 px. Is there a way to increase and decrease the font soze of the text without modifying all the records?

Here's an example:


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Web Forms :: Deploy An Application In Existing Website?

Nov 4, 2010

What are the options available to call another web applications hosted in the same server. Eg: i have a application App1 and App2 hosted on the same server.i just wanted to call App2 from App1 how would i do it.

The most important point is that I can not change the url on the address bar to call the page of the 2nd web application.

Whatever I have achieved so far is I have added a link to my 1st application which redirects to the 2nd application, but it is changing the url on the address bar, I want to redirect to the 2nd application from within the 1st application.

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